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词汇 White Dwarf
释义 White Dwarf ˌwaɪtˈdwɔːf 短语⁵²⁰⁴⁹

a faint star of enormous density近义词 white dwarf star白矮星
It is then referred to as aWhite Dwarf.这时,它被称为白矮星。
Each white dwarf is a burned up, dying star like the sun.每个白矮星都是类似于太阳燃烬后残存的恒星,
A white dwarf is the inert remnant of what used to be a sunlike star.白矮星是类似太阳的恒星在死亡后所留下恒久不变的残骸。
As the white dwarf spins, the columns of infalling gas rotate with it.当白矮星自转时,被吸入的气柱也跟著一起转起来。
Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star,it must be a black hole.因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是白矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。
The researchers suggest that there are many white dwarf stars throughout this halo.研究人员猜想,光晕内到处有白矮星。 A white dwarf is a“ dead” star that doesn't generate its own energy like the sun does, Provencal says.
Provencal表示,白矮星是一颗“死”恒星,不像太阳那样自己生成能量。 yeeyan

The center of that star then transformed into a white dwarf, at once very hotmore than100,000 Kelvin and very small.
恒星的中心变成了白矮星,曾经非常热10万 K非常小。 yeeyan

“ The sun will one day become a white dwarf star, which is why we're interested in knowing more about them and what happens to any planets the original star might have had, ” Provencal notes.
“太阳总有一天会变成白矮星,这也是为什么我们有兴趣去了解更多以及如同原恒星那样在所有行星身上发生的一切。”在他笔记中这样写到。 yeeyan

“The distance of this white dwarf from the Sun is63 light-years, which is very near our solar system compared with most stars in our galaxy”, Luhman said.

A white dwarf star pulsates or quakes as waves of energy travel through it.
当有能量波穿过白矮星时,它就会跳动或是震动。 yeeyan

A white dwarf retains about half of its mass but becomes incredibly dense because of its small size.
白矮星的质量只有以前的一半,体积很小,因此非常致密。 yeeyan

Eventually— over tens or even hundreds of billions of years— a white dwarf cools until it becomes a black dwarf, which emits no energy.
在几百亿年甚至几千亿年之后,白矮星最终冷却形成黑矮星,后者不再散发任何能量。 yeeyan

If a binary includes a white dwarf, gas pulled from a companion onto the white dwarf's surface can fuse violently in a flash called a nova.
如果一个双星系统包含一个白矮星,从伴星上抽离的气体会落在白矮星的表面,在一瞬间引发猛烈的聚变反应,即新星。 yeeyan

In a later stage of the sun's death throes, when it contracts into a compact white dwarf star, part of this rocky material could rain down into the white dwarf's hot atmosphere.
在垂死挣扎的后期,太阳会收缩成为高密度的白矮星,这时部分岩石物质可能会降落到白矮星炽热的大气中。 yeeyan

It may be the remains of a carbon- rich white dwarf star.
它很可能是白矮星留下的残余物,白矮星核心堆积有大量的碳。 yeeyan

It orbits the “ white dwarf” core of a star.
它环绕着一颗恒星的白矮星内核运动。 huanqiu

Meanwhile, Agol believes that Earth- sized planets might end up close to a white dwarf, where they could have habitable temperatures for billions of years.
同时,阿戈尔认为,大小相当于地球的行星最终可能距离白矮星较近,因此可能会在几十亿年里一直拥有适合居住的温度。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the sunlike star aged in the normal way, eventually swelling, blowing off its outer layers and collapsing to the white hot ember known as a white dwarf star.
同时,与太阳差不多的恒星以正常的方式衰老,最终膨胀、脱去外层并坍缩成白色热烬,也就是白矮星。 yeeyan

The primary target is a white dwarf star known as GD358 in the constellation Hercules.
第一颗目标恒星是武仙星群中一颗称为 GD358的白矮星。 yeeyan

The star, which was similar to our sun, had died peacefully and turned into a dense white dwarf.
这颗和我们太阳类似的恒星,已经安然逝去并演变成了一颗密实的白矮星。 yeeyan

The white dwarf would have shone like our sun until its outer layers were expelled into space in the final stages of a star's life.
这颗白矮星就像太阳照射地球一样照射这颗星球,直到它走到生命尽头,外层逐渐冷却。 huanqiu

This novel is like a white dwarf, all mass and density.
这部小说像一个白矮星,通篇篇幅大却又缜密。 ecocn

This implies that white dwarf mergers dominate in these galaxies.

This leads the researchers to suspect that a white dwarf star strayed too close to the intermediate- mass black hole and was ripped apart by tidal forces.
这导致研究人员怀疑一个迷途的白矮星离某个中等质量黑洞太接近了,并受其潮汐引力的撕扯。 yeeyan

When a white dwarf takes on enough mass in this manner it reaches a level called the chandrasekhar limit.
当一颗白矮星以这种方式增长到足够的质量时,它将达到一个称为钱德拉塞卡极限的质量标准。 yeeyan

With its nuclear fuel exhausted, this brief, spectacular, closing phase of a sun- like star's life occurs as its outer layers are ejected and its core becomes a cooling, fading white dwarf.
随着其核燃料的用尽,这个短暂的、壮观的、像太阳一样恒星的临近结束阶段而发生变化,因为它的外层喷发,而内核变成一个逐渐冷却、逐渐褪色的白矮星过程。 yeeyan

Within this nebula, the hot core of the star remains— crushed to high density by gravity— as a white dwarf with temperatures over180,000 degrees Fahrenheit100,000 degrees Celsius.
在星云内部,恒星的热核仍然存留着——其由重力挤压成了高密度物体——即温度超过180,000华氏度100,000摄氏度的白矮星。 yeeyan




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