

单词 white cotton
释义 white cotton短语³⁸⁷²⁰
A young, lanky, man with grey blue eyes and short black hair wearing khaki pants and a white cotton tee was cowering against the wall.
一个身材瘦长的年轻人靠在在墙上蜷缩成一团,他长着一双蓝灰色的眼睛,留着一头乌黑的短发,穿着卡其布长裤和白色棉 T恤衫。 yeeyan

Appearing for tea at his downtown hotel in a white T-shirt, khakis and thick white cotton socks, he radiated not the electric charisma of a superstar but the casual serenity of a Zen monk on holiday.
穿着白色 T恤卡其外衣出现在下榻旅馆的茶室里,他举手投足流露出来的不是超级明星的慑人魅力而是如禅宗僧侣般不经意的静谧气质。 bbs.ent.163.com

Declaring the end of the worst of winter, I put the white cotton slipcover on the sofa and replaced the heavier oriental rug with a lighter jute rug.
宣告结束的冬季最糟糕的,我把沙发上的白棉沙发套,代之以用打火机黄麻地毯较重的东方地毯。 ymtie

Here's an easy way to tell if a food might be at fault: Anything that can stain a white cotton T-shirt can stain teeth, say dentists.
这里有一个简单的方法来判断食物是否有问题:凡是可以使一件白色棉 T恤染色的,也可以使牙齿染色,牙医们都这么说。8057218.qzone.qq.com

I bought a white cotton T-shirt and some paints, and I painted a lion on the front.
我买了白色棉 T恤和一些油漆,我画的狮子前面。 sungx

They're seated cross- legged, dressed in loose white cotton shirts and baggy black trousers with bright- red sashes.
他们坐着,架着二郎腿,穿着宽松的白色棉衬衫,黑色的龙裤,裤子上镶着鲜红的饰带。 yeeyan

This article discusses color cotton dyeing and finishing, fiber property of color cotton and white cotton as well as color cotton spinnability.
文章详细讨论了原棉的染整加工工艺、色棉与白棉的纤维性能以及色棉的可纺性。 chemyq




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