

单词 white bear
释义 white bear hwaitbɛə 短语⁶⁵²⁸⁷
The phylogenetic relationship of Shennongjia white bear has been an open question.
神农架白熊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。 dictall

The body color of the white bear is a protective color, whatever enemies are difficult to find it.
白熊体色是一种极好保护色,无论什么敌害,都难以找到它踪影。 sai6

The white bear lumbers into a thicket and disappears.
白熊笨拙地走进一片灌木丛不见了踪影。 yeeyan

Well- versed in the complicated history and politics of whaling, he describes the long tradition of Arctic explorers who proved themselves by taking on the white bear.
作者对捕鲸业的复杂历史和政治非常熟悉,描绘了北极探险者们的悠久传统:与北极熊搏斗以证明自己。 ecocn

“ White Bear” I gave it this name is the date because it is whole body white, so give it a name.
“白熊”这个名字是我给它起的,因为它浑身雪白,所以给它取了这个名字。 yingyu

Even in those days, though, taking a white bear was taboo, a tradition that has continued through many generations.
但即使在那个时期,捕杀白熊也是一个禁忌,这一传统已经流传了很多代人。 yeeyan

For me, insomnia is my white bear.
对我来说,失眠就是我脑中的那头北极熊。 yeeyan

However, it is also likely to have nothing to do with the white bear in the picture.
但是,也有可能,至少那团毛发不属于照片中的白熊。 topsage

I once saw an old white bear attacked by a younger black bear.
我曾经看到一只年轻的黑熊袭击一只老白熊。 yousoon

In their classic work, they told people to not think about a white bear.
在他们最典型的工作中,他们告诉人们不要想一只白熊。 yeeyan

This was after a white bear with patches of brown fur was shot by hunters.
当时猎人们射杀了一只长着棕色斑块皮毛的白熊。 yeeyan

Using the white bear effect, we can create dream inception.
利用白熊效应,我们可以创造一种梦境基础。 yeeyan




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