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whis·tler 英ˈhwɪslə, ˈwɪs-美ˈhwɪslɚ, ˈwɪs-AHDhwĭsʹlər, wĭsʹ- 高COCA¹⁸⁴⁷⁰BNC³⁰⁰⁹⁰iWeb⁴⁷⁵⁴⁷ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.吹口哨的人⁵⁶;花白旱獭²²;啸&%2340543;;啸声干扰²²Whistler.n.惠斯勒姓氏复数whistlers Noun: United States painter 1834-1903someone who makes a loud high soundlarge North American mountain marmotlarge-headed swift-flying diving duck of Arctic regionsAustralian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling callwhistler mode noise啸声式噪声whistler train啸声串hydromagnetic whistler磁流哨声whistler radar啸声雷达whistler wave电子回旋波whistler mode propagation电 笛形传播…whistler valve笛阀 whistl-er名人|物⇒n.吹口哨的人⁵⁶;花白旱獭²²;啸&%2340543;;啸声干扰Whistler.n.惠斯勒姓氏近义词 thickhead笨人goldeneye白颊夫hoary marmot花白旱獭Marmota…
名词100% 用作名词Thewhistleris the son of our school's headmaster.这个吹着口哨的人是我们学校校长的儿子。 Not only is she a goodwhistler, but she can sing and dance too.这不仅是因为她口哨吹的好,她还很会唱歌和跳舞。as in.(tattletale 同义词 blabber,blabbermouth,busybody,canary,fink,gossip,informer,nark,quidnunc,rat,rumormonger,scandalmonger,snitch,snitcher,squeaker,squealer,stoolie,tabby,talebearer,taleteller,tattler,telltale,tipster,troublemaker,whistleblower,windbagbigmouth,fat mouth,gasser,peacher,polly,ratfink,sleazemonger,stool pigeon tattletalenoun gossip bigmouth,blabber,blabbermouth,busybody,canary,fat mouth,fink,gasser,gossip,informer,nark,peacher,polly,quidnunc,rat,ratfink,rumormonger,scandalmonger,sleazemonger,snitch,snitcher,squeaker,squealer,stool pigeon,stoolie,tabby,talebearer,taleteller,tattler,telltale,tipster,troublemaker,whistleblower,windbag tattletalesnoun gossip bigmouth,blabber,blabbermouth,busybody,canary,fat mouth,fink,gasser,gossip,informer,nark,peacher,polly,quidnunc,rat,ratfink,rumormonger,scandalmonger,sleazemonger,snitch,snitcher,squeaker,squealer,stool pigeon,stoolie,tabby,talebearer,taleteller,tattler,telltale,tipster,troublemaker,whistleblower,whistler,windbag Now he can finally call himself an Olympic champion after winning the gold medal Sunday in the men's combined event at Whistler Mountain. 他星期天在惠斯勒高山滑雪场赢得一面全能金牌之后,终于为自己加上了奥运冠军的头衔。 tingvoa The search giant has also mapped parts of Whistler Mountain, where some of the events, including the men's alpine skiing, are taking place. 搜索巨头Google已经绘制了威斯勒山的部分地图,这里将举办男子高山滑雪等项目。 yeeyan The Whistler and Cypress Creek venues have been dealing with a lack of snow and warm temperatures. 惠斯勒和柏树山比赛场地一直受到缺雪和温暖气候的干扰。 voanews The image on the left provides a view of the area from Vancouver northward to the Whistler skiing village. 左边的图像展现的是从温哥华到滑雪圣地惠斯勒村的全景。 yeeyan You have won! Thank you also to the supportive public authorities, the Four Host First Nations, and the cities of Vancouver, Whistler and Richmond. 同样感谢加拿大所有工作机构的支持,感谢四大东道主原住民族以及温哥华、惠斯勒和列治文三座城市。 putclub A ski trip to Whistler. Whistler is a famous ski resort. 看这张海报,去惠斯勒滑雪旅游,惠斯勒可是个有名的滑雪胜地。 ebigear At least another C$4 billion was spent on building sports venues and a fast rail line from the airport to downtown Vancouver, expanding the highway to Whistler and providing security. 而另外至少有40亿加元被用于修建比赛场馆以及一条从机场直达温哥华市中心的快速轨道交通线,还被运用于扩建温哥华至惠斯勒的公路,以及奥运期间的安保措施。 ecocn Just two hours outside Vancouver, there is Whistler Mountain. 出温哥华只有两小时路程,就有威斯勒山。 edu.sina.com.cn Li, who recently presented her results at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, will begin trials of Isorhy in rodents later this year. 李敏最近在分子和细胞生物学重点会议加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚,威斯勒上公布了这一研究结果,同时她将在今年晚些时候研究异钩藤碱对啮齿类动物的影响。 yeeyan Michael lets Self know that T- Bag has a Bird Book, which he believes contains Whistler's plans for breaking into the Company. 迈可告诉莎拉,“鸟书”目前在西奥多处,书中可能会含有威斯勒侵入“公司”的计划。 yeeyan My wife and I have used the money from this account to go skiing in The Rockies in Whistler, BC. 太太和我用这笔钱去惠斯勒山滑雪。 yeeyan North of the Olympic Village, the venues near Whistler appear as patchworks of green forest interrupted by long, thin trails of snowy white. 奥运村以北,惠斯勒村附近的比赛场馆交错的分布在被细长雪白的积雪地带包围的绿色的森林中,仿佛一幅拼贴画。 yeeyan Pad Man has Wyatt shoot Gretchen when he finds out that Whistler gave her a duplicate card. “将军”帕德曼在发现威斯勒上交给他们的是复制卡后,命令怀亚特射杀格雷琴。 yeeyan Pad Man instructs Wyatt to get rid of all those who are close to Whistler. “将军”下令怀亚特除掉所有与威斯勒接近的人。 yeeyan Self had been working with Whistler. 赛尔夫一直在与威斯勒合作。 yeeyan Several events are scheduled for the Whistler resort, as well as Cypress Mountain, but weather forecasters are calling for warm temperatures to continue. 有好几场比赛安排在了惠斯勒和柏树山,但是气象预报说温暖气候将持续下去。 kekenet She also developed relationships with interesting people. She became good friends with the American painters John Singer Sargent and James McNeill Whistler and the writer Henry James. 她还与一些有趣的人建立友谊,她是美国画家约翰.辛格.萨金特、詹姆士.麦克尼尔.惠斯特和作家亨利.詹姆士的好朋友。 yeeyan Suddenly, Whistler is shot by Wyatt, who takes the Scylla card. 忽然,怀亚特出现射倒了威斯勒,拿走了“锡拉”。 yeeyan The birthplace of the artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler is preserved as an art gallery. 当地名人,著名艺术家詹姆斯·艾伯特·麦克尼尔·惠斯勒的出生地被保护起来,并开辟为一座艺术馆。 yeeyan The orderly asks for documentation, so she knocks the guy out and grabs Whistler's cell phone from his belongings. 医院的勤务要求她提供证明文件,她打昏了那家伙,然后找到威斯勒的私人物品,拿到了其手机。 yeeyan Vancouver and the co- host resort community of Whistler have been busy preparing for the event since being awarded the Games in 2003. 自2003年获得主办权时起,温哥华就协同联合主办方惠斯勒度假村积极筹办该届赛事。 iciba Whistler has the data card that contains the names of the Company's agents. The card is referred to as Scylla. 威斯勒所持的卡包含了“公司”特工的姓名等信息,此卡被称为“锡拉”。 yeeyan Whistler is an hour and a half from downtown, and while winter there is all about skiing, in summer, you have access to great mountain biking, fishing and golfing. 惠斯勒离市中心一小时半路程,冬天你能在那儿滑雪,夏天你能骑山地车、钓鱼或打高尔夫。 i21st Whistler copied the card, unbeknownst to Gretchen. Michael traps them, and threatens to kill Gretchen until she lets him know that she faked Sara's death. 威斯勒偷偷背着格雷琴复制了这张卡,迈可堵住了他们,威胁要杀了格雷琴,格雷琴告诉了他,莎拉并没有死。 yeeyan Whistler is very safe and easy to get around in. 惠斯勒是个非常安全的地方,可以轻松地四处走动。 iciba |