

单词 whispering
释义 whispering 英'hwɪspərɪŋ 高COCA¹¹²³²BNC¹⁵⁵⁶⁰iWeb³⁶⁷¹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the windspeaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords
making a low continuous indistinct sound;

like murmuring waves

susurrant voices

whispering campaign政治诽谤运动…whisper低语whispering dome低音廊whispering gallery建回音廊whispering gallery propagation耳语波道传输…
whisper-ing动名词⇒n.窃窃私语⁵⁵;流言蜚语;飒飒声adj.耳语的;爱拨弄是非的;发飒飒声的动词whisper的现在分词形式.近义词 whisper低语rustling瑟瑟声susurrant耳语的murmuring嘟囔的rustle发出沙沙声susurration沙沙声voicelessnessvoiceless的名词…

用作名词Thewhisperingis from the children in the corner.孩子们在角落里窃窃私语。
The fan at the window made a smallwhispering.窗上的通风机发出了耳语般轻微的嗡嗡声。用作形容词A ghostly voice waswhisperingin his ears.幽灵般的低语声在他耳边回响。
His business rivals started awhisperingcampaign against him.他的生意对手开始造他的谣。
The wind waswhisperingin the roof.屋顶上风声飒飒。
The wind waswhisperingin the trees.一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。adj.murmuring
同义词 buzzing,humming,rustlingsusurrant
反义词 howling,screaming,shouting,yellingnoun.soft speaking
同义词 sough,susurration
反义词 roaring
gossipyadjective tending to gossip
blabbing,blabby,giving away,prattling,spilling,spilling the beans,talebearing,taletelling
hoarseadjective raspy in voice
murmurnoun low, continuous sound
reportnoun gossip, talk
advice,blow-by-blow,buzz,canard,chat,chatter,chitchat,comment,conversation,cry,dirt,earful,grapevine,hash,hearsay,intelligence,murmur,news,prating,rumble,rumor,scandal,scuttlebutt,small talk,speech,tattle,the latest,tidings,whispering,word
rustlingadjective murmuring
stage whispernoun whisper meant to be heard
aside,breathy voice,loud whisper,sotto voce,whisper,whispering A few were still whispering, but I sensed the room was about to fall into a trance of majestic silence.
一些人仍在低语,但是仍感觉到整间房已经开始进入了一种崇高的平静氛围。 yeeyan

The techniques of horse whispering, he claimed, could be used to build trust and confidence in all walks of life.
牛仔声称,他驯马耳语的技术可用于所有行业,获得信赖和建立信心。 ecocn

There was never a sound beside the wood but one, And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground.

What is this guy whispering?
这家伙在低语什么? yeeyan

Almost whispering, Bachir says he thinks he is about17 but isn't sure.
以近乎耳语的音量,贝希尔说他大约17岁,但自己也不肯定。 yeeyan

And if you could hear the whispering of the dream you would hear no other sound.
如果你们听到过那梦中的低语,你们就会对其他一切声响听而不闻。 ebigear

During Cardinal Wolsey's trial for treason, he was accused of giving Henry VIII syphilis by persistently whispering in the king's ear.
在红衣主教沃尔西的叛国罪审理过程中,他被控通过频繁耳语而将梅毒传染给了亨利八世。 yeeyan

Everyone began whispering. I was speaking on the telephone and I made sure I talked louder on purpose because I wanted to hear something.
每个人都开始窃窃私语,我正在打电话,并且我确信我故意大声的讲话,因为我想听到一些东西。 yeeyan

For the stars, audiobooks carry no worries about their appearance or learning lines. For book lovers, it means Kidman or Firth whispering in their ear as they drift off to sleep.
对明星们来说,有声读物朗读不必为形象或台词操心,而书迷们则可以在基德曼或费尔斯的耳边低语中进入梦乡。 yeeyan

He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and, whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd.
他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群按到前边去了。 ebigear

In the back of the room, a man begins moving from reporter to reporter whispering something in their ears.
在房间的后面,一名男子在记者群中间移动并在他们耳旁低语。 yeeyan

Jake puts out his hands and the tendrils play over his fingers, his palms, his forearms. His eyes go wide. We hear the WHISPERING of ancient Na’vi VOICES.
杰克伸出他的双手,卷须在他的手指、手掌和前臂上轻快地跳动。他睁大了眼睛。我们听到古老的纳美人低语的声音。 yeeyan

Marina struggles with her new environment: the nightmares from the Larium she has to take against malaria, deadly insects, extreme weather and, always, the whispering darkness.
玛丽娜努力适应着新环境:为抵抗疟疾而服用甲氟喹带来的恶梦、致命昆虫、极端天气,还有那充斥着飒飒声的黑暗。 ecocn

Often, they would talk, murmuring against each other’s ears and faces, whispering into the dark, until the sun rose in the morning.
多数时候,他们都在说话儿,耳鬓厮磨、喃喃低语直到深夜,直到太阳在黎明的天际升起。 yeeyan

Outside the rattling windows there was a restless whispering wind.
窗户格格作响,外边不停地刮着风,像在低声耳语。 hxen

people whispering, and parents pulling their children indoors when she
看到别人在窃窃私语,还有的家长把孩子拉到家里。 ecocn

Srivastava had been hooked by a different sort of lure— that spooky voice, whispering to him about a flaw in the game.
斯利瓦斯塔瓦被一种不同的诱惑所吸引——那个向他低语彩票缺陷的那个鬼魅般的声音。 yeeyan

Standing on the whispering edge of the Impenetrable Forest, Mr Barangirana asks: “ Where is the god who will give us back our forest?”
在森林之墙边站立低语, Barangirana先生问:“上帝在何处?我们的森林由谁归还给我们? ecocn

Switch to kissing his neck and whispering in his ear before kissing him softly on the mouth again.
然后往下亲他的脖子,再对着他的耳朵低语,接着再回来亲他的双唇。 yeeyan

The children were whispering in the corner.
孩子们正在角落里低声耳语。 ebigear

This saw, rather than whispering, snarls and rattles.

Thy breath comes to me whispering an impossible hope.
你的气息向我低语出一个不可能的希望。 hxen

We hear the WHISPERING of ancient Na’vi VOICES.
我们听到古老的纳美人低语的声音。 yeeyan

When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
劳作时你们便是一管笛,时间的低语通过你的心化作音乐。 ebigear

William looks like he’s whispering a secret suggestion that has the Duchess ready to burst out laughing as she affectionately strokes his shoulder.
威廉似乎在对他的妻子窃窃私语,或者提什么神秘的建议,而她的妻子则突然大笑起来,手臂亲切地划过他的肩膀。 yeeyan




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