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词汇 whiskers
释义 whiskers 英'hwɪskəz COCA²³⁰⁰⁰BNC²⁰⁶⁰²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the hair growing on the lower part of a man's faceside whiskers络腮胡子the cat's whiskers了不起的人
whisk-erS,⇒n.腮须¹⁹;胡须名词whisker的复数形式.近义词 beard胡须mustache髭stubble短须growthU增长goatee山羊胡子facial hair面毛moustache小胡子sideburns连鬓胡子muttonchops圆形络腮胡子…
用作名词Trimming ofwhiskersis optional.是否修剪胡须是可选的。
Forwhiskers,glue pieces of thread near the nose.在鼻子附近用粘一些线作为老鼠的胡须。noun.beard
同义词 bristles,burnsides,goatee,mustache,sideburns,stubblemuttonchops,side
同义词 beard,bristles,goatee,mustache,sideburns,stubble
five o'clock shadownoun beard stubble
bristles,bristly stubble,peach fuzz,stubble
hairnoun threadlike growth on animate being
beard,bristle,cilium,coiffure,cowlick,cut,down,eyebrow,eyelash,feeler,fiber,filament,fluff,fringe,frizzies,fur,grass,haircut,hairstyle,lock,mane,mop,moustache,quill,ruff,shock,sideburn,split ends,strand,thatch,tress,tuft,vibrissa,villus,whiskers,wig,wool Borrowing a trick from the lowly rat, the SCRATCHbot uses whiskers instead of cameras to see in the dark.
仿真老鼠继承了真耗子的一项“特异功能”:凭借触须而不是相机在黑暗中探路。 yeeyan

In ditching these chunks of DNA, our ancient ancestors lost facial whiskers and short, tactile spines on their penises.
丢失了这些 DNA片段,使得我们古老的祖先脱掉了面部胡须和阴茎上短的,有触觉的刺。 yeeyan

It is not just dogs that engineers are copying now, but shrews complete with whiskers, swimming lampreys, grasping octopuses, climbing lizards and burrowing clams.
现在,工程师们的仿生对象不仅有狗,还包括长有胡须的鼩鼱,会游泳的七鳃鳗,抓力十足的章鱼,善于攀爬的蜥蜴和穴居蛤。 ecocn

Oh my ears and whiskers!
噢,我的耳朵和胡须! ecocn

The researchers scored five distinct mouse pain expressions. Eyes close and squint, nose bulges, cheeks bulge and mice also pull back their little round ears and move their whiskers.
专家们找到了5处明显的老鼠表现出疼痛的表情:双眼紧闭或斜视,鼻头膨胀,面颊变形,老鼠们还抽动了自己的耳朵和胡须。 yeeyan

“ A fish can cover tens and hundreds of metres in that time, so whiskers compare well with the performance of whales and dolphins by echolocation,” Dr Hanke explained.
“一只鱼的动作可以在一个时间内覆盖几十上百米的范围,因此,通过回声定位能力,胡须可以很好地辨别出鲸鱼和海豚的动作。”汉克博士解释道。 yeeyan

A ray fell on his features; the cheeks were sallow, and half covered with black whiskers; the brows lowering, the eyes deep set and singular.
一道光线照在他的脸上:两颊苍白,一半为黑胡须所盖,眉头低耸,眼睛深陷而且很特别。 putclub

Both have astonishing images, including several of Shaw naked, apart from his whiskers.
两展会都将展示萧的惊艳之作,包括他的几张裸照不算胡须的话。 yeeyan

Chimpanzees do have small sensory whiskers, not as externally obvious as in cats or mice, but we don't have them at all.
黑猩猩都有感知胡须,不像猫和老鼠那样明显,但是我们一点都没有。 yeeyan

Hanke points out that theelectro- sensory organs are derived from whiskers in ancestral animals.
汉克指出电感觉器官衍生自祖先动物的腮须。 yeeyan

Harbour seals may be able to detect fish up to 100m 328ft away using only their whiskers, say scientists.
科学家说,海豹只需要用它们的胡须就能感知百米开外的鱼类。 yeeyan

He explained how the seal wore a blindfold and headphones during the experiment to ensure that it could only pick up sensations from the water with its whiskers.
他解释了试验中戴上了眼罩和耳罩的海豹,是如何只靠胡须搜集感知的。 yeeyan

He felt its fur like a caress on the side of his neck, and then the touch of its whiskers and fevered nose.
他感到它的皮毛在他脖子的一侧抚摸着,紧接着是它的尾巴和热乎乎的鼻子。 yeeyan

His father, He Zhimin, is a62-year-old farmer with unruly whiskers and hands that tremble as he fingers photographs of his missing son.
他的父亲,何志敏,一个62岁的老农,胡须杂乱,当他拿出自己失踪儿子的照片时,双手颤抖。 yeeyan

I suspect that if the cops started hassling all the well- nourished bald guys with chin whiskers, I might soon find this tiresome.
我怀疑,如果警察开始对所有营养充分、下巴有胡子的秃头伙计进行激战的话,我可能很快就会觉得这很讨厌了。 ebigear

In a few moments, out came his host, a most impressive man with thick eyebrows, long eyes, and five long strands of whiskers.
不一会儿,主人出来了,他相貌非凡:浓浓的眉毛,细长的眼睛,还有五缕长胡须。 ebigear

In experiments, a blindfolded harbor seal can detect the passage of a fish by using its whiskers to sense changes in flow velocity— even30 seconds after its prey has passed by.
在试验中,一只被蒙住眼睛的海豹用胡子感应水流速的变化,从而发现鱼游动的路径——即使那猎物是在30秒以前经过那里的。 yeeyan

LIKE their landlubbing kin the cats, seals are equipped with sensitive facial whiskers.
像它们的陆生亲戚猫类一样,海豹也有敏感的脸部胡须。 ecocn

Maybe a set of matching whiskers.
也许是一副配套的脑波控制胡须吧。 huanqiu

Seals do not click in this way, but they do have remarkable whiskers.
海豹不会以这种方式叫唤,但它们确实有不寻常的胡须。 ecocn

Some paleontologists argued that these whiskers were simple feathers.
一些古生物学家这些胡须就是简单的羽毛。 yeeyan

The researchers recently acquired whiskers shed by seals at the New England Aquarium in Boston.
研究者最近从波士顿的新英格兰水族馆获得了海豹脱落的胡子。 yeeyan

Their distinctive whiskers are extremely sensitive and help them locate clams and other shellfish buried on the seafloor.
它们与众不同的胡须极其敏感,能帮助它们在海底找到蛤蚌和其它贝类。 yeeyan

There is congealed blood on the bristling, feline whiskers and the cleft upper lip.
竖立着的胡须和裂开的唇上还凝结着乌血。 yeeyan

They found that in one case, a switch that had been lost in humans normally turns on an androgen receptor at the sites where sensory whiskers develop on the face and spines develop on the penis.
他们发现在某种情况下,人类丢失的基因通常可以打开荷尔蒙受容器,在这个部位的表面上感知胡须会发育,刺会在“根”上发育。 yeeyan

Tony Prescott and his team at the University of Sheffield, in England, for example, are attempting to replicate the exquisitely sensitive whiskers of the Etruscan shrew.
比如英国谢菲尔德大学的 Tony Prescott及其团队正在试图仿制伊特鲁里亚鼩极其敏感的胡须。 ecocn

When the Taliban held power in Afghanistan, trimming one’s whiskers was outlawed; luxuriant beards flourished everywhere.
当塔利班在阿富汗掌权的时候,修剪腮须是违法的;到处可见浓密的胡子。 yeeyan




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