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词汇 whirling
释义 whirl·ing 英'wɜːlɪŋ美'wɜːlɪŋ 高COCA²⁴⁵¹²BNC²⁵⁸⁹⁶iWeb³⁵²²⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the act of rotating in a circle or spiralwhirling flywheel端面摆动飞轮…whirling speed临界速度,共振回转速…whirling chamber涡流室whirling test旋转试验whirling table用于雕塑或制陶瓷的转…whirling action旋转动作whirling motion涡动,旋动whirling stand回转架whirling current涡流,旋涡流…whirling arm旋转杆,旋转臂…whirling sprinkler旋转式洒水器…whirling hygrometer旋转式湿度计,旋转式…whirling thermometer旋转式温度表…whirling disease疯狂病whirling runner回旋除渣器,旋滑除渣…wild and whirling words鲁莽言语考虑欠周到…
近义词 turning旋转gyration旋回twirling转动spinning纺纱rotation旋转twisting翘曲revolution革命revolving旋转的

A deep, round hole worn in rock by loose stoneswhirlingin strong rapids or waterfalls.锅穴,壶穴岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成
My head iswhirlingwith data.我的大脑因数据充斥而一片混乱
She rushed out of the house into awhirlingsnowstorm.她冲出屋子走进了狂卷着的暴风雪中。
I couldn't sleep: my mind was stillwhirlingfrom all I had seen and heard.我睡不著觉,所见所闻仍在头脑中转来转去。adj.(swirling
同义词 revolving,rotating,spinningturningvertiginousadj.rotating
同义词 spinninggyral,gyratory,vertiginous,vorticose
blowingadjective being agitated by the air
dizzyadjective light-headed, confused
addled,befuddled,bemused,bewildered,blind,blinded,dazed,dazzled,distracted,disturbed,dumb,dumbfounded,faint,gaga,giddy,groggy,hazy,light,muddled,off balance,out of control,punch-drunk,punchy,puzzled,reeling,shaky,slap-happy,staggered,staggering,swimming,tipsy,unsteady,upset,vertiginous,weak in the knees,weak-kneed,whirling,wobbly,woozy
giddyadjective silly, impulsive
groggyadjective dizzy, stunned
befuddled,confused,dazed,dopey,drunken,faint,hazy,out of it,punch-drunk,punchy,reeling,shaky,slaphappy,staggering,stupefied,swaying,tired,unsteady,weak,whirling,wobbly,woozy
hazyadjective confused
light-headedadjective silly; feeling faint
changeable,delirious,dizzy,empty,featherbrained,fickle,flighty,flippant,foolish,frivolous,gaga,giddy,harebrained,hazy,punchy,reeling,rocky,scatterbrained,shallow,superficial,swimming,swimmy,tired,trifling,vertiginous,whirling,woozy Mortality is nothing new in other industries, nor indeed for the birds who blunder into whirling windmill blades.
破产在其他产业中早已屡见不鲜,就像鸟儿会不小心被搅进旋转的风车叶片中一样。 ecocn

The great harp recognized its master's voice, and leaped from the wall. Whirling through the hall, sweeping aside and killing the men who got in its way, it sprang to its master's hand.
魔琴认得了主人的声音,从墙上一跃而起,盘旋着扫过大堂,杀死了一路上挡住它去路的人,收回到主人的手里。 yeeyan

The diplomatic minuet is fascinating because three disconnected policy issues are now whirling on a single dance floor.
由于三个分离的政策议题现在回旋在一个舞池中使得这场外交舞会令人着迷。 yeeyan

The emerging world, by contrast, will be a whirling hub of dynamism and creativity.
相比之下,新兴国家,将是一个旋转的活力和创造力的枢纽。 ecocn

The storm passed west of the spill, whirling counter-clockwise, as all hurricanes do in the northern hemisphere.
风暴从漏油地点西面吹袭而过,象所有北半球飓风一样,呈逆时针涡旋状移动。 ecocn

There's no spinning beachball or whirling hourglass and no big application freeze.
没有旋转的皮球或者沙漏,应用程序也没有明显的冻结。 ibm

A series of whirling discs arranged into a steep slope carries the lighter goods— mainly paper— upwards but allows heavier ones to fall.
在斜道上,比较轻的——主要为纸张,在一系列转动圆盘的作用下往上走,而重的物体则往下落。 ecocn

After mimicking the whirling skirts and sticks, I showed him how my tape recorder worked.
模仿过旋转的裙子和鼓槌后,我告诉他录音机是如何运转的。 kekenet

But even before the tests could be run, new techniques for making measurements over the large area covered by the whirling blades had to be invented and tested.
但是在试验开始以前,仍须先行发明与测试用于测量旋转桨叶所扫过的巨大区域的新技术。 yeeyan

But too many walkers lose touch with their creative side as soon as they step onto that whirling black belt.
但是太多的跑步者在转动的皮带上行进会丧失掉他们的创造性。 对这些跑步者来说。 yeeyan

Dancers whirling in sequined dresses inspired by the Orient reflect Spanish trade with the Philippines during earlier centuries.
跳舞者们旋转着金光闪闪的服饰,这样的服饰来源于早先几个世纪里,西班牙人在菲律宾进行贸易活动时带回的东方装饰风格。 yeeyan

From the surface it looks like nothing more exciting than a stationary grey barge; but below are two spinning turbines, known as foils, which look like a whirling carbon-fibre double- helix.
从表面上看它顶多像个固定的灰色拖船;但在底下有两台旋转涡轮机,外号薄片,看起来像一个旋转的碳纤维双螺旋体。 ecocn

Furthermore, all the whirling electrons cannot explain why a certain neuronal configuration results in our seeing blue rather than red.
此外,所有这些涡动的电子并不能解释为什么某种神经构造造成了我们看到了蓝色而不是红色。 yeeyan

He could see the white figures of the girls in the green enclosure whirling about as they had whirled when he was among them.
他能够看见姑娘们的白色身影在绿色的舞场上旋转着,就像刚才他在她们中间一起旋转一样。 hjenglish

He was whirling his stick.
他在旋转他的手杖。 iciba

I have never met anyone who needs a singing, counting, whirling, white- noise- making, uber toy attached to the crib.
我从未见过任何一个人需要一个歌唱机、一个计数器、一个旋转机、一个白噪音制造器和系到婴儿床上的乳房玩具。 yeeyan

If, when she embarked on this errand, the words and sentences had been whirling around in her head, they had got themselves in order en route.
如果当她有事在身的话,她脑子里总是转悠着那些词句,一路上把要说的话捋出个头绪。 yeeyan

If you're not yet sick of seeing whirling wind turbines and sun-dappled solar panels on TV, you will be: the new fall season is likely to feature a flood of green advertising.
如果你现在还没有打算买个用于风力发电的涡轮和在电视上安装太阳能板,过不了多久,你肯定会的:各种各样的环保产品广告将充斥秋季市场。 yeeyan

In the most magical moment, the young Nineteen Hundred Cory Buck presses his nose against a stained- glass partition to observe the blurred images of whirling, formally attired ballroom dancers.
在电影最奇妙的时刻,年幼的1900科里·巴克饰演趴在彩色玻璃挡板上,注视着房间里模糊的舞池当中旋转的盛装舞者的影像。 yeeyan

Notably, the camera didn’t falter once, whirling and adapting to the changes with ease.
值得注意的是,整个游戏中,摄像机一次都没有动摇,旋转和对变化的适应都轻而易举。 yeeyan

Researchers still have much to study in the billions of whirling disks that populate our universe.
在这些充斥整个宇宙的无数旋转圆盘上,还有许多有待研究的课题。 hjenglish

See them whirling around.
看到它们秋叶四周旋转。 hjenglish

These stars are packed so closely together in a ball, approximately150 light-years across, that they will spend their entire lives whirling around in the cluster.
这些恒星非常紧密地簇拥在一个直径大约150光年的球型空间里,他们在这个星团中旋转,直至生命耗尽。 yeeyan

We’d be like two whirling dervishes in Ancient India who whirled too close to each other and became one hurricane- sized dervish not to be trifled with.
我们就像两个古印度的不停旋转伊斯兰苦行僧,因为靠的太近结果撞一起变成了一个飓风大小的苦行僧,谁也不敢招惹咱。 yeeyan

When two such massive objects are whirling around each other, they stir up the space-time fabric, creating ripples like those made by a stone thrown into a pond.
当两个如此巨大的物体围绕着对方旋转时,他们将会搅动时空的结构,从而创造出如同石头落入池塘那样的涟漪。 yeeyan

Whirling wheel, then soft footfall of thought.
转动的轮子,然后是这夜晚轻柔的脚步。 kekenet




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