

单词 whined
释义 whine·d 英waɪn美waɪn COCA²⁶¹⁸⁹BNC³⁰³¹¹
a complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way
move with a whining sound;

The bullets were whining past us

talk in a tearful mannermake a high-pitched, screeching noise;

The door creaked when I opened it slowly

My car engine makes a whining noise

complain whiningly近义词 cry哭howl长嚎gripe抱怨drone雄蜂hum嗡嗡声whinge哀鸣snivel啼哭yammer叹息whimper呜咽screech尖叫creak辗轧声grizzle灰色yawp大声叫嚷squeak吱吱声grumble发牢骚screak嘎嘎作响skreak发出尖叫声

用作名词Thewhineof the motors jangled her nerves.马达的闹声使她的神经受不了。
There were a fewwhinesand whimpers about policy changes.关于政策的变动有一些抱怨和不满。
They do not sweat andwhineabout their condition.它们并不对它们的处境牢骚烦恼。
I can no longer abide the young people of our country who live off their parents and the fat of the land and then they find nothing better to do thanwhineand complain.我再也无法忍受我们国家那些年轻人,离开他们的双亲和肥沃的土地,然后他们发现什么也做不了,只有满腹的牢骚和怨气。用作动词Youwhine, complain and act like a child.你就像个小孩一样吵闹抱怨个不停。
You are getting paid to think, not towhine.支付给你工资是让你思考而不是哀怨的。
The catwhinedat the door, asking to be let out.猫在门口哀叫着想出去。
Don'twhineabout it, or you'll sound like a baby boomer.不要絮叨这些,不然你想听起来像个婴儿潮时代出生的人。verb.complain, cry
同义词 grumble,moan,wailbellyache,carp,drone,fuss,gripe,grouse,howl,kick,mewl,murmur,pule,repine,snivel,sob,whimper,yowl
反义词 compliment,praise In the daytime, in the hot mornings, these motors made a petulant, irritable sound; at night, in the still evening when the afterglow lit the water, they whined about one's ears like mosquitoes.
白天,在炎热的上午,这些马达制造出一种不耐烦的、令人恼火的声音;夜晚,在黄昏,余晖映着湖面时,马达在耳边蚊虫般嗡嗡响着。 putclub

It whined against our windows and liquefied the plain and sky to a single, yellowed light.
风沙击打着车窗,把平原和天空融合成一道昏黄的光线。 tingvoa

The dog whined to go out with us.
狗在门前嚎叫着要出去。 iciba

The dogs barked and whined as the men buckled on their leashes.
当那些人扣紧皮带的时候,警犬在吠叫、哀鸣。 yeeyan

“ Then why did we waste all day arguing about it, ” he whined.
“那我们干嘛浪费了一整天都在争吵这件事呢?”他嘟哝道。 yeeyan

A car whined in protest, but skidded staunchly out of its driveway.
一辆小车在小道上拼命地“呜呜”叫着,可还是滑到了一边。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn

After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out.
狗蹲在炉火旁,在沉默中静静地待了一两分钟,然后来到门边,呜呜叫着让人放它出去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Both of them would have been fired but they whined and pleaded so much that the supervisor kept the matter under a lid.
本来要开除她们俩,但她们一个劲儿地哭诉、恳求,弄得那个监管员只好把这事儿压了下来。 yeeyan

He looked at the receptionist and wagged his tail, then walked over to the sign, looked at it and whined.
他先是对着接待员摇尾巴,然后走到启事那边,看着那则启事呦呦地叫。 yeeyan

He had alternately whined about his grievances.
他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。 hxen

He stood by the door and whined.
他的嘴里发出呜呜声,一直矗立在门前。 yeeyan

He whined and licked my hand.
它呜呜悲鸣,舔了舔我的手。 yeeyan

I whined, “ Five, how did I get five; I was just out there and no one was in the waiting room.”
我发牢骚说,“5个,怎么一下出现了5个,我刚出去时,候诊室里一个病人也没有。” yeeyan

Megan whined. “That’ll mean we wasted all that time for nothing.”
梅金发起了牢骚,“我们就是在浪费时间。” yeeyan

Perhaps every generation of geezers since Adam and Eve has whined about young people, and today is no different.
自亚当夏娃以来,也许每一代性情乖张的长辈都会对年轻人颇有微词,如今也不例外。 yeeyan

Richard whined when his wet wristwatch rusted.

' San Antonio and Detroit aren't playing this year? Remember how they whined last year?' he asked.
“圣安东尼奥和底特律今年不打了?还记得他们去年怎么哀号的吗?”他问。 blogbus

The pig whined from pain.
猪疼得呜噜噜地叫。 ebigear

The wolf whined.
狼发出哀叫声。 blog.sina.com.cn

The mare whined when she saw her master.
这匹母马见到主人时会嘶叫。 dioenglish




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