释义 |
whine about短语³⁶⁴⁰¹ 基本例句 v.发牢骚 And no one is China is doing American Demopublican type whine about losing jobs due to green tech. 没有任何中国人像美国共和党那样不断抱怨因为实施绿色科技而失业的情况发生。 ltaaa.com Americans, they pointed out, did not whine about their chief executives' pay. 他们还说,美国人就不对首席执行官们的收入说三道四。 focus Don't whine about it or you'll sound like a baby boomer. 不要抱怨,否则你将永远只像是个长不大的孩子。 yeeyan Don't whine about it, or you'll sound like a baby boomer. 不要絮叨这些,不然你想听起来像个婴儿潮时代出生的人。 blog.sina.com.cn Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the prom queen! 失败者只会说尽力而为,成功者只会说全力以赴! mtime Rule6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them. 规则6:你的一败涂地与父母无尤,不要喋喋不休的抱怨个不停,应该汲取教训,从中获益。 bbs.imelite.com.cn Stand-ups still whine about bad dates; sitcom plots keep getting rehashed; sketch comedy continues to limp along on Saturday Night Live. 脱口秀还在唠叨着不幸的约会;情景喜剧的情节继续滥调翻新,喜剧小品继续一瘸一拐地跟着《周末夜现场》。 yeeyan |