

单词 whimpered
释义 whim·per·ed 英'wɪmpəʳ美'wɪmpər COCA³⁸³⁷⁹BNC³²⁶³⁹
a complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way
cry weakly or softly;

she wailed with pain

近义词 cry哭sob抽泣wail痛哭weep流泪yell大叫whine闹声gripe抱怨snivel啼哭moan呻吟声whinge哀鸣keen敏锐的mewl低泣声blubber哭号pule发轻叫声grumble发牢骚

用作名词I am listening for a cry or awhimperfrom upstairs .我留神听着楼上传来的哭声或呜咽声。
He could not possibly have endured a whipping without awhimper.他不可能一声不吭地忍受鞭打。
The animal gave a pathetic littlewhimper.这只动物低声哀叫,令人怜悯。
She always starts off with a bang but ends with awhimper.她做事总是虎头蛇尾的。用作动词And if he starts towhimper, I'll just harmonize with him.如果他开始呜咽,我就逗他。
The condemned prisoner cowered and began towhimperfor clemency.那个被判罪的囚犯抖缩着并开始抽泣请求宽恕。
The child was lost and began towhimper.那孩子迷了路,抽抽搭搭地哭起来。
Somewhimperalong life'way.有些人在嗟怨中生活。verb.cry softly
同义词 moan,weepbleat,blubber,complain,fuss,mewl,object,pule,snivel,sob,whine
反义词 bawl The new child Gabriel, stirred and whimpered, and Father spoke softly to Lily, explaining the feeding procedure as he opened the container that held the formula and equipment.
那个婴儿盖布瑞尔,扭来扭去并低声哽咽著,爸爸温柔的对著莉莉说,解释著喂小孩的程序;一边打开放著的婴儿食品配方跟容器。 easeparts

When the mother deer saw what had happened to her baby, she whimpered and cried, and licked her baby's wound with her tongue.
母鹿看到它的孩子被射伤后,一边呜咽哀叫,一边用舌头去舔小鹿的伤口。 ebigear

“ It's cold, ” Jeyne Poole whimpered as she stumbled along at Theon's side.
“好冷,”珍妮·普尔蹒跚在西恩身边啜泣着说。 cndkc

And U. S. told China to come over and do something about it if they're man enough. And China whimpered away.
而美国也警告中国,是男人就过来干一场。于是中国呜咽着跑了。 tianya

Annabel whimpered as she fixed her hair, putting it up in a ponytail.
安娜贝利在整理头发的时候呜咽着说,她把头发束成了马尾辫。 yeeyan

But Quentin simply whimpered and did not answer.
但是昆廷只是在哼哼,没有答话。 www.51testing.com

He whimpered as he tried desperately to wriggle free himself from the pot but without luck, remaining with his head inside like a headless dog.
它边呜咽,边拼命地扭动身体,试图把管子弄掉,但没有任何进展,它的头还是死死地卡在里面,像个无头狗。 kekenet

In her crib, Bonnie whimpered at the sight of her mother being seized.
在她的小床里,邦尼看见妈妈被抓住就呜呜地哭了。 ebigear

My dog whimpered to be let out.
我的狗呜咽着想被放出去。 sparke

Saoirse grimaced and touched her right ear, her eyes and the back of the head. She wrapped her hands around her stomach and whimpered in pain.
西尔莎•罗南皱着眉头,她摸摸她右耳、眼睛还有后脑勺。她将手放在肚子上,她因疼痛而哭泣。 yeeyan

The dog whimpered in the corner.

The girl whimpered,“ Don't hurt me…”

The lost girl whimpered for her mother.
那迷失的女孩抽噎低泣着找她妈妈。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sick boy lay in bed and whimpered.
那病童躺在床上呜咽啜泣。 blog.sina.com.cn

They could hear Nana barking, and John whimpered, “ It is because he is chaining her up in the yard, ” but Wendy was wiser.
他们听得见娜娜的吠声,约翰呜咽着说:“这都是因为他把她拴在院子里了。”可是温迪知道得更多。 ebigear




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