

单词 whimsy
释义 whim·sey 英ˈhwɪmziː, ˈwɪm-美ˈhwɪmzi, ˈwɪm-AHDhwĭmʹzē, wĭmʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³²²⁹⁰BNC⁵⁵¹⁸⁸iWeb²³⁸⁷⁹

an odd or fanciful or capricious idea;

the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories

he had a whimsy about flying to the moon

whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it

the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment;

I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory

近义词 quirk怪癖notion观念oddity古怪oddness奇怪conceit自负fantasy幻想whimsey怪念头whim一时的兴致quirkiness诡诈caprice反复无常fancy华丽装饰的flightiness轻浮eccentricity古怪arbitrariness任意capriciousness任性whimsicality反复无常quaintness古怪精致

用作名词He had awhimsyabout flying to the moon.他有个想飞上月球的怪念头。
Some show cars are purewhimsy, confections dreamed up by young designers at play.展出的车型中有些纯属异想天开,只是年轻设计师们闲来无事的凭空想像。
We marvel at thewhimsyof the devastation.我们对灾难的反复无常感到吃惊。noun.quaint or fanciful quality or humor
同义词 playfulnessfancifulness,whimsicallynoun.odd or fanciful notion
同义词 caprice,fancy,idea,impulse,notion,whimnoun.notion
同义词 caprice,idea,quality,thought,vagary,whim
capricenoun sudden change of behavior
bee,caper,changeableness,contrariety,crotchet,fad,fancy,fickleness,fitfulness,fool notion,freak,gag,humor,impulse,inconsistency,inconstancy,jerk,kink,mood,notion,peculiarity,perversity,put on,quirk,rib,temper,thought,vagary,vein,whim
drollerynoun whimsicalness
fadnoun craze
amusement,caprice,chic,conceit,custom,dernier cri,fancy,fashion,fool notion,frivolity,furor,hobby,humor,in,in thing,innovation,kick,kink,latest word,mania,mode,new look,newest wrinkle,passing fancy,passion,quirk,rage,sport,style,thing,trend,vagary,vogue,whim,whimsy,wrinkle
fadsnoun craze
affectation,amusement,caprice,chic,conceit,cry,custom,dernier cri,eccentricity,fancy,fantasy,fashion,fool notion,frivolity,furor,hobby,humor,in,in thing,innovation,kick,kink,latest word,mania,mode,new look,newest wrinkle,passing fancy,passion,quirk,rage,sport,style,thing,trend,vagary,vogue,whim,whimsy,wrinkle
figment of the imaginationnoun fiction of the mind
creation of the brain,creature of the imagination,fabrication,fantasy,fiction,figment,imagination,invention,phantom of the mind,whimsy,wildest dream
fitnoun seizure; sudden emotion
access,attack,blow,bout,burst,caprice,conniption,convulsion,epileptic attack,frenzy,humor,jumps,mood,outbreak,outburst,paroxysm,rage,rush,spasm,spate,spell,stroke,tantrum,throe,torrent,turn,twitch,whim,whimsy Spend your France family holiday exploring the magical world of Versailles, and discover a place of endless charm and whimsy.
一次法国度假让您尽情探索奇幻凡尔赛、发现无穷魅力。 yeeyan

The papers are not bereft of whimsy, but it is confined to footnotes and asides.
入选论文中不乏奇思怪想,但只限于脚注和旁白。 ecocn

When you pass the inn at the end of the village you leave your favourite whimsy behind you; for you will meet no one who can share it.
过了村头的客栈之后,你便只能丢下自己所钟爱的奇思怪想,因为,走出村庄之后,你便再也找不到分享这些思想的人。 yeeyan

As your garden grows, the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a little colorful whimsy to your garden.
随着作物的生长,小旗子们会渐渐隐没在绿叶间;但它们仍会是你的花园里的靓丽风景。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature.

But after hearing that youngster, Ms Boyd, a social- media researcher at Microsoft Research New England, felt that something more than whimsy might be at work.
但是听完那个年轻人的描述,在“新英格兰微软研究”供职的社交媒体研究人员 Boyd女士认为:一些异想天开之外的东西可能正在运转。 ecocn

But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit, whimsy, and play, not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages.
然而这些憧憬同样也会剥削去一门语言的智慧、诙谐和乐趣,以及接受新概念和新用法的空间。 yeeyan

Don George Editor, Lonely Planet: I think families who have a real sense of whimsy and fantasy are likely to love Treesort.
唐·乔治《寂寞星球》编辑:我想那些喜欢异想天开的家庭有可能会喜欢树屋度假村。 dict

Gwabbit comes from Technicopia LLC and uses a pink Gwabbit Wabbit as its mascot, which adds a little whimsy to the dull task of saving contact information.
Gwabbit是Technicopia LLC公司开发的,用一只粉红色的“傻兔子” Gwabbit Wabbit作为吉祥物,这给单调无聊的信息保存功能带来一点好玩的感觉。 ebigear

I think you'd appreciate being left alone to explore at your own pace, to delve as deeply or shallowly as whimsy strikes you.
我想你会感谢他让你一个人,按照自己的节奏探索,深浅都由你的意愿决定。 blog.sina.com.cn

Its members protested outside the school with whimsy, turning up with sieves and toys on their heads.
该组织成员以怪异的外形在艺术学院外示威,头上顶着筛子和玩具。 ecocn

My sense of fun and whimsy was being tested. I had to remind myself it isn't MY room. It's her room and it's what she wants. It's who she is.
有趣且异想天开的想法遭受到了考验,我必须提醒我自己这不是我的房子,是我女儿的,它必须是她喜欢的样子。 yeeyan

These days, the spirit of in- jokes and whimsy lives on, but it has moved to new addresses: video games and movies—especially movies on DVD.
现如今,玩笑和搞怪精神犹在,但我们更多的是在电子游戏和电影 DVD中见到这些彩蛋。 kuqin

Usefulness might contribute to utility, but so does style, fashion, or even whimsy.
有用性可能会有益于效用的增加,但是风格、潮流、想法同样可以。 yeeyan




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