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词汇 whimper
释义 whim·per 英ˈhwɪmpə, ˈwɪm-美ˈhwɪmpɚ, ˈwɪm-AHDhwĭmʹpər, wĭmʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²⁰⁷⁰⁹BNC³⁷⁶³⁸iWeb²⁸⁷⁶¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way
cry weakly or softly;

she wailed with pain

拟声词。GRE难词记忆whimper→whisper v.耳语,低声说话→一边抽泣,一边低语GRE难词记忆whimper 音“帷幕破”→向人哭诉她家的帷幕破了whisperv.耳语,低声说话⇒一边抽泣,一边低语近义词 cry哭sob抽泣wail痛哭weep流泪yell大叫whine闹声gripe抱怨snivel啼哭moan呻吟声whinge哀鸣keen敏锐的mewl低泣声blubber哭号pule发轻叫声grumble发牢骚

用作名词I am listening for a cry or awhimperfrom upstairs .我留神听着楼上传来的哭声或呜咽声。
He could not possibly have endured a whipping without awhimper.他不可能一声不吭地忍受鞭打。
The animal gave a pathetic littlewhimper.这只动物低声哀叫,令人怜悯。
She always starts off with a bang but ends with awhimper.她做事总是虎头蛇尾的。用作动词And if he starts towhimper, I'll just harmonize with him.如果他开始呜咽,我就逗他。
The condemned prisoner cowered and began towhimperfor clemency.那个被判罪的囚犯抖缩着并开始抽泣请求宽恕。
The child was lost and began towhimper.那孩子迷了路,抽抽搭搭地哭起来。
Somewhimperalong life'way.有些人在嗟怨中生活。verb.cry softly
同义词 moan,weepbleat,blubber,complain,fuss,mewl,object,pule,snivel,sob,whine
反义词 bawl
blubberverb cry
complainverb grumble about
accuse,ascribe,attack,beef,bellyache,bemoan,bewail,bitch,carp,cavil,charge,contravene,criticize,defy,demur,denounce,deplore,deprecate,differ,disagree,disapprove,dissent,expostulate,find fault,fret,fuss,gainsay,grieve,gripe,groan,grouse,growl,grumble,impute,indict,kick up a fuss,lament,lay,look askance,make a fuss,moan,nag,object,oppose,protest,refute,remonstrate,repine,reproach,snivel,sound off,take exception to,wail,whimper,whine,yammer
complainedverb grumble about
accused,ascribed,attacked,beefed,bellyached,bemoaned,bewailed,bitched,carped,cavilled,charged,contravened,criticized,defied,demurred,denounced,deplored,deprecated,differed,disagreed,disapproved,dissented,expostulated,found fault,fretted,fussed,gainsaid,grieved,griped,groaned,groused,growled,grumbled,imputed,indicted,kicked up a fuss,lamented,lay,looked askance,made a fuss,moaned,nagged,objected,opposed,protested,refuted,remonstrated,repined,reproached,snivelled,sounded off,took exception to,wailed,whimpered,whined,yammered
criedverb weep and make sad sounds
bawled,bemoaned,bewailed,blubbed,blubbered,boohooed,broke down,burst into tears,caterwauled,choked up,complained,cracked up,deplored,dissolved in tears,fretted,grieved,groaned,howled,keened,lamented,let it all out,let went,mewled,moaned,mourned,put on the weeps,rang the blues,regretted,shed bitter tears,shed tears,sighed,sniffed,snivelled,sobbed,sorrowed,squalled,turned on waterworks,wailed,wept,whimpered,whined,yammered,yowled
criesverb weep and make sad sounds
bawls,bemoans,bewails,blubbers,blubs,boohoos,breaks down,bursts into tears,caterwauls,chokes up,complains,cracks up,deplores,dissolves in tears,frets,grieves,groans,howls,keens,laments,let goes,lets it all out,mewls,moans,mourns,puts on the weeps,regrets,rings the blues,sheds bitter tears,sheds tears,sighs,sniffs,snivels,sobs,sorrows,squalls,turns on waterworks,wails,weeps,whimpers,whines,yammers,yowls
cryverb weep and make sad sounds
bawl,bemoan,bewail,blub,blubber,boohoo,break down,burst into tears,caterwaul,choke up,complain,deplore,dissolve in tears,fret,grieve,groan,howl,keen,lament,let go,let it all out,mewl,moan,mourn,put on the weeps,regret,ring the blues,shed bitter tears,shed tears,sigh,sniff,snivel,sob,sorrow,squall,turn on waterworks,wail,weep,whimper,whine,yammer,yowl As he struggled for breath, the blood roaring in his ears, his shouts of terror began to subside, turning first into a whimper, then into a long plaintive wail.
他努力喘息,血一下子都涌到了耳根,他恐惧的喊叫声也开始变弱,先是一阵呜咽,随后就变成了悠长的悲鸣。 eol

Fixed for ten hours on a comfortless bench, they know no way of occupying themselves, and if they think at all it is to whimper about hard luck and pine for work.
他们知道自己没有什么出路,只能在这磨人的条凳上坐上十个小时而动弹不得,如果说他们会想到什么,那也无非是哀叹命运的不幸或者渴望能有份工可作。 yeeyan

Judged against Labour budgets of yore, this one was a whimper.
与很久以前的工党预算案相比,这份预算案只能算低声呜咽。 ecocn

THE demise of GM had been expected for so long that when it finally died there was barely a whimper.
人们预料通用会破产已经很久了,所以当它最终倒下时,几乎没有一个人对此表示惊讶。 topsage

The often cited example is that of a parent arousing at a baby's whimper but sleeping through a thunderstorm.
经常被引用的例子是家长会被孩子的哭声唤醒,但却可以在雷声中安然睡着。 yeeyan

The same might easily be said of Osama bin Laden. He might appear to have died with a bang. But he had long since died with a whimper.
似乎我们也可以这样说奥萨马•本•拉登。他看起来是死于一声枪响,但其实很早以前,他就已经在一声呜咽中死去了。 yeeyan

With one final whimper he turned and headed east.
最后呜咽一声后,它转身朝东而去。 yeeyan

But in a world where protest often fizzles down to nothing, or tails off to a whimper, we need Ruskin's voice.
然而倘若一个世界,反抗总是被慢慢镇压最后悄无声息,抑或只留下悲戚,此时我们是很需要路斯金的言论的。 yeeyan

But the year is ending with a whimper.
但是这个年头结束时却有点虎头蛇尾。 ecocn

Dogs whimper when they're anxious or hurt.
狗狗焦虑或者受到伤害的时候就会发车这种呜咽声。 yeeyan

Dogs whimper when they're anxious or hurt. Sometimes they figure out that they get attention when they whimper and use this to their advantage.
狗狗焦虑或者受到伤害的时候就会发车这种呜咽声。有时,它会明白只要它呜咽就会得到重视,它就会利用这个对它有利的交流方式了。 yeeyan

He might appear to have died with a bang. But he had long since died with a whimper.
他看起来是死于一声枪响,但其实很早以前,他就已经在一声呜咽中死去了。 yeeyan

I heard her every stressed-out whimper my groaning triggered.
我听到了每一个她因为我的呻吟而不堪重负的呜咽声。 yeeyan

I pictured her at the sink watching her milk disappear, my story a pathetic whimper next to hers.
我想象着她在水池前看着自己的奶水消失的场面。跟她的经历相比,我的事只能算是可怜的哼唧。 yeeyan

In fact, this“ milestone” came and went with a whimper for me.
实际上这个“里程碑”对于我是呜咽的来去. yeeyan

In Mr Bergman's films, characters would often be silent, or scenes would unroll with no sound but the whimper of wind, the drip of water or, especially, the tick and chime of watches and clocks.
在伯格曼先生的电影里,人物常常默默无语,场景常常无声展开,风在呜咽,水珠滴落,尤其是能听到手表和挂钟的嘀嗒声。 ecocn

IN ONE of the ramshackle tent cities that have sprouted in open spaces all across Port-au-Prince, Isa Longchamp, a dishevelled and dejected eight-year-old girl, starts to whimper.
太子港的空地上到处都是破烂不堪的帐篷,在其中一个帐篷里,8岁小女孩 Isa Longchamp蓬头垢面,一脸无助,她开始呜咽起来。 ecocn

Instead, he said, people got “ a whimper, not a scream.”
事与愿违,人们报之以“呜咽,而非惊叫”。 yeeyan

Japan's efforts to tackle these problems have resembled a big whimpersee article. What is needed is a big bang.
日本为解决这些难题付出的努力如同一声“抽泣”,而它需要的是一次“爆发”。 ecocn

Japan's efforts to tackle these problems have resembled a big whimpersee article.
日本解决这些难题的努力看起来更像是一个啜泣。 ecocn

Some experts maintain that infants display empathy when they whimper or cry upon hearing another baby cry.
一些专家认为,婴儿听到其它宝宝哭的时候,也会哭或者哇哇乱叫,这就是同情心的最初表现。 yeeyan

Sometimes they figure out that they get attention when they whimper and use this to their advantage.
有时,它会明白只要它呜咽就会得到重视,它就会利用这个对它有利的交流方式了。 yeeyan

The tailor's wife bore a bundle in her arms, and the bundle began to whimper.
裁缝的妻子抱着个包裹,包裹里有呜咽声。 yeeyan

This is the way England usually do it, with a whimper.
英格兰经常以这种方式将将出线,颇有些虎头蛇尾。 yeeyan




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