

单词 wheeze
释义 wheeze 英hwiːz, wiːz美hwiz, wizAHDhwēz, wēz ★☆☆☆☆高SGCOCA²²²⁷⁴BNC⁴¹¹⁸²iWeb²¹⁴⁹⁵Economist¹⁶⁰¹⁶

breathing with a husky or whistling soundBriticism a clever or amusing scheme or trick;

a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat

breathe with difficulty拟声词。wheeze out喘息着说出
wheezy气喘的⇒v.喘息⁶⁷近义词 pant喘息gasp喘气puff喷出hiss嘘声cough咳嗽breath呼吸whistle口哨breathe呼吸whisper低语rasp用锉刀锉rattle嘎嘎作响buzz发出嗡嗡声

用作动词The old man managed towheezeout a few words.老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。
This old instrument can onlywheezeout a tune now.这只旧乐器现在只能呼哧呼哧地奏出一个曲调。
That truck was older than he was.It wouldwheezeand rattle down the road.那卡车比他还要老,会发出呼哧呼哧的响然后沿路开下去。用作名词He has a slightwheezein his chest.他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。
He was awaken once from a faint by awheezeclose in his ear.有一次他从昏迷中被耳边传来的〈喘息声〉惊醒。verb.breathe roughly, heavily
同义词 cough,gasp,hiss,puff,snorebuzz,murmur,pant,rasp,sibilate,whisper,whistlecatch one's breath
breathnoun respiration
breatheverb take air in and let out
draw in,exhale,expire,fan,gasp,gulp,inhale,insufflate,open the floodgates,pant,puff,respire,scent,sigh,sniff,snore,snort,use lungs,wheeze
croakverb make husky, squawking noise
caw,crow,gasp,grunt,quack,squawk,utter huskily,utter throatily,wheeze
gaspnoun sharply drawn breath
gaspverb draw breath in sharply
blow,catch one's breath,choke,convulse,fight for breath,gulp,heave,inhale,inspire,pant,puff,respire,sniffle,snort,wheeze,whoop
gaspedverb draw breath in sharply
blew,caught one's breath,choked,convulsed,fought for breath,gulped,heaved,inhaled,inspired,panted,puffed,respired,sniffled,snorted,wheezed,whooped Reviving a wheeze of the Greek historian Plutarch, he has written a parallel life with another Washington cold-war policymaker and contemporary of Kennan’s, Paul Nitze1907-2004.
他借用了希腊历史家普鲁塔克的伎俩,他写文章讲述了另外一位与凯南同时代的华盛顿冷战决策者保罗尼采1907-204与之相似的一生。 ecocn

What seemed a clever wheeze to avoid the scrutiny of the regulators and auditors now looks foolish, since no bank knows the exposure of any other.
逃离监管机构和审计机关的火眼金睛,过去似乎是明智之举,现在看来相当愚蠢,因为银行不知道其他机构是否曝光。 ecocn

Call centres, the latest business wheeze, benefit from being in the same time- zone as America and can hire from a large pool of English- speaking locals.
最近的一次商业计谋,电话服务中心在被划分为美国人受益的同时,也可以通过雇佣会讲英语的当地人来盈利。 ecocn

Children whose mothers ate the most apples were less likely to hae experienced wheeze or asthma than those whose mothers had the lowest apple consumption.
相比很少吃苹果的母亲,那些在孕期好吃苹果的母亲所生的孩子,患喘息或哮喘的几率小。 dj.client.iciba.com

Do you wheeze sometimes?
您会经常喘息吗? yeeyan

He has a slight wheeze in his chest.
他的胸部有轻微的气喘声。 mawul.blog.edu.cn

If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant wheeze for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job, they would have unveiled it by now.
如果大卫·卡梅隆的保守党有一个巧妙的主意,保证每位毕业生都有份高收入的工作,如今他们早该公布了。 yeeyan

In many ways this money- laundering would be a clever wheeze.
在很多方面这样的洗钱都是明智之举。 yeeyan

Indeed, some ambassadors detect a wheeze by Bulgaria’s Socialists to tell voters that the EU has “ newly regained trust” in the government before an election in June.
事实上,一些使节们发现了在6月的保加利亚大选之前,保加利亚社会党已经向选民们暗示,欧盟恢复了对保加利亚政府的信任。 yeeyan

Joyce Dad, one last thing, please don't forget to feed Wheeze, even if you don't like snakes.
乔伊斯爸,还有最后一件事,拜托别忘了喂威士,就算你不喜欢蛇。 xizuo

Methods Airway resistance was measured before and after salbutamol inhalation in55 children with recurrent wheeze,31 with mere cough and18 without respiratory symptoms.
方法对55例反复喘息患儿、31例单纯咳嗽患儿、18例无呼吸道症状儿童进行吸入沙丁胺醇气雾剂前后的气道阻力测定。 chemyq

Now the Irish, the only people in the EU to be offered a referendum on Lisbon, have shot down even this wheeze.
其实欧盟领导人们的三步走反应每一步都是固执的。 诚然爱尔兰否决里斯本条约是个退步。 ecocn

Objective To study the efficacy of inhaling glucocorticoid in preventing bronchiolitis from repeated wheeze outbreak.
目的探讨吸入糖皮质激素预防毛细支气管炎反复喘息发作的疗效。 cnki

Previous studies involving the same group showed that taking vitamins E and D and zinc during pregnancy helped reduce a child's risk of wheeze and asthma.
以前同一组对象的研究表明,在孕期服用维生素 E、 D及锌剂,有助于降低儿童喘息及哮喘的风险。 med66

Results Both the amount and the frequency of Wheeze outbreak were greatly less in treatment group than that in control group.
结果治疗组喘息发作的人数及次数明显低于对照组。 cnki

Results:There were significantly difference in the disappearance time of dyspnoea , lung rale, wheeze and cough, and length of stay compared treat group with control group P0.05 .
结果:观察组喘憋缓解时间、肺部罗音、哮鸣音及咳嗽消失时间、住院天数与对照组比较差异有显著性 P0.05。 cnki

Results were similar for current wheeze.
对目前喘鸣来说,结果是相似的。 dxy

Since1991 one British wheeze for creating networks of influence in Europe has been the European fast stream.
自1991年来英国就已经在为建立一个影响欧洲的网络积极运作。 ecocn

The second girl was born and Alma wanted to stay in town near the clinic because the child had an asthmatic wheeze.
第二个女儿出生了,阿尔玛想留在镇上离诊所近一点,因为这孩子得了哮喘。 ebigear

The cough, wheeze and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age.
这咳嗽、气喘和气急是吸烟而不是年龄引起的。 mawul.blog.edu.cn

The lifetime prevalence of wheeze was 35% at study entry, and for asthma it was 15%.
结果发现终生哮鸣发作的占35%,而气喘发作的占15%。 dxy

The popular inference from Mr Brown’s AV wheeze is that being hunted to death seriously compromises the integrity of a government. Another might be: there’s some life in the old dog yet.
布朗呼吁的可供选择制 AV笑谈中得出的一个流行推论是:被追问至死严重的损害了一个政府的团结;另一个是:这条老狗也许还有些活头。 ecocn

The popular inference from Mr Brown's AV wheeze is that being hunted to death seriously compromises the integrity of a government.
布朗呼吁的可供选择制 AV笑谈中得出的一个流行推论是:被追问至死严重的损害了一个政府的团结; ecocn

The virus made people cough and wheeze violently and doctors in desperation tried a variety of treatments.
这种病毒引起患者剧烈咳嗽和喘息,绝望的医生们尝试了各种治疗。 dxy

There were no observed associations between antibiotic use and eczema, current wheeze, current asthma, atopic asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, or atopy.
在抗生素使用和湿疹、流行性哮喘、气喘、变应性哮喘、过敏性鼻炎结膜炎或遗传性过敏症之间并没有明确的联系。 dxy

Therefore, in the Kodak film world, from a wheeze to the roar of aircraft, all of which is audible.
因此在柯达电影世界,从一声喘息到飞机的轰鸣,全都可以历历在耳。 icityu

This old instrument can only wheeze out a tune now.
这只旧乐器现在只能呼哧呼哧地奏出一个曲调。 dj.client.iciba.com




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