

单词 whatsoever
释义 what·so·ev·er 英ˌhwɒtsəʊˈevə, ˌhwʌt-, ˌwɒt, ˌwʌt-美ˌhwɑtsoˈɛvɚ, ˌhwʌt-, ˌwɑt, ˌwʌt-AHDhwŏt'sō-ĕvʹər, hwŭt'-, wŏt'-, wŭt'- ★★☆☆☆高四六研ICOCA⁸⁴⁵⁰BNC⁶⁵²¹iWeb⁵⁸⁵⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

one or some or every or all without specification;

give me any peaches you don't want

not any milk is left

any child would know that

pick any card

any day now

cars can be rented at almost any airport

at twilight or any other time

beyond any doubt

need any help we can get

give me whatever peaches you don't want

no milk whatsoever is left

非常记忆what什么〖熟词〗+so〖象50〗+ever曾经〖熟词〗⇒无论什么人都有50个曾经爱过的人钱博士what什么+so如此+ever究竟⇒无论什么what什么+so如此+ever究竟⇒无论什么。近义词 any任何的at all完全however然而whatever无论什么

用作副词I see no objectionwhatsoever.我没有任何异议。
The police found no suspicious documentwhatsoever.警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。用作代词You must dowhatsoeveris best for you.什么对你最有利你就做什么。用作形容词Takewhatsoevermeasures you consider best.采取任何你认为最好的措施。as in.whatever
同义词 any,everything
whateverpronoun anything
any,everything And no information whatsoever goes out.
没有任何信息会泄露出来。 yeeyan

And we are not going to compromise our rights whatsoever.
而且,这是我们的权利,我们不会妥协。 yeeyan

But it occurred to me afterward that even if I had been at the horrific scene outside that Safeway supermarket, I would have been of no help whatsoever.
如果这样的事情再次发生,即使站在超市门口的安全通道上,见到如次恐怖的场景,我们也可能只会感到束手无策。 yeeyan

By the same token, America requires that irradiation of food be shown to be not just beneficial, but to do no harm whatsoever.
同样,美国要求对于食品辐射不仅要证明其是有利的,并且还要说明不会造成任何伤害。 ecocn

By making us forget about the upcoming test, she allowed us to come in with no stress whatsoever.
她不动声色地让我们在毫无压力、自由自在的感觉中,忘记了即将来临的考试。 edu.sina.com.cn

The fruits have no seeds whatsoever.
水果也没有任何种子。 yeeyan

The magazine made no impact whatsoever on their careers or literature, and is only remembered because of Bukowski's association with it.
杂志对他们的职业和文学都没有带来什么影响,之所以被记住,只不过是因为它与布可夫斯基有关。 yeeyan

There is no interference whatsoever from outside and we will not accept any interference from anywhere.
没有任何外界的介入,我们也不会接受外界的任何干预。 ebigear

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
所以你们或吃或喝,无论作什么,都要荣耀神而行。 ebigear

But a2009 study by the Center on Media& Child Health at Children's Hospital Boston found no negative cognitive or other impacts whatsoever on those infants exposed to more television than less.
但是由媒体与儿童健康中心在一家波士顿儿童医院于2009年进行的研究表明,无论婴儿看电视是多或少,都对他们的认知能力没有负面影响。 yeeyan

But after a while, we realise that not only is she not screaming, she also appears to have no romantic interest whatsoever.
但是在影片进行一段时间后,我们才意识到她非但没有尖叫,似乎对任何浪漫也都不抱兴趣。 yeeyan

First, her lack of any undergraduate degree whatsoever.
首先,她毕竟缺少一个学士学位。 yeeyan

I have no knowledge of it whatsoever.
我对此一点都不知道。 yeeyan

I have no knowledge whatsoever of any settlement with Gordon Taylor.
与戈顿.泰勒之间的任何协议我一无所知。 yeeyan

I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory.
我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。 hhshowsj

Ideally, emission products from burning any candle source would be water and carbon dioxide, for in this case, there are no health hazards whatsoever for humans.
可以理想地认为,燃烧任何蜡烛类物质产生的排放物都可能是水和二氧化碳,这种情况,对人类健康没有任何危害。 yeeyan

If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.
倘有一个不信的请你们赴席,你们若愿意去,凡摆在你们面前的,只管吃,不要为良心的缘故问什么话。 ebigear

No, because these events are caused by random physical laws that we have no way whatsoever of controlling.
不是的,因为这一切都是我们无论如何都无法控制的随机自然法则造成的。 yeeyan

No sound whatsoever, but the noise of the radio and the helicopter.
没有任何声音,除了广播和直升机的噪声。 blog.sina.com.cn




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