

单词 whats
释义 whats wəts COCA⁹⁷⁸⁰BNC⁴⁶⁶⁸⁷
“ Whats up?” he asked in alarm.
“出什么事了?”他惊恐地问道。 www.upicture.com.cn

Whats missing in the air is the smell of fresh food as well as a tint of human touch.
那黏黏的地板代表的不单是食物的新鲜,还有浓得化不开的人情味。 videoblast

Whats more, his aesthetic view is of profound significance to the reform of the contemporary music art.
他的美学观,对当代音乐教育改革有着深远的指示意义。 cnki

Whats the purpose of celebrating the World Environment Day?
我们庆祝世界环境日的目的是什么? muyehouse

Whats he driving at?
他意图何在? www.com10.cn

Whats important is that we tried our utmost to change the situation there.
重要的是我们为了改变那里的形式已经竭尽全力了。 club.mil.news.sina.com.cn

Whats most important for me is not the work itself but what influence it might have on my future work, will actors still want to work with me?
对我来说,最重要的不是这件作品,而是它会不会对我的将来作品有影响,比方说演员还会和我合作吗? zhuokearts

Whats our future will be?
未来将会怎样? jiaokedu

Whats that supposed to represent?
那应该代表什么? data.book.163.com

Whats the percentage of your class to enter the big five?
就你们班而言,进“五大”的百分比是多少? iciba

Let me just point out an ambiguity. Whats your name?
我来说一个模棱两可的东西,你叫什么? open.163.com

Sandra Phalor: You can hear me? Whats the matter with you?
桑德拉:你能听到我说话?你有什么弊病吗? www.fanx360.com

What kind of works you will do for this assistantship? Whats your duty as a TA/ RA?
你的助学金是做什么的?你做教学助教或是研究助教都做什么? www.5yhua.org

While Martians tend to pull away and silently think about whats bothering them, Venusians feel an instinctive need to talk about whats bothering them.

Whats more, some girls think highly of their freedom and considered it natural that they have the same rights which were usually reserved to their male counterparts.
更让人注意的是,一些年轻妇女认为她们拥有同男人们一样的权利,即或是被认为是男人的特权也不例外。 haotushu

Whats wrong asks the mother.
“怎么哪?”妈妈问。 havegain.com

Whats best about it is that we got Osama and made him pay with his life!
幸运的是我们已经抓到了奥萨那并让他血债血偿! club.mil.news.sina.com.cn

Whats in your garage at home?
你家里有些什么车? blogbus

Whats the meaning of the green campus?
什么叫做绿色校园呢? cpatz

Whats the best thing to do on a first date?
第一次约会,做什么事情最好? ad-rc

Whats the shape of your balloon?
你的气球是甚么外形? www.com10.cn

Whats the matter?
什么是物质? cnfol

Whats this for?
为什么要送我花? vinicoer.web-43.com

Whats up with him today? He has a face like thunder!
他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 ycxyz

Whats wrong with this one?
这个有什么毛病? open.163.com

Whats your arrival and departure dates, please?
请问您哪天到达?哪天离开? chabooks

Whats your budget?
您的预算,是多少? softcastle




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