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词汇 whale
释义 whale 英hweɪl, weɪl美hwel, welAHDhwāl, wāl ★★☆☆☆中高四六研STCOCA⁵⁰¹⁶BNC⁹³⁴⁴iWeb⁵¹²⁹Economist¹⁵²³⁵

C 鲸,鲸鱼

any of several types of very large mammal that live in the sea, some of which are hunted for their oil and flesh

a very large person; impressive in size or qualitiesany of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
hunt for whales来自古英语,源自原始日耳曼语。原本是古代日耳曼人对鲸、海象等巨型海洋生物的称呼。
用作名词 n.
动词+~catch a whale得大利形容词+~blue whale蓝鲸bull〔cow〕 whale雄〔雌〕鲸gray whale灰鲸名词+~humpback whale座头鲸sperm whale抹香鲸介词+~a school of whales一群鲸鱼~+介词whale at〔for, on〕善于…的人,热衷于…的人a whale of极大的,极好的,了不起的
用作名词n.have a whale of a time

玩得非常痛快,过得非常愉快enjoy oneself very much; have a very good time

串联记忆水生动物:goldfish金鱼 jellyfish水母 crab螃蟹 shark鲨鱼近义词 giant巨人hulk 废船beluga白鲟humpback驼背enormity暴行finback长须鲸mammoth巨大的blue whale蓝鲸leviathan大海兽white whale白鲸Titan巨人物cetacean鲸类动物gray whale灰鲸科colossus庞然大物sperm whale巨头鲸humpback whale座头鲸sea monster神话中的 海怪…aquatic mammal水栖哺乳动物…heavyweight超过平均重量的人或物…
用作名词n.The blue whale is the world's largest living animal.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。Pwhale-calfn.幼鲸Pwhalemann.捕鲸者Pwhalebonen.鲸须鲸骨Pwhalern.捕鲸者捕鲸船Pwhaleboatn.捕鲸小艇尖尾长艇Pwhalebackn.鲸背状物鲸背甲板船

用作名词We may live to see the extinction of thewhale.人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝。
Thewhalethrashed the water with its tail.那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。
The bluewhaleis the world's largest living animal.蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。用作动词He used towhaleme when he was sober and could get his hands on me.他从前没喝醉的时候,只要能抓住我,总要打我一通。noun.cetacean mammal
同义词 mammal,porpoisebaleen,beluga,cetacean,finback,grampus,narwhal,orca,rorqual,whopperceta,cete,orc,sei
Goliathnoun giant
beatverb injure by striking
blubberverb cry
cetaceannoun aquatic mammal
flailverb beat, strike
flogverb whip, lash
beat,belt,cane,castigate,chastise,ferule,flagellate,flax,flay,give the cat o'nine tails,hide,hit,larrup,lather,leather,paddle,scourge,spank,strike,stripe,tan one's hide,thrash,trounce,wax,whack,whale,whomp,whop It also stated that pregnant orbreast-feeding women should refrain from eating any pilot whale meat at all.
这份建议还提及孕妇以及哺乳期内的妇女应该完全避免食用领航鲸肉。 yeeyan

Neglect, dilapidation, storm and fire have gradually reduced it to a rusting hulk, like the rib-cage of a whale.
先把这些搁置一边,破损、风暴、以及火灾已经渐渐让它变成一条废船,就像是鲸鱼的肋骨。 ecocn

The celebrations and the food of old will come and go, but nobody will be asked to subsist on seal or whale.
庆典和传统食物依然会这样流传下去,但是没有人要求大家要靠海豹或鲸鱼活下去。 ecocn

The receding tide stranded the whale.

This sense of revelation is in part due to our changing attitude towards the whale.
与鲸鱼感到关联部分是由于和我们对鲸鱼态度发生了变化。 yeeyan

What is more, Norway and Iceland point out, they have managed their fish stocks much better than the sanctimonious whale-lovers of the European Union.
而且,挪威和冰岛还指出,它们在管理鱼群方面要比那些道貌岸然、反对捕鲸的欧盟国家做得好的多。 ecocn

Although Westerners were once reliant on whale oil for lighting, we never actually ran out of whales.
虽然西方人曾经依赖于鲸鱼油来照明,但是我们事实上从未杀光鲸鱼。 yeeyan

But the reason that international whale conservation work continues is not just because whales are endangered.
但是,国际鲸保育工作继续的理由并不仅仅因为鲸是濒临灭绝。 yeeyan

High demand and rising prices for whale oil spurred a search for and investment in the19th- century version of alternative energy.
对鲸鱼油的高要求和不断上升的价格刺激了对替代能源的19世纪型式的研究和投资。 yeeyan

In addition, a new whale sanctuary would be established in the south Atlantic, although no whaling actually occurs there now.
除此之外,在南大西洋将建立一个新的鲸鱼保护区,虽然目前还没有在那里发现捕鲸行为。 yeeyan

In“The Origin of Species, ” Darwin speculated on how natural selection could turn a land mammal into a whale.
在《物种起源》中,达尔文猜测了自然选择使陆地哺乳动物进化成鲸鱼的可能过程。 yeeyan

It developed in near total isolation from any other species of dolphin or whale.
它生息繁衍之处与其它种类的海豚和鲸鱼几乎完全隔绝。 ecocn

It is not freezing but even in summer the wind is bitingly cold and we can smell the bad breath of a humpback whale as it groans past our bows on Sermilik Fjord.
天气还不是最冷的时候,但即使在夏天,风也是寒冷刺骨。当驼背鲸哼哼着经过我们的船头向塞尔米利克峡湾游去时,我们闻得到它的口臭。 yeeyan

Mr Payne,75, is best known for his1968 discovery and recordings of songs by humpback whales, and for finding that some whale species can communicate with each other over long distances.
佩恩先生,75岁,最为知名的是他在1968年发现座头鲸并为其歌声录音,还发现一些鲸鱼物种可以相距遥远仍可彼此沟通。 yeeyan

Since time immemorial, the whale has been wreathed in mystery— and of course it almost predates time itself, having existed long before the land around which it swims.
自远古以来,鲸鱼一直被披上神秘的色彩--当然它们也的确几乎与时间一样古老,它们存在的时间比它们游过的陆地的历史还长。 yeeyan

So whale come out fish, because they are fish obviously.

The researchers are sharing their real-time data on whale locations, transmitted from the buoys via satellite, with tanker captains, who can then slow down their ships or alter course to avoid whales.
研究人员正分享他们的实时数据去为鲸鱼定位,通过卫星与油轮船长从浮标传送数据,船长能放慢船速或改变航道来避开鲸鱼。 yeeyan

The two fleets expect to meet in the Antarctic whale sanctuary before Christmas and will shadow and confront each other for at least12 weeks.
双方舰队将在圣诞节前相会于南极鲸鱼保护区,并在接下来的至少12个星期里相互追踪相互对抗。 yeeyan

The“ whale” part of the name refers to size and how the animals eat.
鲸鲨名字中“鲸”那部分指的是这种动物的大小以及它们如何吃东西的。 yeeyan

The consequences could be horrific for both whale and man, he said.
其后果对鲸鱼和人类都是同样可怕,他说。 yeeyan

The white whale of energy, scientists have been hyping the potential of nuclear fusion since, oh, the first hydrogen bomb was dropped over the Marshall Islands in1952.
能源的大白鲸,自从,噢,第一颗氢弹在1952年被投掷在马绍尔群岛以来,科学家们一直都在大肆宣传核聚变的潜力。 yeeyan

The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.
这只离摄影师最近的白鲸正呼出空气以帮助其下潜。 kekenet

Today it is fueling the astonishing resurrection of the Antarctic fur seal, as well as the slow but steady recovery of several whale species.
如今它又支撑着南极软毛海豹种群数量惊人的增长,以及一些鲸鱼类种群数量缓慢但是稳步的回升。 yeeyan

Traditionally, Japan has been the best at netting extra votes, including schools of small Pacific and Caribbean nations with no taste for whale meat but a hunger for Japanese aid.
传统说来,日本在笼络额外票数方面一直最在行,包括那些对鲸鱼肉没有喜爱、却对日本的援助充满渴望的太平洋和加勒比海小国。 ecocn

We have no baseline data on how much ivory is in the market, how much is on sale, what proportion is mammoth, whale, hippo and bone.
库存待售的象牙有多少? 现存的象类、鲸类、河马以及它们的骨骼各占多少比例?我们缺乏这方面的基础数据。 ecocn

With the new discovery of whale fossils, scientists have only recently been able to study the efficiency of limbless swimming.
随着新的鲸鱼化石的发现,科学家们也是在最近,才得以研究无肢游行消耗的能量。 yeeyan




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