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WHA AHD|hwȧ,-wa 高COCA⁵²⁵⁸²BNC⁵⁹⁹⁸⁷ 基本例句 abbr.世界卫生大会=World Health Assembly First, we sincerely invited Taiwan to send delegates to join the Chinese delegation and attend WHA together with us. 诚恳邀请台湾方面派员参加中国代表团,与我们一起出席世界卫生大会。 www.fmprc.gov.cn The daily Journal of the WHA contains the day’s agenda. 世界卫生大会《日刊》包含当天的议程。 who The biannual report to the WHA notes that while some progress has been made towards implementation of DPAS recommendations, the results are not universal. 卫生大会双年度报告指出,虽然该战略有关建议的实施取得了一些进展,成果不是普遍的。 who A new global partnership that will work to improve public health decision-making through better health information was launched today at the World Health Assembly WHA. 一项新的致力于通过更好的卫生信息改进公共卫生决策的全球伙伴关系今天在世界卫生大会上启动。 who Correspondents wishing to cover the WHA must be accredited by the office of the United Nations Department of Public Information DPI at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. 希望报道世界卫生大会情况的记者必须得到设在日内瓦万国宫的联合国新闻部办公室的资格认证。 who Countries affected by poliovirus importations should continue to supplement routine immunization with large-scale outbreak response activities with the relevant OPV, as per the WHA Resolution WHA59.1. 受到输入性脊髓灰质炎病毒影响的国家应按照世界卫生大会WHA59.1号决议,利用有关口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗开展大规模疫情应对活动,继续实施补充性常规免疫。 who Filming and videotaping of the WHA is limited to news, documentary and educational coverage of the meetings. 世界卫生大会上的摄影和录像仅限于会议新闻、记录片和教育性报道。 who Given the world- wide shortage of health workers and their centrality to countries' health systems, the WHA adopted a resolution on the rapid scaling up of health workforce production. 鉴于在世界范围,卫生工作者短缺以及他们在各国卫生系统中的重要性,卫生大会通过了一项关于迅速加大卫生人力培养力度的决议。 who In1991 WHO's governing body, the World Health Assembly WHA passed a resolution to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000. 在1991年,作为世卫组织理事机构的世界卫生大会通过一项决议,以便到2000年消灭作为公共卫生问题的麻风。 who Most WHA meetings are open to the media and can be covered from specially designated press areas. 世界卫生大会的多数会议对传媒开放并可从专门指定的记者区进行报道。 who Note that Member States can submit new resolutions for WHA consideration. 注意各会员国可提交新的决议供卫生大会审议。 who The 58th World Health Assembly WHA will take place from16-25 May2005 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. 第58届世界卫生大会将于2005年5月16-25日在瑞士日内瓦万国宫召开。 who The Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly WHA is set to consider several critical health issues next week. 第五十八届世界卫生大会卫生大会将在下个星期审议若干重大卫生问题。 who The final report will be presented to the WHA in May2011. 将于2011年5月向世界卫生大会提交最后报告。 who The individuals are designated by Member States elected by the World Health Assembly WHA. 这些个人由世界卫生大会选举产生的有权指派代表的会员国指派。 who The individuals are designated by Member States elected to do so by the World Health Assembly WHA. 这些个人均由世界卫生大会选举有权这样做的会员国指派。 who The WHA adopted a resolution to reinvigorate efforts in clean drinking water, sanitation and health. 世界卫生大会通过了一项关于振兴清洁饮用水、卫生设施和保健方面工作的决议。 who The WHA adopted a resolution expressing concern over the continuous deterioration of the health and economic conditions of the populations in the occupied Palestinian territory. 卫生大会通过了一项决议,表示关注巴勒斯坦被占领土人民不断恶化的卫生和经济情况。 who The WHA adopted a resolution on health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan. 世界卫生大会通过了一项关于巴勒斯坦被占领土包括东耶路撒冷和叙利亚被占戈兰的卫生状况的决议。 who The WHA adopted a resolution on International Trade and Health. 卫生大会通过了关于国际贸易和卫生的决议。 who The WHA also resolved to intensify action in order to achieve the aim of preventing avoidable blindness. 卫生大会还决心加强行动,实现预防可避免盲症的目标。 who WHA Member States adopted the ten-year framework outlining the strategic direction for health partners across the globe, in light of the world's health challenges. 会员国针对全球卫生挑战,通过了载明全球卫生伙伴战略方向的十年框架。 who WHA targets are to detect, by2005, 70% of new sputum smear-positive cases and to successfully treat85% of these cases. 世界卫生大会的目标是到2005年检出70%新的痰涂片阳性病例和成功治疗85%的这些病例。 who |