释义 |
wever 基本例句 n.韦弗 After onehour NIPPV treatment,however,hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis were apparently improved in effective group.但是,经过仅1个小时的NIPPV治疗后,有效组患者的高碳酸血症及呼吸性酸中毒得到明显改善。 You may, hewever,cresent as a freewill offeringa an ox or a sheep that is deformed or stunted, but it will not ne accepted in fulfillment of a vow.23无论是公牛是绵羊羔,若肢体有余的,或是缺少的,只可作甘心祭献上,用以还愿,却不蒙悦纳。 However, it is stated that layer mode is valuable at calculation of thin film,and that layer mode may be adopted to full region of lubrication, that is, solu tion close-region.说明分层模型在膜厚计算中的可行性,从而说明分层模型适用于从厚膜到薄膜的整个润滑区域,是全域解。 The provision of “open” access pipes between the Internet and thewever,benefits of this approach include low cost access to the corporate LAN for remote workers and branch offices,and Internet access for employees.在互联网和公司网之间提供“开放的”访问管道更加重了他们的担忧和顾虑。然而,这种方法有很多好处,包括远程工作人员和分公司访问公司局域网的低成本和雇员访问互联网。 The provision of “open” access pipes between the Internet and thewever, benefits of this approach include low cost access to the corporate LAN for remote workers and branch offices, and Internet access for employees.在互联网和公司网之间提供“开放的”访问管道更加重了他们的担忧和顾虑。然而,这种方法有很多好处,包括远程工作人员和分公司访问公司局域网的低成本和雇员访问互联网。 |