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词汇 west side
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Neighbourhoods on the West Side, like Kitsilano, are popular because they are near the beach, close to downtown and have a funky, youthful character.
在西边,像基斯兰奴这样的邻居,是因为靠近海滩和闹市区、有着时髦而年轻的个性而受人欢迎的。 i21st

The larger restaurants on the street’s west side serve a mix of Shanghai, Hunan, and Sichuan cuisine and, in nice weather, offer outdoor seating.
在枣阳路西边有一家比较大的餐馆供应上海,湖南,和四川各种美食,如果天气好,还提供户外座位服务。 yeeyan

The plane was headed to Ocean City, N. J., FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. The helicopter had just taken off from a heliport on Manhattan's West side.
FAA发言人吉姆·皮特斯 Jim Peters说,小型飞机的目的地是新泽西州大洋城,而直升机则是更早一些从曼哈顿西岸的一个直升机场起飞的。 yeeyan

The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.
每处林木的西边和凸起的地面流光溢彩,宛如乐园的边际,夕阳在背好似和蔼的牧人晚间赶车送我们回家。 ebigear

About one third of the park lies on the west side of the divide.
大约该公园的三分之一面积位于分水岭的西部。 yeeyan

All five finally came together when the women's doubles tournament moved to the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, New York.
所有五个单项在女子双打比赛转移到纽约的森林小丘西城网球俱乐部后,终于走到了一起。 yeeyan

Antarctica is losing nearly as much, mostly from its vulnerable west side, which is perched on top of submerged mountains.
南极的冰层损失也近似,其损失主要来自脆弱的西部,那里处于水下山脉的顶部。 yeeyan

As someone who likes to think I have a fairly complete education in the Broadway musical, however, one show holds a special place: West Side Story.
对于那些自认对百老汇音乐剧欣赏有很深造诣的人来讲,有一部剧享有特殊的地位:这就是《西区故事》。 yeeyan

At a high school auditorium on the West Side, where the bid leaders showed glossy Olympics schematics and stood beside toned former Olympians, Stephanie Patton asked, “ Why should we trust you?”
在曼哈顿西区的一个高中礼堂里,在那里筹备领导们正在给大家看一些漂亮的图标,同时他们旁边站着健硕的奥林匹克健将,SP问道:“我们为什么相信你们” yeeyan

Every year at Thanksgiving, parts of the Upper West Side of Manhattan become like a paradise for children.
每逢一年一度的感恩节,曼哈顿上西区的一角便成为了孩子们的天堂。 yeeyan

His grades at public schools in Manhattan's Upper West Side were mostly Bs, but arithmetic baffled him.
在曼哈顿上西区的公共学校里,他的成绩大多都是 B,好在算术还不赖。 yeeyan

I met Gary and Dick in their Upper West Side apartment in the heat of July, a week after New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage which became law this week.
顶着七月的炎热,我在加里和迪克上西城的公寓家中见到了他们,时间正是纽约市长安德鲁•科莫签署了“同性婚姻合法化”议案一周之后该议案已于本周通过立法。 ecocn

I saw Amy Winehouse play live only once, at the Highline Ballroom, on the lower west side of Manhattan, in2008.
2008年,在曼哈顿的西区,我在海莱恩宴会厅看了一次艾米·怀恩豪斯的现场,仅此一次。 yeeyan

If you go to the West Side of Manhattan and take the subway north, past Times Square, Central Park, and Harlem, you come to the neighborhood where I grew up.
如果您去曼哈顿西区,搭地铁北线,经过时代广场,中央公园和哈莱姆区,您便到了我从小长大的街区。 yeeyan

No, I came to West Side Story simply to find out whether, in2009, the show still entertains, excites, lives up to its gargantuan reputation.
不,当我看完这版《西区故事》后,我在想,到了2009年,这部久负盛名的音乐剧是否还具有娱乐性,是否还能承担如此的赞誉。 yeeyan

On another date he suggested a trip to a shooting range near the West Side Highway.
在另一次约会中他提议去西城高速公路附近的一个射击场郊游。 yeeyan

Washington lived in an impoverished West Side community and has strong memories of preschool field trips to the library, zoo and planetarium where he learned to love science.
华盛顿住在贫困的西部社区,他深深地记得那时候在学前班时的图书馆,动物园和天文馆的活动,在那里,他学会了热爱科学。 yeeyan




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