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词汇 Westminster
释义 West·min·ster 英ˈwestˌmɪnstə美ˈwɛstˌmɪnstɚAHDwĕstʹmĭn'stər Economist²¹⁰⁴

a borough of Greater London on the Thames; contains Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特Westminster是英国大伦敦区一个自治市,同时也是伦敦一教堂的名称。Westminster中的minster来自拉丁语,等于monastery修道院。所以它的字面含义就是“西边的修道院”。Westminster hall威斯敏斯特宫英国议…
TheWestminsterAbbey entombs many great men.威斯敏斯特教堂是许多伟人的安葬之所。
Visualizing myself atWestminsterafter Boulder was galling.想象自己离开博尔德而去威斯敏斯特是令人屈辱的。 Loyalty to the Spurs seems to be confined to that area, however, except for two small patches in WestminsterW.
似乎只有在上述三个区有热刺球迷,在此之外,只有在威斯敏斯特区有两小块热刺球迷飞地。 yeeyan

The hours of waiting before leaving for Westminster Abbey were the most nerve racking.
等待前往威斯敏斯特大教堂的几个小时是最令人不安的。 yeeyan

The problems within the system were highlighted at a meeting of the Westminster Education Forum on Wednesday.
周三在威斯敏斯特教育论坛上着重强调了这一系统的问题。 yeeyan

A more obvious way for voters to express their disenchantment with the political status quo is to vote for one of the“ outsider” parties not currently represented at Westminster.
选民们表达他们对政治现状的觉醒有个更明显的方法,那就是为那些现在在议会没有一席之地的“靠边党”投上一票。 ecocn

After the1800 Act of Union with Ireland, the Dublin Parliament was abolished and Irish MPs and Lords were represented in the Westminster Parliament.
1800年,通过1800联合爱尔兰法令,都柏林议会撤销,爱尔兰的平民院议员和贵族进入了威斯敏斯特议会。 yeeyan

At a Downing Street press conference, the prime minister said Westminster“ can no longer operate as a19th- century institution where the members make up the rules, and operate them among themselves”.
首相在唐宁街的新闻发布会上宣称,议会“不能再像个19世纪的机构那样运作,不能再让议员们拼凑出一些规则并自行实施”了。 yeeyan

Even today, you still can’t buy property in parts of central London without paying tribute to the Duke of Westminster.
即使在今天,不向威斯敏斯特公爵支付赋税,人们就无法在伦敦市中心的一些地段购得房地产。 yeeyan

Even today, you still can't buy property in parts of central London without paying tribute to the Duke of Westminster.
即使到了今天,如果不向威斯敏斯特公爵纳税还仍然不能购买伦敦中心某些地带的资产。 yeeyan

He will head Britain’s only national opposition party at Westminster.
他将在威斯敏斯特领导英国唯一的全国性反对党。 ecocn

In truth, MPs who graduated from Westminster’s back rooms tend to know their way around policy and bureaucracy, one big reason why they rise to high office.
事实上,从威斯敏斯特英国国会大厦密室里毕业的议员们,往往知道绕过政策和政府机构的方法,这是他们能进入高层的一个主要原因原因。 ecocn

Now the Labour Party will spend the summer deciding which of four men immersed in Westminster since university should lead it.
现在工党要在夏季从这四个人中选出工党的领导者,他们自从大学就呆在威斯敏斯特。 ecocn

Originally the Catesby rented a house near to the Palace of Westminster and the group began to dig a tunnel out under the Houses of Parliament.
起初卡特斯比租用了威斯敏斯特宫附近的一所房屋,其后密谋组织开始挖掘一条通往议会大厦的地道。 yeeyan

Proceeds from lotteries helped to fund repairs to the Cinque Ports on the Sussex and Kent coasts, and to build Westminster Bridge.
来自彩票业的收益帮助修复了在苏塞克斯和肯特海岸的五港同盟,并修建了威斯敏斯特桥。 yeeyan

Researchers at the University of Westminster, used specialist equipment to monitored eye movements and emotional responses in the body to a series of everyday consumer products in50 volunteers.

Smaller groups of Chinese laborers, farmers and merchants were also found in Nanaimo and New Westminster.
小群的中国劳工,农夫和商人也到纳奈莫和新威斯敏斯特。 yeeyan

STV would virtually guarantee that no single party could achieve an overall majority at Westminster.
STV能后切实保证没有哪个政党会在威斯敏斯特获得绝对多数地位。 ecocn

Such wary, painful memories extend far beyond spots like Mexborough to the seat of power in Westminster.
这种厌恶、痛苦的回忆从梅克斯伯勒一直扩散到威斯敏斯特的权力之位。 yeeyan

The tower in Westminster is sinking into the banks of the Thames, partly as a result of decades of underground excavation.
位于威斯敏斯特的这座钟楼正朝泰晤士河堤岸倾倒,造成这一结果的部分原因是长达几十年的地下挖掘。 huanqiu

This document, the Provisions of Westminster, formed the basis of English common law for the next several centuries.
这个文件,即威斯敏斯特条款,为接下来几个世纪的英国习惯法奠定了基础。 yeeyan

This unlikely axis has functioned surprisingly well— yielding a new culture of pragmatic compromise and, if anything, fewer tensions than the coalition partnership at Westminster.
这不大可能的轴却运转的出奇地好,屈从于一种实用主义妥协的新文化,比在议会里的联合关系要轻松。 ecocn

This was not the first occasion upon which burgesses were called to Westminster, but on previous occasions they served merely a consultative role.
这并不是第一个地方议员被召到威斯敏斯特的情形,但是在前几次中,地方议员只是起协商的作用。 yeeyan

Tory backbenchers have urged David Cameron to take the opportunity of any treaty changes arising from the crisis to repatriate powers from Brussels to Westminster.
托利后座议员曾要求大卫卡梅隆抓住因为这次危机引起的任何条约改变的计划,让权力从布鲁塞尔回到威斯敏斯特。 yeeyan




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