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词汇 Westerwelle
释义 WesterwelleEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
A black- yellow coalition, in which Mr Westerwelle might be foreign minister instead, would be a bit tougher: the FDP is not only the most pro- business of the parties but also the most pro- American.
可如果是黄-黑联盟的话,外交部长就会变成威斯特威勒,他的态度将会更强硬一些:自民党不仅是德国政党中最重视商业的,同时也是最亲美的。 ecocn

Almost as happy was Guido Westerwelle, the beleaguered chairman of the FDP and Germany’s foreign minister.
进退两难的 FDP自由民主党主席,德国外交部长 Guido Westerwelle对此结果感到满意。 ecocn

Mr Köhler was hoisted into office in 2004 by Mrs Merkel and by the FDP’s chief, Guido Westerwelle, both opposition leaders at the time.
克勒于2004年受到在野党领导人默克尔和基多•韦斯特韦勒的支持而入主德国总统一职。 ecocn

Mr Westerwelle, now47, was one of the few who stayed.
现年47岁的威氏是当时少数留下来中的一个。 ecocn

On April26th Mrs Merkel’s deputy, the German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, declared that offering money too soon would undermine Greek discipline.
4月26日,德国总统默克尔副手,德国外交部部长基多·威斯特威勒宣称,过快向希腊注资将使希腊的财政纪律打折扣。 ecocn

The coalition’s weakest link is the liberal FDP and its abrasive leader, Guido Westerwelle, who also serves as foreign minister.
联合政府最薄弱的环节来自于自民党和它脾气暴躁的领袖基多韦斯特韦勒,他同时也出任外交部长。 yeeyan

The foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country’s nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems.
外长基多·威斯特威勒则呼吁对该国的核电站进行一次新的风险分析,尤其是其冷却系统。 yeeyan

The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle of the liberal FDP expressed his disappointment.
德国外长,自由民主党人威斯特威勒 Guido Westerwelle表达了自己的失望。

WHEN Guido Westerwelle, Germany’s foreign minister, tires of sneers at home he escapes to the Middle East.
德国外交部长基多·威斯特威勒一厌倦了国内的嘲笑之声,就逃到中东。 ecocn

But Mr Westerwelle, who as foreign minister has made much of good relations with Poland, says no.
可是外交部长威斯特威勒先生自由民主党FDP主席却因其与波兰的友好关系坚决表示不同意。 ecocn

Despite his new role as foreign minister, the FDP’s leader, Guido Westerwelle, pushed for more tax cuts and started a divisive debate about welfare.
自由民主党领导人基多•威斯特威勒虽然现在担任外交部长,但仍积极推行减税政策,及各政党各执己见的关于福利的辩论。 ecocn

Guido Westerwelle, its leader and the government’s foreign minister, is Germany’s least popular politician.
该党领袖也是德国外长长基多•威斯特威勒是德国最不受欢迎的政治家。 ecocn

In Germany Mr Westerwelle is the least popular foreign minister on record, partly because he seems more passionate about taxes than foreign affairs.
在德国,威斯特威勒部长有史以来最不受欢迎的外长,部分原因在于他对税收比对外交事务更有激情。 ecocn

Mr Westerwelle is expected to become foreign minister and vice- chancellor.
韦斯特维勒先生很可能当选副总理以及外交部长。 ecocn

Mr Westerwelle and Angela Merkel, the chancellor, have called into question“the basic principles of German foreign policy”, said Der Spiegel, a weekly.
周刊杂志《明镜周刊》评论:威斯特威勒部长和德国总理安格拉·默克尔已质疑“德国外交政策的基本原则”。 ecocn

Mr Westerwelle recently tapped into popular resentment against Hartz IV beneficiaries by complaining that in Germany “there seem to be only people who get tax money but no one who earns it.”
威斯特维勒日前就因为其针对哈茨四号方案的受益人的一句话激起了民愤,他抱怨说:能分到税款的人虽多,但好像没有一个人配拿这个钱。 ecocn

Nor is a new golden age likely when Ms Merkel and Mr Westerwelle take office.
默克尔和威斯特维勒执政的时候可能也不会是一个新的黄金时代。 ecocn

On Libya, she let her foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, who is also head of the FDP, take the lead.
在利比亚问题上,她让身兼自民党党首的国家外交部长基多·威斯特威勒作表率。 ecocn

Some French voices echoed many others in demanding that Mr Westerwelle be sacked.
部分法国人也对很多人要求威斯特威勒先生下台的呼声给予了积极回应。 ecocn

The FDP's leader, Guido Westerwelle, says he will sign no coalition agreement without it.
自由民主党的领导 Guido Westerwelle说,没有这一点他不会签署联合协议。 xmlchina

WHEN Guido Westerwelle stumbles, his usual stratagem is to pretend nothing happened.
当吉多•韦斯特韦勒被绊了一下时,他通常的策略是假装什么都没发生。 ecocn

Guido Westerwelle, who is both the FDP’s chairman and the foreign minister, now says that deficit reduction takes precedence.
而现在身为自由民主联盟主席以及外交部长的 Guido Westerwelle,则发表言论说减小赤字应该优先。 ecocn

Westerwelle said a settlement freeze was part of the roadmap.
韦斯特韦勒表示冻结定居点是路线图的一部分。 yeeyan




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