

单词 Wesleyan
释义 Wes·ley·an 英ˈwesliːən, ˈwez-美ˈwɛsliən, ˈwɛz-AHDwĕsʹlē-ən, wĕzʹ- 高iWeb¹⁸⁹⁷⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a follower of Wesleyanism
of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley;

Methodist theology

近义词 Methodist照章办事者

用作名词For more information on theWesleyanSeminar, please refer here.卫斯理神学研讨会更多详情,请看这里。
As the hours went on, I watched the story hitWesleyanWeb sites, then local Connecticut news, and finally national giants like The New York Times and CNN.就像在一小时以前,我刚刚知道这个事件发生的时候,当地卫斯理网站的消息,已经最终传到康乃狄克州外的其他地方,如纽约时报和有线电视新闻网。用作形容词For more information on theWesleyanSeminar, please refer here.卫斯理神学研讨会更多详情,请看这里。
As the hours went on, I watched the story hitWesleyanWeb sites, then local Connecticut news, and finally national giants like The New York Times and CNN.就像在一小时以前,我刚刚知道这个事件发生的时候,当地卫斯理网站的消息,已经最终传到康乃狄克州外的其他地方,如纽约时报和有线电视新闻网。 Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this “the Paul Muni problem.”
卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。 yeeyan

Kennedy Odede, the executive director of Shining Hope for Communities, a social services organization, is a junior at Wesleyan University.
作者Kenneydy Odede,社会服务组织“社区的闪亮希望”的执行负责人,卫斯理大学的大三学生。 yeeyan

Sean Kay of Ohio Wesleyan University says that despite the alliance's decision to resume relations with Russia, NATO countries are still divided over the issue.
俄亥俄卫斯理大学的肖恩·凯说,虽然北约决定跟俄罗斯恢复关系,但北约国家在这个问题上仍然存在分歧。 hjenglish

The only school on my list that allowed transfers during the second semester of freshman year was Wesleyan, so I waited out the whole year, then applied to Yale, Brown and Wesleyan.
供我选择的允许在第一年第二学期转学的唯一一所学校是卫斯理教派大学。我等了整整一年,接着又申请了耶鲁大学、布朗大学和卫斯理教派大学。 hjenglish

“ China is a really easy scapegoat,” said Erika Franklin Fowler, a political science professor at Wesleyan University who is director of the Wesleyan Media Project, which tracks political advertising.
“中国很容易被当做替罪羊,”埃丽卡·富兰克林·福勒 Erika Franklin Fowler表示。 埃丽卡是卫斯理大学 Wesleyan University的政治学教授、卫斯理媒体项目的主持人,负责观察政治宣传的进程。 yeeyan

“ I think we’re dealing with a case of three blind men and an elephant,” says James Greenwood, a planetary scientist at Wesleyan University in Connecticut who has worked on apatite studies.
“我认为我们现在都是盲人摸象。” 康乃迪克州卫斯连大学的行星科学家詹姆斯·格林伍德说道,他对磷灰石进行了研究。 yeeyan

“ This is an invitation to Americans as a whole to become larger by incorporating the history of others, ” says Vera Schwarcz, a professor of Chinese history at Wesleyan University in Connecticut.
“这是对全体美国人提出的要求,要他们融合其他民族的历史,壮大自己,”薇拉•施瓦茨说。她是康涅狄格州韦斯勒因大学的中国历史教授。 zftrans

As the hours went on, I watched the story hit Wesleyan Web sites, then local Connecticut news, and finally national giants like The New York Times and CNN.
就像在一小时以前,我刚刚知道这个事件发生的时候,当地卫斯理网站的消息,已经最终传到康乃狄克州外的其他地方,如纽约时报和有线电视新闻网。 dltcedu

At2:42 P. M. on Wednesday, I received a one-line email from a friend telling me that a girl had been shot at Wesleyan University, from which we both graduated last spring.
在周三下午的2点42分,我收到了一封来自我朋友的电子邮件,他告诉我一位卫斯理岩大学的女孩被射杀了,我们去年春天刚刚从那里毕业。 dltcedu

Brian studies eating habits at Cornell, while Craig is a religion professor at Virginia Wesleyan.
布赖恩在康奈尔大学研究饮食习惯,而克雷格是弗吉尼亚州卫斯理学院的宗教学教授。 hjenglish

But somewhat tight hamstrings, as the Nebraska Wesleyan study showed, can make you more economical.
但正如内布拉斯加卫理公会大学的研究表明的,稍微紧绷的腿筋能加快你的步伐频率。 yeeyan

In 1994, at Texas Wesleyan University School of Law, Ft.
1994年,在得克萨斯州卫斯理大学法学院,英尺。 tinyurl.com

Keep in mind, if he wanted to hear the gentle rustle of armpit hair he’d have married a Wesleyan woman studies major.
记住,如果他想听到细小的腋窝毛发的沙沙声,他还不如娶一个卫斯理公会派女人呢。 yeeyan

One of those in the latest wave is Joshua Arjuna Stephens, who graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in American studies.
乔舒亚•阿朱耶•斯蒂芬斯 Joshua Arjuna Stephens就是最近这一波热潮中的一员。 他2007年毕业于卫斯理大学,获得美国研究学士学位。 edu.sina.com.cn

People living near coasts will face new risks as they adapt to climate change and sea level rise. That’s according to Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.
来自康涅狄格州米德尔顿的卫斯理大学经济学家盖里.尤伊说,居住在海岸附近的人们为适应气候变化和海水上升将承受新的风险。 hjenglish

She is currently working on her master's degree in teaching from Indiana Wesleyan University.
现在,她正在攻读印第安纳魏斯理大学的教育硕士学位。 focunique.com

The study, published in Britain's International Journal of Obesity, is co- authored by Wansink's brother, Craig, a Presbyterian minister and professor of religious studies at Virginia Wesleyan College.
该研究报告在英国《国际肥胖杂志》上发表,由万辛克和他的兄弟、弗吉尼亚卫斯理公会学院宗教学教授、长老会牧师克雷格共同撰写。 cri

This development must be understood against a backdrop of the Wesleyan and holiness heritage out of which Pentecostalism arose at the turn of last century.
这必须从上个世纪结束时,卫理会的衰退和灵恩运动兴起时所继承的圣洁运动来理解。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two prominent economists, Markus Mobius of Harvard and Tanya Rosenblat of Wesleyan, proved this in a research study based on a mock labor market where students played employers and job seekers.
两位著名的经济学家,哈佛大学的马克斯·莫比乌斯和维思大学的谭雅·罗逊勃兰特,通过对虚拟人才市场的研究证实了这一事实。在这个虚拟人才市场中,一部分学生扮演雇主,一部分学生扮演求职者。 yeeyan

Wesleyan University with only3000 students is called a university.
而卫斯理大学的学生人数只有3000。 globeedu




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