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Cashed-up Juventus admit they're keen on Werder Bremen pair Miroslav Klose and Thorsten Frings.
持有重金的尤文图斯承认他们对不来梅的双星克洛泽和弗林斯很感兴趣。 juvezone

For Chelsea, the group stage commences against Werder Bremen next week at Stamford Bridge, a game for which tickets are now on general sale.
切尔西的小组赛从主场对不来梅开始,这场比赛的球票已经开始发售。 qieerxi

Next I'll be going to Chelsea v Barcelona, Arsenal v Manchester United and then Hamburg to watch HSV v Werder Bremen.

The Spaniard, who looked in fine form against Werder Bremen on Tuesday night, believes competition for places down the flanks could hold the key to securing a first championship since 1990.
西班牙人在周二晚与布莱梅的比赛中体现出了良好的状态,他认为边路球员之间的竞争将是球队有望获得自1990以来首个冠军的关键。 lfcfans

“ My goal is to become one of the best players in the world,” said the former Schalke and Werder Bremen player.

Chelsea striker Claudio Pizarro is determined to earn a first-team place at Stamford Bridge despite Werder Bremen's interest in a permanent deal.
尽管云达不来梅希望永久引进切尔西前锋克劳迪奥。皮萨罗,但他仍决心留在斯坦福桥为了争取一个首发位置而努力。 qieerxi

Everybody knows in Bremen: With only one point till the relegation spot and minus twenty goals, Werder will have to fight to stay in the league.
至少,每个不来梅人还是能认清现状的:只比降级区高1分,高达-20的净胜球,不莱梅必须为保级而战了。 gerfans

He supplied the pin point pass that dissected the defence and allowed the Werder Bremen midfielder to round goalkeeper Liu Zhenil and give them the lead on18 minutes.
他在18分钟时送出致命传球撕破了中国队防线,使得中场云达不莱梅晃过门将队员刘震理破门领先。 il123

However, at the moment I am concentrated on Werder because we are in an important phase of the season.
但是,现在我必须集中精力与不莱梅,因为我们正处于本赛季非常重要的阶段。 juvefans

I did my job at Werder and I will continue to do it at Juventus.
我在不莱梅完成了自己的工作,在尤文我也会继续这样。 juvefans

It really is a different game. In the Bundesliga, especially at Werder Bremen, I always used to play attacking football.
这完是一种不同的足球,在德甲,尤其是在云达不莱梅,我总是踢的攻势足球。 juvefans

Juventus delegation will be in Germany this week to close an agreement with Werder Bremen for midfielder Thorsten Frings.
一个尤文图斯的代表团这周将前往德国,为了和云达不来梅达成关于中场托尔斯滕·弗林斯的转会交易。 gerfans

On Thursday we will be playing in the second leg against Werder Bremen, I'm confidence because in the first leg we played a very good game.
下周四米兰和不来梅将进入第二回合,自己对比赛很有信心,因为第一回合米兰踢得相当可以。 scacm

Riise scored a superb goal in the pre-season friendly against Werder Bremen on Tuesday, while Andrei Voronin impressed with a brace and Fernando Torres made his debut.

The Friulani are the only Italian side left in Europe and will face Werder Bremen in the UEFA Cup quarter- final next week.
乌迪内斯是欧洲赛场上仅存的一支意大利球队,他们将在下周中的联盟杯四分之一决赛中对阵云达不莱梅。 juvefans

The last game is at home to Werder Bremen, which could be tired and weary after playing the UEFA Cup final against Shakhtar Donetsk in Istanbul on Wednesday.
沃尔夫斯堡队的最后一场比赛是主场对阵不莱梅队。 不莱梅要先参加下周三伊斯坦布尔举行的欧洲联盟杯决赛,对手是顿涅茨克矿工队。 yeeyan

Tonight Milan, during the Uefa Cup game against Werder Bremen, will play with a mourning's band around the arm.
今晚,米兰和不莱梅的联盟杯比赛中,米兰球员将臂缠黑纱以示哀悼。 scacm

Werder Bremen, for sure, will be my first point of contact.
云达不来梅显然是我合同的首要选择。 douban

Werder Bremen midfielder Thorsten Frings has confirmed he was in Turin for talks with Juventus this week.

Werder Bremen have dismissed speculation linking Diego with a switch to Juventus.
云达不莱梅否认迭戈离开转会到尤文图斯。 juvefans

Werder Bremen thereby reach10th place in the Bundesliga table with27 points.
云达不莱梅目前在德甲联赛的积分榜上积27分排在第10位。 scacm

Werder Bremen and Barcelona have also been trailing the30-year-old former Bordeaux star.




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