释义 |
Wen Zhengming 基本例句 文征明 Wen Zhengmingwas also a native of Changsha.文征明长沙人。 Calligraphy in cursive good, two patriarchal Wang, Sun had the Court, and checkWen Zhengming, Shen Wong from home so long, they also have distinct personal style.书法以草书见长,宗法二王、孙过庭,兼取文征明、黄慎诸家之长,亦有明显的个人风格。 The tablet carrying the carved inscription based on the calligraphy ofWen Zhengmingof the Ming Dynasty was cracked by fire with the result that the inscription is now hardly legible.明代文徵明重书的一块碑石也因火灾破裂,字迹残缺不全; |