

单词 went together
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The women went together to their church, St. Finbar's in Bath Beach, and regularly to others, as well, chosen from the many in the neighborhood.
母女俩一起去日浴海滩那里的 St. Finbar教堂,也定期的很有规律地去社区里别的经过精心挑选的教堂。 yeeyan

The flourish of its broadcast industry went together with the development and maturation of the whole commerce market and its automobile culture.
美国广播产业的繁荣是随着美国整个商业市场和美国汽车文化的成熟而发展起来的。 cnki

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.
葬礼后,马克大部分原先的同学一起去参加午宴。马克的父母在那儿,显而易见,等着和他的老师交谈。 blog.sina.com.cn

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon.
葬礼后,大多数马克的生前同学都一起去参加午宴了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Chiu asked the children to indicate which two objects were alike or went together.
邱良黄要求孩子们指出哪两个物体更接近或者应该被分为一组。 yeeyan

He then added: “ You won't believe it but they went together to the beach to get a tan because even his wife is suntanned.”
他接着说:“你们也许不会相信,他们夫妻俩一起去海滩日光浴,因为他的妻子也被晒黑了。” iciba

Nick and the woman went together in the ambulance.
尼克和那个女人一起走上救护车。 etjy.com

Then I decided after seeing how things went together in the shop that I wanted to see how they went/span> together in the field.
于是我决定在看到事情去了商店,我想看看他们是如何走到一起在田间。 qcdz

We went together to see his work. Next to the house was a lot of cleanly-cut wood.
我们一起去看了他的活儿。挨着屋子放着许多劈得整整齐齐的劈柴。 ebigear




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