

单词 went by
释义 went by短语⁶⁴³⁰
v. 走过按照…判断; 遵守

名词 goby:
small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a suckerThe mastwent bythe board in the storm.那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
As timewent byand the old man became mellow, the fury went out of his parliamentary speeches.随着时间的推移,这位长者愈来愈有涵养,他在议会发言中已不再有往日的激愤了。
The whole house trembled when the trainwent by.火车经过时,整座房子都在震颤。verb.elapse
同义词 exceed,flow on,make one's way,move onward,pass,proceedverb.adopt, conform
同义词 abide by,agree,comply,cooperate,follow,heed,observe,adjust to,be guided by,fall in with,judge from,take as guide The guard will get him. They went by five minutes ago.
警卫队会找他麻烦,他们五分钟前才经过这里。 ebigear

The weekend went by in a whirl and when I said goodbye he gave me an art history book, The Light Of Early Italian Painting, by an academic, Paul Hills.
周末转迅即逝,当我告别的时候,他送给我一本艺术史书,由学者保罗.希尔斯所著的《早期意大利壁画之光》。 yeeyan

The years went by, full of performances and praise.
多年之后,他的生活充满演出和赞扬。 yeeyan

A third week went by, and Martin loathed himself, and loathed life.
第三周过去,马丁厌恶了自己,也厌恶了生命。 ebigear

He wreaked havoc with his family and his two wives and no day went by without some outburst or perceived slight.
他毁了他的家庭和两个妻子的生活,没有一天不是在愤怒或轻蔑中度过的。 ecocn

Her husband looked increasingly distinguished as years went by.
随着岁月的流逝,她的丈夫越来越有风度了。 jukuu

Though it was strong, it still would shake when elephants went by.
虽然它很结实,但当大象经过的时候,它还是会摇动。 ebigear




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