

单词 Wenger
释义 Wenger ˈweŋər 
Maybe Wenger is right and this side will grow into fearless conquerors.
也许,温格是对的,他的球队终会长成无畏的征服者。 yeeyan

That Wenger deliberately chose to drop more offensive players into the full-back positions demonstrates quite how important it was that his full-backs were excellent on the ball.
温格故意选择将更具攻击性的球员放在边后卫位置上显示出重要的一点即他的边后卫都拥有绝佳的控球。 yeeyan

The feud between Ferguson and Wenger might be over, the intensity of their rivalry is undiminished.
弗格森和温格之间的敌意可能已消失,但他们之间的竞争却没有降低。 yeeyan

“ I believe in the last14 seasons the competition with the top teams inside England has become bigger,” said Wenger just before he boarded a plane to Germany to take on Borussia Dortmund.
“我相信在过去的14个赛季),与英格兰的顶尖球队之间的竞争更加剧烈了,”温格在登上去德国多特蒙德的飞机前如此说道。 kle100

“ I felt that we had a good chance to knock them out last season and they know that too,” said Wenger.
“在上个赛季我觉得有一个很好的机会去打败他们,他们也知道这一点,”温格说。 kle100

“ It was all change in the summer and some of that was for unwanted reasons,” Wenger told the Official Arsenal Magazine.
“这个夏天一切都变了,有些是因为可有可无的理由”温格向阿森纳官方杂志如是说。 yeeyan

“ There is money to spend but at the moment I am very happy with the squad I have, ” said Wenger.
“我们的确有钱可用,但目前我对球队的组成感到非常满意。”温格说。 yeeyan

“ You have to rotate, ” Wenger said.
“你不得不连轴转”温格说到。 yeeyan

“The players go away for two weekson international duty and maybe that is a good thing,” Wenger told Arsenal Player.
“球员们将离开两个星期(去参加国家队集训,这也许是件好事。”温格告诉阿森纳在线视频。 yeeyan

But Gunners boss Wenger wants to avoid a repeat of last summer when Alexander Hleb and Mathieu Flamini quit the Emirates.
但是,枪手主帅温格可不愿再次上演去年夏天赫莱布和弗拉米尼离开酋长球场的一幕。 yeeyan

Eric Wenger, director of quality services for Golden Heritage Foods, the nation's third largest packer, said his company takes every precaution not to buy laundered Chinese honey.
Eric Wenger是全国第三大的分装商 Golden Heritage食品质量部门的负责人,他说公司每次都预先警告不准购买“洗净”的中国蜂蜜。 yeeyan

However, when asked if the fitness sessions would develop into anything more serious, Wenger was adamant that would not be the case.
然而,当问到这些健身项目是否会延伸出更多事情,温格坚决的表示不会。 blog.sina.com.cn

I hope Samir gets a good reception,“ said Wenger.” I don't know if he will play but personally I want every player who has played for us to be respected when they come back.
“我希望萨米尔能得到优待”,温格说,“我不知道他是否会出场,但从个人来说,我希望每名效力过枪手的球员在来到我们主场时都能获得尊重。” yeeyan

I've left four or five messages with him Chamakh in two months, I've also tried Wenger.
我在两个月内给他查马克发了四五条短信,我也跟温格进行了交流。 yeeyan

I'll try to see Wenger in South Africa, then we'll tell you what happens.
我会和温格在南非见面。之后我们会告诉你发生了什么。 yeeyan

Not even Wenger can command the absolute trust of followers who were so devoted that they once resembled cult members.
即使是过去能使球迷如朝圣者般虔诚的温格,现在也不能获得他们的绝对信任了。 yeeyan

Some reports have claimed that Arsenal waited until Champions League qualification was secured before spending big in August. Wenger denies this.
一些报道声称阿森纳等八月份确保获得欧冠资格后才会有大交易。温格予以否认。 yeeyan

We all know how phenomenal Arsenal’s scouting network is in France and this bloke could be worth a bargain because Wenger sure knows how to get him some Frenchies.
我们都知道阿森纳在法国的球探网络是多么的非凡,并且这家伙值得交易,因为温格一定知道如果弄到几个法国人。 yeeyan

While Wenger is one of the pioneers of the global talent search, he no longer has such an edge and it seems he has been thwarted in his wish to bring in a striker this month.
尽管旺热是在全球范围内寻找新星的先驱者,不过貌似他的优势已经不明显了,这直接体现在本月他未能成功引进他满意的一名前锋。 yeeyan

Wenger serves the final match of his touchline ban during the Champions League tie against Olympiacos and will watch from the stands once more.
在对阵奥林匹亚科斯的比赛中,温格将执行他最后一场禁赛,再次只能在观众席观看自己弟子的比赛。 yeeyan

Wenger was consequently given what he felt was an incomparable insight into the human psyche and it has served him well in his dealings with players, rival managers and the media over the years.
因此,这给予了温格自认为是无可比拟的对人心灵的洞察力,多年来这种能力在与球员、对方教练、媒体打交道时发挥着重要作用。 yeeyan

Wenger accepts that Barcelona are better than ever but he insists that the same applies to his own squad.
温格承认巴塞罗那确实处在最佳状态,但是他认为阿森纳与巴萨境况一样,都势头正猛。 yeeyan

Wenger agreed to let him go on loan to gain first team experience, and Pompey boss Harry Redknapp is delighted to have beat off competition to secure his services.
温格同意租借他是为了让他获得更多在一线作战的经验,哈里·雷德克纳普很高兴能够竞争胜利保证了他的利益。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wenger also cautions against joining startups as a non- co- founder if that startup doesn't have clear traction or investor backing.
Wenger还警告称,如果创业公司没有较强的吸引力或投资支持,不要以非联合创始人身份加入该公司。 yeeyan

Wenger believes the Russia captain has an unfair reputation in certain quarters and remains adamant his No 23 is a model professional.
温格坚信俄罗斯队长一直有被人误解,而且他绝对是专业的球员,对得起他自己的23号球衣。 kle100

Wenger describes three critical components to establishing Communities of Practice.
Wenger描述了建立实践社区的三个关键组件。 ibm

Wenger is pleased his team is making“little steps” towards turning their season around but he knows they have work to do to turn the proverbial corner.
让温格欣慰的是,他的团队正一步步扭转赛季的不利局面,但是他明白他们还有事情必须要做,那就是改变舆论视角。 yeeyan

Wenger made no attempt to appeal Sagna's red card but he is concerned that his right back has been the victim of some reckless challenges in recent weeks.
温格不想对萨尼亚的红牌进行申诉,但是他很关心的是他的右后卫在最近几周的比赛中成为一些鲁莽的犯规的受害者。 yeeyan

Wenger saw glimpses of Arsenal's best form at White Hart Lane last time out but once again he was left to bemoan the lapses that cost them a chance of victory.
温格在白鹿巷看到了自己球队出色的表现,但是又一次,热刺让教授只能品尝失利的苦果和无限的感叹。阿森纳本有机会拿下比赛的。 yeeyan

Wenger seems to grow more stubborn by the year. He has a tried and trusted way of doing things and he isn't going to change it now.
而温格也似乎在今夏变得更加顽固了,他有自己的一套自认为可信而且可行行事方式,并且也不觉得现在有必要去改变。 yeeyan




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