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词汇 Wendell
释义 Wendell.
An American-British reporter, Wendell Steavenson, has interviewed a score or more of Iraqi soldiers, from sergeants to generals, trawling through their life histories to find an answer.
为了找到答案,美裔英籍记者温德尔•史蒂文森采访了二十多名伊拉克军人,其中既有中士也有将军,深入了解了他们的人生经历。 ecocn

Demographia, a property- affordability survey published by Illinois-based consultant Wendell Cox, estimates that median real- estate prices in Vancouver are9.5 times median household income.
据伊利诺伊斯州温戴尔·考克斯咨询出版的房产能力负担调查报告估计,温哥华的中等房产价格是中产家庭收入的9.5倍。 yeeyan

It has been consigned by Mrs. Wendell Cherry, the widow of the founder of Humana, a health-care company, who bought it in1998.
胡马纳医药公司创始人的遗孀温德尔•雪莉夫人于1998年购得该画,现在拿出来委托拍卖。 ecocn

The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment on22 orphan children in Davenport, Iowa, in1939 conducted by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa.
“恶魔研究”是爱荷华州的大学教授温德尔·约翰逊于1939年对爱荷华州达文波特的22名孤儿进行的一项“口吃”实验。 yeeyan

“ For my part I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. .
“至于我,我认为一些罪犯的脱逃比政府扮演不光彩角色的罪行还要轻” 小奥立佛·文德尔·霍姆。 chinabaike

Wendell was the designer of the Apple III and an extremely brilliant and seasoned engineer, who used to design RAM chips for Fairchild and understood the Apple II hardware design inside out.
温德尔·桑德是一位既聪明绝顶又经验丰富的工程师,他曾经为飞兆半导体公司设置 RAM芯片,精通苹果 III的软件设计。 yeeyan

And then there are the800 elementary school kids from Alex Haley and Wendell Smith schools who provide the finishing touch: his hair and suit.

He quoted Oliver Wendell Holmes, the late Supreme Court justice. He quoted Bobby Kennedy.
他在演说中引用了已故美国最高法院法官奥利弗•温德尔•霍尔姆斯的话,还引用了鲍比•肯尼迪的话。 fortunechina

It was founded in1941 by Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt, as a counter to Nazism.
该组织由温德尔·威尔基 Wendell Willkie和埃莉诺·罗斯福 Eleanor Roosevelt于1941年为了反对纳粹主义而创立。 ecocn

John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago.
约翰·米尔斯海默是芝加哥大学 R·温德尔·哈里森杰出贡献政治学教授。 ecocn

Journalism professor Wendell Cochran of American University says the Internet, with its capacity to instantaneously convey information around the world, is an extraordinary platform for entrepreneurs.
美利坚大学新闻系教授柯克伦认为,因特网即时将信息传送给任何角落任何人的能力,提供企业家一个绝佳的平台。 kekenet

Mr. Davis and his former colleagues— Joe Requa, Wendell G. Moen, and Donna Ventura— are suing over their retiree health benefits, not their pensions.
戴维斯先生和他以前的同事---乔依雷夸,温迪 G摩恩,唐娜文图拉一同申请他们的健康福利,不是退休金。 yeeyan

November5,1940, U.S. presidential election,1940: Democrat incumbent Franklin D. Roosevelt defeats Republican challenger Wendell Willkie and becomes the United States' only third-term president.
1940年的11月5日,在1940年的美国总统选举中,民主党人弗兰克利· D·罗斯福击败了来自共和党的挑战者温德尔·威尔基,从而成为美国历史上唯一一位第三次担任总统的人。 ebigear

Oliver Wendell Holmes a Supreme Court justice from1902 to1932 commented that public scrutiny provided the security for the proper administration of justice.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed that every profession is great that is greatly pursued.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked that “To fight out a war, you must believe something and want something with all your might.”
奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯曾经这样说道:“进行一场战争,你必须竭尽全力地相信某种东西并迫切希望得到它。” hjenglish

On one page the “ Manifesto of the Mad Farmer Liberation Front” Wendell Berry's plea for family- scaled organic agriculture; on the next, Norbert Wiener's cybernetics.
在某一页上是“疯狂农民解放阵线宣言” Wendell Berry呼吁将有机农业家庭化,而在那一页的背面便是Norbert Wiener的控制论。 yeeyan

Sometimes, when Wendell was busy, he would try the insight out on me instead, or discuss a fine point of the Apple II firmware.
有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果 II方面的固件细节。 yeeyan

This is the conclusion drawn by many of our most prescient and important voices, including Wendell Berry and Bill McKibben.
这是由我们许多最具先见之明和最重要的声音所做作出的结论,其中包括温德尔·贝里和比尔·麦基本。 yeeyan

Years earlier Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes pleaded that “the life of the law has been not logic but experience”.
多年前,大法官奥利弗•温德尔•霍姆斯就辩护道,“法律的存亡靠的不是其逻辑性,而是法律是否得以实施”。 ecocn

Wendell Bray: No. No buts. When you look at the situation objectively, I should get the job.
豌豆:别别,没但是。只要你客观点看待这个情况,这份工作就该归我。 hjenglish

Wendell Bray: The job. I need it. It should be mine.
豌豆:这份工作,我很需要,应该归我。 hjenglish




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