释义 |
Wenck 基本例句 文克¹⁰⁰ Wenck's army had already been liquidated, as had the Ninth Army.温克的军队和第九集团军一样,早已被消灭了。 All through April 28 the desperate men in the bunker waited for news of the counterattacks of these three armies, especially that ofWenck.4月28日,地下避弹室里的这些走投无路的人整天都在等候着这三支军队、特别是温克的军队的反攻消息。 Reitsch describes the Supreme Warlord that day, striding about the shelter, waving a road map that was fast disintegrating from the sweat of his hands and planningWenck's campaign with anyone who happened to be listening.莱契描写那天最高统帅的情形的时候说:他在地下室里踱来踱去,手里摇晃着被手汗浸湿得快要破碎的公路地图,只要有人在听,他就同他策划温克战役。 Three military adjutants, who now found little to do and who did not want to join the Leader in self-inflicted death, asked if they could leave the bunker in order to try to find out what had happened toWenck.有三个军事副官感到无事可做,又不愿同元首一道自杀,于是他们请示是否可以离开地下避弹室去打听温克的下落。 When willWenckand Ninth Army join?温克什么时候能与第九集团军会师? Wenck's army had already been liquidated, as had the Ninth Army温克的军队和第九集团军一样,早已被消灭了。 |