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词汇 welsh
释义 welsh 英welʃ, weltʃ美wɛlʃ, wɛltʃAHDwĕlsh, wĕlch

a native or resident of Walesa Celtic language of Walesa breed of dual-purpose cattle developed in Wales
of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its people or their language;

the Welsh coast

Welsh syntax

cheat by avoiding payment of a gambling debt来自 Welsh, 威尔干人。 赖帐义可能来自英国人对威尔士人的调侃或开涮。 比较 Dutch courage,French letter.Welsh rarebit威尔士干酪Welsh rabbit威尔士干酪welsh不付赌金而溜掉…Welsh corgi威尔斯种矮脚狗…dresser化妆台Welsh dresser威尔士式餐具柜…Welsh uncle堂姑丈,姑表丈,父母…the Welsh Wizard劳埃德·乔…the Welsh威尔士人
GRE红宝书源于: 威尔士Welsh, 当时英格兰与威尔士签订和平条约后去镇压苏格兰, 但是打败苏格兰后反手又灭掉了威尔士-食言.
wealth 财富,不少是赖帐不还富起来的,这只是短期行为,长期还得踏实努力才得
wel=Wales,威尔士+sh=ish,形容词后缀⇒威尔士的人和语言。和威尔士人Welsh的拼写一样近义词 Cymry威尔士人dishonor 不名誉Welsh Black鸡胸welshman威士尔人Welch 不付赌金而溜掉…Cambrian地寒武纪的…Cymric威尔士之赛尔特语…

用作动词Hewelshedon his debts.他赖帐不还。 A Welsh breakfast—errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile?
威尔士早餐——嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗? kekenet

No wonder he looks so relaxed and nonchalant in the uniform of his military regiment, the Welsh Guards, which he wore for his official birthday portrait.
查尔斯王子身穿威尔士警卫队的制服,在他的官方生日照片上,他看上去如此放松和满不在乎。 yeeyan

The party struggles to pose as an alternative to Labour, not least because the two share power in the Welsh Assembly.
威党努力地想和工党平起平坐,这不仅仅是因为这两个政党在威尔士议会中共享着很多权利。 ecocn

The ring will likely be made from a nugget of Welsh gold.
戒指很可能是由一块珍贵的威尔士金打造而成。 yeeyan

The Welsh Assembly Government said it would be“ fully considering” the report.
威尔士议会政府说这份报告值得“充分考虑”。 yeeyan

“ Cornhill” referred to his Welsh hamlet, not the eminence in the City of London.
“康希尔”指的是他所处的一个威尔士的小村庄,不是伦敦的名流。 ecocn

“ None of my players handled it, ” fumed the Welsh manager Mike Smith.
“我的球员没有手球,”威尔士教头迈克·史密斯大怒。 yeeyan

“ Scotch beef” and“ Welsh lamb” now come from animals pastured in Scotland or Wales for just two weeks.
现在“苏格兰牛肉”和“威尔士羊肉”来自只在苏格兰或威尔士吃过两个星期草的牲畜。 yeeyan

Attacks on the British positions at dawn and dusk are routine; one Welsh Guards company was attacked15 times in a day.
在黎明和黄昏时袭击英国阵地成了惯常行为,一支威尔士卫队在一天内遭到15次袭击。 ecocn

Being a mythology nut, I relished the inclusion of the old Welsh epics and myths in the text.
作为一个神话的核心,正文中的旧威尔士史诗和神话让我为之津津乐道。 yeeyan

Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.
机场福塞特的第一位乘客是位医生,他自伯明翰飞往威尔士山区的一个偏僻的村庄。 kekenet

For all that, he remains fond of the Welsh capital.
也因为此,他对这个威尔士的首都充满感情。 yeeyan

He added that the deaths of both soldiers were“ a devastating blow to the Welsh Guards Battle Group, and to the Army as a whole”.
他还补充说,这两位阵亡军人的死“对威尔士近卫作战部队乃至整个军队都是一个巨大的打击”。 yeeyan

He defected from Plaid in 2001 and may even lure some Welsh- speaking farmers in the valleys to the Tories for the first time.
他是2001年脱党的,并且甚至很有可能采取行动来吸引一些村里讲威尔士语的农民首次加入保守党。 ecocn

Her Welsh- immigrant parents, she said, taught her the value of hard work and education.
她说,她的父母是威尔士移民,让她知道了努力工作和教育的价值。 ecocn

His partner in the family tragedy was Suzanne Mubarak, the daughter of a Welsh nurse and an Egyptian doctor, who married Hosni when he was a young Air Force flight instructor and she was only17.
他的伴侣,苏珊呢.穆巴拉克,是一位威尔士护士与一位埃及医生的女儿,当时她还只有17岁,即与还是埃及空军飞行队指导员的穆巴拉克结婚,她也是穆巴拉克家族悲剧中的一员。 yeeyan

On those dates it solemnly announces, in Welsh, the names of those parish members who will die shortly after.

Such a survey was done before oil from the tanker Sea Empress hit the Welsh coast in 1996, and made it possible to monitor the quite pleasing speed of the recovery.
1996年海女皇号油轮泄露的油袭击威尔士海岸前,曾进行过这样的调查,使得当时监视该区域令人满意的环境恢复进度成为可能。 ecocn

The only thing he did not claim was to be Welsh.
只有一点他没有借用,那就是他还是个威尔士人。 ecocn

Wales is poorer and more agricultural than England and, because the Welsh have their own language, they do not feel themselves nationally or culturally to be a part of the English people.
威尔士与英格兰比起来更穷且更农业化,因为威尔士有自己的语言,所以威尔士人并不觉得自己在民族上和文化上是英国人的一部分。 yeeyan

What Happened: A Welsh hamlet was ground zero for a test on a pill to fight angina.

Welsh Rarebit aka cheese on toast is a truly, truly delicious breakfast.
威尔士干酪就是吐司加奶酪,真的是美味的早餐。 yeeyan




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