

单词 well spent
释义 well spent短语³⁰³¹⁸
A part of his income goes on books; but he thinks it's money well spent.
他的收入有一部分花在买书上,可是他认为这是值得的。 ecocn

Aid well spent can be an example of both, values and value for money.
援助资金运用得当可以是一个例子,价值观和这些钱的意义这两个。 yeeyan

Even when a charity is authentic, experts say that you still need to do research to make sure that the money will be well spent.
专家们认为,即使当这个慈善机构是真实的,你还是要做一些调查以确保这笔钱将花得值得。 yeeyan

So for the right application, this is time well spent.
对于恰当的应用程序,这些时间是值得花费的。 ibm

We think this is money well spent.
我们会觉得这是值得花的钱。 yeeyan




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