

单词 welled up
释义 welled up短语²⁷⁷⁰³
When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.
他听得这令人激动的消息之后,眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。 blog.sina.com.cn

Finally, nickel- bearing magma welled up from Earth's mantle, combining with the sulfide to form nickel sulfide and encasing the compound inside volcanic rock called komatiite.
最终含有镍的岩浆从地幔中涌出,跟硫化物结合形成硫化镍,并将硫化镍包裹在一种叫做“科马提岩”的火山岩中。 blog.sina.com.cn

Grandma to see the painting, the eye socket immediately red- up, eyes slowly welled up in tears, and then quietly slipped down the two lines of tears.
奶奶看到这幅画后,眼圈一下子红了起来,眼眶里慢慢盈满了泪水,然后,两行泪珠悄然滑落下来。 yingyu

He badly wanted her, but all the past insults and humiliating scenes welled up inside him.
他很想要她。但是过去种种的冒犯耻辱的场景在脑海中涌现。 yeeyan

Joy welled up in his heart.

Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the poor child.
她看着这个穷孩子,怜悯之心油然而生。 hotdic

Something both sentimental and profound welled up.
它既感伤又深刻地在此刻涌现出来。 yeeyan

Strong emotions welled up; Smoke swelled from it.
强烈的感情涌现出来;烟从那里涌现出来。 hotdic

Tears welled up in his eyes.
眼泪从他的眼睛里涌出。 edu.sina.com.cn

Tears welled up in my eyes, and a heart that had almost forgotten how to love opened wide.
泪水盈满了我的双眼。一颗几乎已经忘记如何去爱的心开始敞开。 iciba




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