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词汇 bigwigs
释义 bigwigs ˈbiɡwiɡz COCA⁵⁶⁴⁰⁰BNC⁵⁸⁸⁰²Economist⁷⁹⁵³
n.口要人;有重大影响的人bigwig的名词复数;显贵;权贵原型bigwig的三单 As the bigwigs hold forth in Kabul, Afghanistan’s future still looks uncertain
领导大腕在喀布尔滔滔不绝,阿富汗未来依旧充满未知 ecocn

As thousands of party bigwigs and members in the hall cheered, clapped and stamped their feet, it occurred to me that the video precisely reversed an old line of Ronald Reagan’s.
会场内几千名权贵和党员高声欢呼、拍手跺脚,这让我想起了这段视频完全是罗纳德·里根旧风格的翻版。 ecocn

In the past Socialist bigwigs stitched up the candidacy behind closed doors, or limited voting to party members and told regional federations whom to back.
过去,该党领导层闭门开会或仅由党员进行有限投票,就定下候选人,再通知各地组织该支持谁。 ecocn

The support of the party bigwigs is also vital.
本党大佬的支持也不可或缺。 ecocn

When local bigwigs can award contracts to firms which they themselves control, graft spreads like bird flu.
地方的要员能够给他们控制的公司搞到合同,所以贪污就想禽流感一样蔓延开来。 yeeyan

And there is another danger that is rarely mentioned in the offices of business bigwigs.
并且还有一个很少提到的问题就是商业当中的权贵问题。 ecocn

But Democratic bigwigs are too busy sounding populist to notice.
但民主党要人们忙着宣扬利民思想,倒没有注意。 ecocn

But in2007 it fell out with Mr Erdogan over stories linking party bigwigs to the diversion of money from a German- based charity.
但在2007年,多根集团由于报道了党内要人与挪用来自德国一家慈善机构的捐款有牵连,因此与埃尔多安翻脸。 ecocn

But since the bigwigs probably account for under 1% of the total compensation at those banks this would be a largely symbolic move.
但是,由于这些金融界权贵的薪酬在补偿总额中仅占了不到1%的比例,这一举动在很大程度上只具有象征意义。 ecocn

City bigwigs worry that much EU regulation is designed to undermine London and favour other financial centres in Europe.
城市大人物们担心很多欧盟法规被用来损害伦敦,扶持欧洲其它金融中心。 ecocn

Critics in the party complain that this went to Mr. Stoiber's head, as he ignored party bigwigs to push through hurried financial and school reforms.
党内的批评者抱怨到正是这些胜利冲昏了他的头脑,他对党内要人要求尽快推进财政和学校改革的建议置若罔闻。 ecocn

Global Zero announced itself with a meeting in December 2008 that drew together more than 100 international political, diplomatic, military and academic bigwigs.
2008年一场会议聚集了100多位国际政治家、外交家、军事定和学术巨头,会议上全球零核正式宣告了自己的身份。 ecocn

Like many other Zimbabwean bigwigs, Mr Nhema himself pocketed a farm that was confiscated a few years ago— and has already let it lapse into ruin.
和其他许多津巴布韦的要人一样, Nhema自己也曾将数年前被收缴的一块农庄据为己有,并且已经使其消失殆尽。 ecocn

Most Kenyans seem to want bigwigs put in the dock, in the hope of ending impunity for top people that has so damaged the country.
大多数肯尼亚人怀着终结“刑不上大夫”这一希望,似乎都想把对国家造成了那么多损害的权贵人物押上被告席。 ecocn

Officials met an array of oil bigwigs from around the world last month in Istanbul to discuss terms.
上个月,官员们在伊斯坦堡会晤来自全球的石油大亨讨论合约内容。 ecocn

Orders for bespoke suits are up on last year, says Jack Mitchell, who kits out some of the financial bigwigs.
Jack Mitchel为一些金融大腕装备行头,据他所言,定制西装的订单比较去年有所增加。 ecocn

Some legal bigwigs like the idea.
一些法律要员喜欢这主意。 ecocn

The third criterion is the most important: making good use of what's left when the athletes, the IOC bigwigs and the world’s media go home.
第三条标准才是最关键的:当运动员,国际奥委会要员和世界各个媒体回家之后,充分利用剩余资源。 ecocn

There was the usual raft of bigwigs on the panel, but the audience was just hangers-on— journalists, PR people and so forth. There were no serious delegates there.
谈判成员中是有大批政要,但观众只是些跟屁虫—--记者,公关人员之类,根本没有认真谈判的代表。 ecocn

These measures have gone beyond what might be expected for an event attended by so many bigwigs.
对于由许多要人出席的运动会而言,这些措施已经超过了范围。 icxo

Yet— for all that Conservative bigwigs expect to lose just13 or so seats— Conservative MPs are among the grumpiest of all.
然而,虽然保守党要人期待可能只会有大约13个席位的变动,但是保守党议员却是最为不满。 ecocn




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