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词汇 bigwig
释义 big·wig 英ˈbɪgˌwɪg美ˈbɪgˌwɪgAHDbĭgʹwĭg' ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁶¹¹⁷BNC²³⁷⁴³iWeb³⁶⁶⁷¹Economist¹⁷⁰⁰⁸
the most important person in a group or undertaking在十八世纪的欧洲,很多社会上流人士喜欢佩戴假发wig。据说法国国王路易十三是始作俑者。在当时,满头浓发被看作是男性力量的表现,而这位国王却是个秃头。为了掩饰这一缺陷,路易十三就戴上了一顶长长的假发。大臣们纷纷效仿,从而使得佩戴假发成为当时的一种时尚。我们在一些欧洲和香港的影视作品中还能看到法官和律师们佩戴着白色的假发。假发的大小与佩戴者的身份地位密切相关。一般来说地位越高者,佩戴的假发越大越长。所以人们就是用bigwig大假发这个单词来表示大人物。big wig大人物
big大的+wig假发→大的假发⇒大人物,要人,权贵。近义词 VIP贵宾somebody某人big shot大人物kingpin中心立轴key player主要选手big wheel大人物大享…top banana主要滑稽演员…big cheese重要人物,粗鲁男子…

用作名词His cartoon satirize the today's politicalbigwigflintily.他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。
Mr.Smith is abigwigaround here.史密斯先生是我们这儿的要人。
Thebigwigis on the edge of bankrupty.那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。noun.(important person
同义词 mogulVIP,nabob,pooh-bah
反义词 nobody,nonentity
big dealnoun something or someone important
VIP,big cheese,big enchilada,big fish,big gun,big shot,big wheel,biggie,boss,boss man,head honcho,hotshot,important person,top dog,tycoon,very important person
big shotnoun very important person
VIP,big cat,big cheese,big fish,big gun,big kahuna,big man on campus,big wheel,bigwig,celebrity,dignitary,fat cat,head honcho,heavy-hitter,heavyweight,high man on the totem pole,high-muck-a-muck,important person,influential person,mogul,muck-a-muck,nabob,notability,notable,personage,somebody,someone,star,wheeler-dealer
big wheelnoun very important person
VIP,big cat,big cheese,big fish,big gun,big man on campus,big shot,bigwig,dignitary,fat cat,head honcho,heavy-hitter,high-muck-a-muck,important person,influential person,mogul,nabob,notable,somebody
celebritiesnoun dignitary
VIPS,aces,big cheeses,big deals,big guns,big names,big shots,big stuffs,bigwigs,celebs,cynosures,famous persons,figures,heavyweights,heroes,hotshots,immortals,lions,luminaries,magnates,mahatmas,major leaguers,names,notables,personages,personalities,somebodies,someones,stars,superstars,the cheeses,worthies
celebritynoun dignitary
VIP,ace,big cheese,big deal,big gun,big name,big shot,big stuff,bigwig,celeb,cynosure,famous person,figure,heavyweight,hero,hotshot,immortal,lion,luminary,magnate,mahatma,major leaguer,name,notable,personage,personality,somebody,someone,star,superstar,the cheese,worthy
chiefnoun person in charge
President,big cheese,big gun,big wheel,bigwig,boss,captain,chieftain,commander,dictator,director,foreperson,general,governor,head,head honcho,head person,honcho,key player,leader,manager,monarch,overlord,overseer,principal,proprietor,ringleader,ruler,sovereign,superintendent,supervisor,suzerain,top brass,top cat On June1st a bigwig in the ruling Baath party said the government wanted a national dialogue, with parameters soon to be announced.
6月1日,执政党复兴社会党的一名重量级人物称政府正考虑开展全国对话,对话范围和内容将随后公布。 ecocn

That he or the other bigwig Russians who have taken refuge in London would jeopardise their asylum for the sake of such risky Machiavellianism seems improbable.
他或其他曾在伦敦寻求庇护的俄罗斯大佬可能会因为如此不择手段的冒险行为危及自己的庇护权,这似乎不大可能发生。 ecocn

The company bigwig is gathering his staff for a meeting.

“ No one knows who’s running the show”, says a former bigwig at court.
“没人知道谁在唱这出戏”,某个前权贵在法庭上如是所说。 ecocn

An intern for a bigwig fashion designer, she was once dispatched to Miami to procure a heap of Italian cashmere.
作为著名时尚设计师的实习助理,她被派到迈阿密去争取一批意大利山羊绒。 yeeyan

Another is Olusegun Aganga, a previously London-based bigwig at Goldman Sachs, an American bank, who is tipped to become finance minister.
另一个是奥卢塞贡阿纲嘎,美国一家总部位于伦敦的银行的重量级人物,成为财政部长。 yeeyan

Another LIA bigwig and director of Dalia Advisory, Rajab Mahmoud Layas, also seems to be in Libya.
Rajab Mahmoud是 LIA的另一名重要人物,也是 Dalia咨询公司的董事,他似乎也在利比亚。 ecocn

Another bigwig casts some doubt on cyber-offence. “ It’s hard to do it at a specific time, ” he says.
另一位要人则对网络防卫持怀疑态度,他说“特定时间这么做很难。” ecocn

Another bigwig casts some doubt on cyber- offence.
另一名政府要员则对网络战提出质疑。 ecocn

As a bigwig in the locality, Mr. Zhang has to be careful in what he says and does.

Granted, the White House has not yet hired a corporate bigwig to fill a senior post, as expected.
的确不出所料,目前为止尚未有一位商界显贵担当政府要职。 ecocn

In South Korea, a finance-ministry bigwig says his urgent priority is to persuade young ministry high- flyers, who invariably apply for an American posting, to go to India instead.
在韩国,一位金融大员表示,他的当务之急是劝说那些高升的青年才俊们不要一成不变地对去美国的工作趋之若鹜,而是要考虑去印度的机会。 ecocn

It is said that Xiao Li's father is a bigwig.

It has a professor as its president, about100 employees on its payroll—and a lot of bigwig visitors.
其董事长是一位教授,旗下100位员工——多数参观者都为大腕名绝。 ecocn

Likewise, the Golkar bigwig thinks his party has an edge because of its campaign colour, an“eye- catching” yellow.
同样的,那位专业集团党大佬也认为他的政党占有优势,因为该党竞选活动中使用了“吸引人们眼球”的黄色。 ecocn

Mr Obama did receive a boost, however, by securing the endorsement of Bill Richardson, the Latino governor of New Mexico and a party bigwig.
然而,在受到新墨西哥拉丁裔州长的和党派要人比尔•理查森的大力支持后,议员奥巴马确实是信心备增。 ecocn

One local bigwig had steadfastly refused a license for the guesthouse until a document was produced.
有一个本地官员在取得一份文件之前坚决拒发客栈执照。 yeeyan

One Mumbai financial bigwig jokes that two licences will be granted— one, by the RBI, on the basis of competence, and the other by politicians in Delhi on the basis of bribe size.
一位孟买金融巨擘戏言,两份执照将被颁发,一份来自印度储备银行,以鼓励竞争;另一份则来自德里的政客,以鼓励行贿。 ecocn

One retired bigwig believes the threat is hollow.
一位退休的要员认为该威胁是空洞的。 ecocn

One bigwig broker may soon stand trial in South Africasee article.
一名倒卖肾脏的重要人物可能不久就会在南非受审。 ecocn




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