

单词 weld
释义 weld 英weld美wɛldAHDwĕld ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝4八COCA²²²²³BNC⁴⁰⁷⁴⁰iWeb⁸⁵⁶³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

vt. & vi. 焊接; 熔接

join pieces of metal by hammering or pressure or fusing by the use of acetylene flame or an electric arc

vt. 使结合在一起; 连缀在一起

unite closely

European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North AmericaUnited States abolitionist 1803-1895a metal joint formed by softening with heat and fusing or hammering together
join together by heating;

weld metal

unite closely or intimately;

Her gratitude welded her to him

用作动词 v.
~+名词weld the broken rod焊接断裂的金属棒weld parts焊接零件~+副词weld electrically电焊weld firmly焊接牢固weld staunchly坚定地团结在一起weld sturdily焊得结实weld together焊接在一起~+介词weld into使连成一体weld into a fighting collective结成一个战斗集体
weld into v.+prep.

将…结合 unite people or things into an effective whole

weld sb/sth into sthWorking together for a month welded them into a strong team.在一起工作了一个月使他们结成一个坚强的队伍。
He welded their stories into a single coherent account.他把他们的故事连在一起写成一篇连续的报道。
weld together v.+adv.

使团结在一起,结合在一起 cause a group or parts to combine or often be united firmlyOnly firm action by the government can weld the nation together to face the trouble ahead.政府只有采取果敢的行动方能使全民团结一致迎接面前的困难。

非常记忆well井⇒弟弟d用棍子l把井焊接了GRE红宝书wedding 结婚就是两人熔合在一起不分开谐音记忆音“歪的”⇒焊接歪了的东西GRE难词记忆weld→wild a.野的→野合w像是把两个v焊接weld在一起近义词 seam缝join连接bond债券bind捆绑link联系seal封条unite联合fuse保险丝cement水泥repair修理joint联合的connect连接solder焊接剂
S+~+AIron welds easily.铁易焊接。
Some metals weld better than others.有些金属比其他金属容易焊接。
S+~+ n./pron.He welded the pieces of a broken axle.他把断裂的车轴焊接起来。
Arguments are closelywelded.论据组织严密。Pweldment焊件Prewelding重焊Pweldinga.焊的Pweldern.焊接工Pseamwelding缝焊Pweldablea.可焊的Pweldlessa.无焊缝的Pweldbonding胶接点焊Pscarfweldn.嵌焊斜面焊接Pweldability可焊性焊接性可焊性




用作动词Weld abandoned tools onto the wheel.把废弃的工具焊接上车轮。
His job is toweldparts together.他的工作是焊接零件。用作名词Theyweldthe pieces of a broken axle.他们焊接断了的车轴。
His job is toweldparts together.他的工作是焊接零件。
Dye penetrant examination of the completedweld.对已完成的焊缝进行着色渗透检测。
Weld identification single hole punch.鉴别焊缝的单孔冲压机。verb.bind, connect
同义词 fuse,solderbond,braze,cement,combine,fix,join,link,unite
反义词 disconnect,divide,separate,unfasten,unfix
assembleverb put together
compile,connect,construct,contrive,erect,fabricate,fashion,fit,form,join,make,manufacture,model,mold,piece together,produce,set up,shape,unite
blendverb mix
cementverb attach securely, often with sticky material
bind,blend,bond,cohere,combine,connect,fasten,fuse,glue,gum,join,merge,mortar,paste,plaster,seal,solder,stick together,unite,weld
cementingverb attach securely, often with sticky material
binding,blending,bonding,cohering,combining,connecting,fastening,fusing,gluing,gumming,joining,merging,mortaring,pasting,plastering,sealing,soldering,sticking together,uniting,welding
fastenverb make secure; join together
adhere,affix,anchor,attach,band,bar,batten,belt,bind,bolt,bond,brace,button,catch,cement,chain,cleave,close,cohere,connect,couple,embed,establish,fix,freeze to,girth,glue,grip,hitch,hitch on,hold,hook,hook up,implant,infix,jam,knot,lace,leash,link,lock,lodge,make firm,moor,mortise,nail,rivet,rope,screw,seal,set,settle,solder,stay put,stick,strengthen,string,tack on,tag,tie,tighten,truss,unite,wedge,weld
fastensverb make secure; join together
adheres,affixes,anchors,attaches,bands,bars,battens,belts,binds,bolts,bonds,braces,buttons,catches,cements,chains,cleaves,closes,coheres,connects,couples,embeds,establishes,fixes,freezes to,girths,glues,grips,hitches,hitches on,holds,hooks,hooks up,implants,infixes,jams,knots,laces,leashes,links,locks,lodges,makes firm,moors,mortises,nails,rivets,ropes,screws,seals,sets,settles,solders,stays put,sticks,strengthens,strings,tack on,tags,ties,tightens,trusses,unites,wedges,welds An autogenous weld is produced by GTAW and can be used to test material weldability and gas shield usage, and to set welding parameters.
可以用氩弧焊GTAW)制备气焊缝,这种焊接方法可以用来测试材料的可焊接性,检查气体保护的使用以及焊接参数的设定。 yeeyan

For standard terminology used in nondestructive testing and weld defects definitions refer to ANSI/ AWS A2.4 and A3.0 respectively, unless specifically defined elsewhere in this specification.
除非本规范中另有规定,无损测试中使用的标准术语与焊接缺陷的定义请分别参考 ANSI/ AWS A2.4和 A3.0。 yeeyan

You can see them standing in a number of cities, and I just got a commission to weld some giant angels for Birmingham, Alabama.
我还刚受托去阿拉巴马的伯明翰去焊接一些巨型天使像。 yeeyan

“It will soon be cheaper to weld by robot than it is by human in China, ” Milstein said.
米尔斯汀说,“在中国,机器焊接很快就要比人工焊接便宜了。” yeeyan

At the time, it was cheaper to weld by hand but that’s changing because wages for skilled human welders are going up.
目前,人工焊接比机器焊接要便宜,但情况正在变化,熟练焊接工人的工资在不断上涨。 yeeyan

Can you spot weld a tube to a sheet metal?
你能把一个钢管点焊到钢板上吗? hjenglish

CDI puts the core functionality of Seam on a much more solid foundation, and our implementation of CDI, Weld, is a much more focused and much better tested piece of infrastructure.
CDI将 Seam的核心功能放在了坚固的根基之上,而我们对 CDI的实现 Weld是个更加专注且测试良好的基础设施。 infoq

His job is to weld parts together.
他的工作是焊接零件。 hjenglish

I decided to seek a new challenge as I could feel I was reaching the end of my enjoyment cycle with Seam and Weld.
我决定寻求新的挑战,因为我深深地感觉到自己在 Seam和 Weld团队中的热情即将消失殆尽。 infoq

Inside the gated compound, workers in tarred jerseys and goggles weld and drive screws.
在复合大门里,工人们穿着涂球衣,戴着焊接护目镜,旋入螺钉。 yeeyan

Inside the gated compound, workers in tarred jerseys and goggles weld and drive screws. Back in New York, Rino's shares are frozen at40 cents.
在复合大门里,工人们穿着涂球衣,戴着焊接护目镜,旋入螺钉。回到纽约,绿诺科技的股票冻结在40美分上。 yeeyan

Lasers, however, can be aimed to weld a join from a distance.
然而,激光可以远距离的对准焊接点。 ecocn

Low- power lasers can cut and weld plastics; higher- power lasers can cut and weld metals.
低功率激光可以切割和焊接塑料;高功率激光可以切割和焊接金属。 yeeyan

Owing to the high levels of radioactivity, it had been impossible to bolt or weld the Object Shelter together, so within a decade it was on the verge of collapse.
由于辐射水平很高,不大可能把 Object Shelter栓在一起或者焊接在一起,因此每过10年这个装置就到了崩溃的边缘。 yeeyan

Studies involve examination of the parent material, the heat- affected zone, the weld metal, and the interfaces between all metals involved.
研究内容包括检查母材,热影响区,焊接金属,与所有金属之间的界面。 yeeyan

Surfaces to be welded or thermally cut shall be cleaned of all foreign material such as grease, oil, dirt, scale, slag and paint that would be detrimental to either the weld or base material.
需焊接或热切割的表面应排除所有可能会损坏焊材或母材的杂物,如脂、油、灰尘、水垢、熔渣和油漆等。 yeeyan

This means that we can start to use Weld for all kinds of things where Seam2 simply would not have been appropriate. Things that have nothing to do with building websites.
这意味着我们可以将 Weld应用在 Seam2不适合的各种领域中,而这与构建 Web站点无关。 infoq

Weld abandoned tools onto the wheel.
把废弃的工具焊接上车轮。 hjenglish

Weld preparations shall be machined1000 RMS maximum surface roughness; grit blasted near white blast, wired brushed or ground to bright metal, prior to welding.
焊接前的准备工作应包括机械加工(1000 RMS最大表面粗度;喷砂出白级喷砂,手工刷除或打磨成光洁金属。 yeeyan

Weld visual inspection procedure shall be in accordance with the requirements of P28A- AL-002.
焊接目测检验流程应符合P28A- AL-002的要求。 yeeyan




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