

单词 welcomely
释义 wel·come·ly 英'welkəm美'welkəm BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
vt. 欢迎,迎接

receive with kindness or pleasure

vt. 乐于接受,希望有

be glad to accept; wish to have


received with or giving pleasure

P 可随便占有的,可随便做的

freely permitted to take sth or to do sth

C U 欢迎,迎接

greeting given to sb when they arrive


an expression of greeting to a guest or sb who has just arrived or returned

the state of being welcome;

don't outstay your welcome

a greeting or reception;

the proposal got a warm welcome

giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted;

a welcome relief

a welcome guest

made the children feel welcome

you are welcome to join us

accept gladly;

I welcome your proposals

bid welcome to; greet upon arrivalreceive someone, as into one's house
welcome, welcomed

这两个词的共同意思是“受欢迎的”。其区别在于:welcome是形容词,在句中既可作定语又可作表语; 而welcomed是过去分词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。例如:

He seems to be the most welcome visitor.他似乎是最受欢迎的客人。
He was warmly welcomed.他受到热烈的欢迎。You are welcome,Never mind

两者都可作“不要客气”解。但使用的场合不同:You are welcome是回答对方谢意的用语; 而Never mind是回答对方歉意的用语。试比较:

“Thanks a lot.”“You are welcome.” “多谢了。”“不用谢。” “Sorry for interrupting you.”“Never mind.” “对不起,打扰了。”“没关系。”








用作动词 v.
~+名词welcome advice接受建议welcome application接受申请welcome chance欢迎机会welcome correction接受指正welcome criticism接受批评welcome help接受帮助welcome the opportunity欢迎这个机会welcome the suggestion接受建议welcome the visitors迎接客人~+副词welcome affectionately深情地欢迎welcome coolly冷淡地迎接welcome cordially热烈欢迎welcome courteously谦恭地欢迎welcome ecstatically狂喜地欢迎welcome enthusiastically热烈欢迎welcome fondly亲切地欢迎welcome frankly真诚地欢迎welcome generously慷慨地欢迎welcome gleefully兴奋地欢迎welcome gratefully感激地欢迎welcome heartily由衷地欢迎welcome hospitably殷勤地欢迎welcome joyfully愉快地欢迎welcome majestically隆重地欢迎welcome naturally自然地欢迎welcome ostentatiously炫耀地欢迎welcome particularly尤受欢迎welcome pleasantly愉快地欢迎welcome refreshingly使人耳目一新地欢迎welcome sincerely诚恳地欢迎welcome spaciously盛大地欢迎welcome unexpectedly出乎意外地欢迎welcome warmly热烈欢迎welcome back欢迎…归来welcome in欢迎某人进入某建筑物〔参加某团体等〕welcome in guests欢迎宾客到来~+介词welcome to高兴地接纳,欢迎…到某地或参加某团体welcome with以…欢迎welcome with a nod点头表示欢迎welcome with open arms热情欢迎用作形容词 adj.~+名词welcome advice受欢迎的建议welcome change可喜的变化welcome cup of cocoa一杯来得正好的可可茶welcome guest受欢迎的客人welcome mat蹭脚垫welcome news令人高兴的消息welcome professor受欢迎的教授welcome relief及时的救助welcome rest令人愉快的休息welcome sight悦目的景象welcome suggestion受欢迎的建议welcome visitor受欢迎的来访者副词+~more welcome更受欢迎的most welcome最受欢迎的perfectly welcome极受欢迎的quite welcome比较受欢迎的very welcome很受欢迎的warmly welcome受热烈欢迎的~+动词不定式welcome to use随便使用welcome to visit欢迎来访~+介词welcome to the money随意取用这些钱welcome to the use随意用welcome to travellers受旅游者喜爱用作名词 n.动词+~express a welcome表示欢迎extend a welcome表示欢迎give a welcome给予欢迎make a welcome给予欢迎outstay one's welcome因呆得太久而不再受欢迎receive a welcome受到欢迎wear out one's welcome因常去而不再受欢迎形容词+~ceremonious welcome盛大的欢迎chilly welcome冷遇cool welcome冷淡的迎接enthusiastic welcome热情的欢迎friendly welcome友好的欢迎good welcome热烈的欢迎hearty welcome衷心欢迎hospitable welcome热情的欢迎royal welcome盛大的欢迎spontaneous welcome自发的欢迎warm welcome热烈欢迎介词+~in welcome表示欢迎~+介词a welcome from来自…的欢迎
welcome back v.+adv.

高兴地看到…回归 be glad to see the return of sb/sth; greet sb on return with pleasure

welcome sb/sth ⇔ backIf you decide to return to me,I will welcome you back.如果你决定回到我这里来,我将欢迎你。
She welcomed him back into the household with passionate embrace.她热烈拥抱他,欢迎他回家来。
All the relatives gathered at the airport to welcome back the people who had been freed from the terrorists.所有的家属均聚在机场上,欢迎那些摆脱了恐怖分子控制的人们。
He was warmly welcomed back to Beijing.人们热烈欢迎他回到北京。
welcome in v.+adv.

欢迎某人进入 be pleased to have sb enter a building, group, etc.

welcome sb ⇔ inI like to stand at the door to welcome the children in when they come home from school.孩子们放学回家时,我愿意站在门口迎接他们。
We are pleased to welcome in several new members this year.我们高兴地欢迎今年的几位新会员。
welcome to v.+prep.

欢迎… take pleasure in admitting sb to a place

welcome sb to sthI'm so pleased to have the chance at last to welcome you both to my home.终于有机会欢迎你们到家来,我非常高兴。
I would like you to welcome six new members to the club.我希望你们接纳六名新成员加入俱乐部。
The workers welcomed us to their factory.工人们欢迎我们到他们工厂去。
welcome with v.+prep.

以…欢迎 greet sb with pleasure by giving sth or show a quality

welcome sb/sth with sthHe welcomed her with a nod.他向她点头表示欢迎。
The audience welcomed her with applause.听众鼓掌欢迎她。
They welcomed me with flowers.他们用鲜花欢迎我。
Newcomers to the town are welcomed with baskets of fruit by the local shopkeepers.店主们把一筐筐的水果赠给初到该市的人们以示欢迎。
Reduction in income tax will be welcomed with open arms.减少所得税将受到热烈欢迎。用作形容词adj.as welcome as the flowers in May

非常欢迎 very welcome

You are welcome

〈美〉不要客气 Not at all

用作名词n.outstay one's welcome

因呆得太久而不再受欢迎 remain too long

wear out one's welcome

拜访某人过于频繁或停留时间过久而使人讨厌 visit a person too often or too long

近义词 meetgreetwantedembracereceivedv. acceptreceiveadj. accepted反义词 greetingreceptionv. rejectsnubadj.unwelcomen. acceptance
S+~+ n./pron.She welcomed us warmly in the reception room.她在会客室里热情地接待了我们。
When the soldier arrived home, all the villagers came out and welcomed him.那位士兵回到家时,村民们纷纷出来迎接他。
More than 4000 people were lined up that morning to welcome their returning countrymen.这天早上,有四千多名群众列队欢迎归国侨胞。
We welcome suggestions from all quarters.我们欢迎各方面提出宝贵意见。
I shall welcome the coming of warm weather.我将欢迎温暖的天气的来临。
I welcome your help.我乐意接受你的帮助。
He doesn't welcome intrusions into his privacy.他不希望有人干扰他的私生活。
She will welcome the chance to see you again .她将愉快地期待着有机会再次见到你。
We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude.我们能有机会表示感谢十分高兴。
They were welcomed when they arrived.他们到达时受到欢迎。
Upon his arrival, he was cordially welcomed by the soldiers.他到达时,受到战士们的热烈欢迎。S+~+sb/sb's v -ingMother welcomed their/them visiting her at her villa.母亲在她的别墅欢迎他们的来访。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.他很高兴对你的招待。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He was a welcome guest.他是一个受欢迎的客人。
He is always a welcome visitor, no matter what time he calls.不管什么时候来,他总是受欢迎的。
I'll buy a welcome mat for our new house.我要买一块我们新房间门口用的蹭脚垫。
What a welcome change it is to feel a cool breeze.吹吹凉爽的微风真舒服。
You have brought us welcome news.你给我们带来了令人高兴的消息。
S+be+~She is welcome by her graceful manner.她以她优雅的风度受到欢迎。
Flowers are always welcome, especially in winter.鲜花总是受到欢迎,尤其是在冬天。
Anyone who cares to come will be welcome.任何愿意来的人都是受欢迎的。
A holiday will be very welcome.有一个假期就太好了。
She pointed out that his help was not welcome.她指出他的帮助不受欢迎。
We were surprised to see how welcome they were in the countryside.我们惊奇地看到,它们在农村那么受欢迎。
Your letter is most welcome.你的信很受欢迎。
A rise of salary will be very welcome.涨工资是很受欢迎的。S+be+~+to pron./n.The Summer Palace is welcome to travellers.颐和园很受旅游者喜爱。
He is out of employment, so any work will be welcome to him.他已失了业,所以任何工作他都欢迎。
You are welcome to any service I can do.我乐意为你做任何我所能干的事。
You are welcome to the use of my books.你可随意用我的书。
You are welcome to the money.你可随意取用这些钱。
He is welcome to my share.他若是要我这份,尽管给他好了。
It's a horrible place; you're welcome to it.那是个令人讨厌的地方,随你去。S+be+~+to- vYou are welcome to go or stay, just as you please.你去还是留,随你的便。
You are welcome to use my library.你可以随便使用我的藏书。
You are welcome to use any instrument here.这里的任何仪器你尽管使用好了。
He is welcome to visit our country.欢迎他来访问我国。用作名词n.He smiled his welcome.他微笑着表示欢迎。
The host bids him welcome.主人欢迎他。
A warm welcome awaits her.热烈的欢迎等待着她。
The holiday truce was a welcome respite for the front-line troops.节日停火对于前线的士兵来说是极得人心的喘息时间。
We gave them a warm welcome.我们热情地欢迎他们。
They received a warm welcome .他们受到了热烈的欢迎。
You are sure of a welcome.你一定会受到欢迎。
The mayor held a grand welcome party for the prince.市长为王子举办了一个盛大的欢迎会。用作感叹词int.Welcome!Come in and meet my parents.欢迎、欢迎!进来见见我的父母。
Welcome back!欢迎归来!
Welcome on board!欢迎各位乘坐本次航班!
Welcome to our home!欢迎到我们家来!











When I came into the office, the principal rose to welcome me.当我走进办公室时,校长起身欢迎我。用作形容词You are always welcome to our house.欢迎你随时到我们家。用作名词用作感叹词Welcome to China!欢迎到中国来!as in.pleasantly
同义词 charmingly,cheerfully,happilypleasingly
pleasantlyadverb agreeably




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