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we·ka 英ˈwiːkə, ˈweɪ-美ˈwikə, ˈwe-AHDwēʹkə, wāʹ- BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺⁶ 基本英英近义反义例句 n.秧鸡的一种¹⁰⁰复数wekas Noun: flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting近义词 wood henwoodcock Finally, the last point I want to raise about classification before using WEKA is that of false positive and false negative. 在使用 WEKA前,有关分类我还想指出最后一点,那就是假正和假负。 ibm It's actually quite easy to put our data through the regression model using the WEKA API, far easier than actually loading the data. 实际上使用 WEKA API让数据通过回归模型得到处理非常简单,远简单于实际加载数据。 ibm The final section of the article showed that you shouldn't be constrained to using WEKA with the Explorer window as a stand- alone application. 本文的最后一节显示了您不应该将自己限制于只使用 WEKA与 Explorer窗口作为一个独立的应用程序。 ibm You can't beat a deal like that, since you can quickly get WEKA up and running and crunching your data in no time. 像这样的好事绝无仅有,因为您可以迅速启动 WEKA并即刻就开始处理您的数据。 ibm After selecting the file, your WEKA Explorer should look similar to the screenshot in Figure3. 在选择了文件后, WEKA Explorer应该类似于图3中所示的这个屏幕快照。 ibm As you can imagine, the central building block in the WEKA API is going to be the data. 正如您所想, WEKA API内的这个中心构建块就是数据。 ibm As you've seen, WEKA can do many of the data mining tasks that were previously available only in commercial software packages. 正如您所见, WEKA可以完成很多在商业软件包中才能完成的数据挖掘任务。 ibm Bigger houses reduce the value— WEKA is telling us that the bigger our house is, the lower the selling price? 较大的房子价格反而低 — WEKA告诉我们房子越大,销售价格越低? ibm Finally, this article discussed the first data- mining model, the regression model specifically, the linear regression multi- variable model, and showed how to use it in WEKA. 最后,本文探讨了第一个数据挖掘模型:回归模型特别是线性回归多变量模型,另外还展示了如何在 WEKA中使用它。 ibm Hopefully, after reading this series, you will be inspired to download WEKA and try to find patterns and rules from your own data. 希望,在阅读完本系列后,您能跃跃欲试地下载 WEKA并尝试从您自己的数据中找到模式和规则。 ibm Ideally, this little section should greatly interest you into looking how to integrate WEKA into your own server-side code. 我们希望这一小节能够让您产生将 WEKA集成到您自己的服务器端代码的兴趣。 ibm In fact, I highly recommend if you get involved in using WEKA on your server, you spend some time doing that, since working with data in this way is tedious. 实际上,我强烈建议如果打算在服务器上使用 WEKA,那么就不要怕花时间,因为以这种方式处理数据是很繁琐的。 ibm In this view, WEKA allows you to review the data you're working with. 在这个视图中, WEKA允许您查阅正在处理的数据。 ibm It also has a general API, so you can embed WEKA, like any other library, in your own applications to such things as automated server-side data- mining tasks. 它还有一个通用 API,所以您可以像嵌入其他的库一样将 WEKA嵌入到您自己的应用程序以完成诸如服务器端自动数据挖掘这样的任务。 ibm Let's take this a step further and interpret the results in terms of false positives and false negatives, so you can see how the results from WEKA apply in a real business sense. 让我们再进一步来分析这些结果的假正和假负的情况,以便深入了解来自 WEKA的这些结果在实际业务中的适用。 ibm Now that the desired model has been chosen, we have to tell WEKA where the data is that it should use to build the model. 现在,选择了想要的模型后,我们必须告诉 WEKA它创建这个模型应该使用的数据在哪里。 ibm Remember that100 rows of data with five data clusters would likely take a few hours of computation with a spreadsheet, but WEKA can spit out the answer in less than a second. 如果使用电子数据表处理100行数据和五个数据群集将会花费几个小时的计算时间,但 WEKA在不到一秒钟的时间内就能给出答案。 ibm Since WEKA is a Java-based application, it has a Java library you can use in our own server-side code. 由于 WEKA是一种基于 Java的应用程序,它有一个可被用在我们自己的服务器端代码中的 Java库。 ibm So now we have the data loaded into WEKA. 现在我们已经将数据载入了 WEKA。 ibm So let's see how to get our data into a format that the WEKA API can use. 那么让我们看看如何将我们的数据转换成 WEKA API可以使用的格式。 ibm The math behind the method is somewhat complex and involved, which is why we take full advantage of the WEKA. 此方法背后的算法多少有些复杂和难懂,这也是我们为何要充分利用 WEKA的原因。 ibm This article also introduced you to the free and open source software program WEKA. 本文还向您介绍了一种免费的开源软件程序 WEKA。 ibm This tells WEKA that to build our desired model, we can simply use the data set we supplied in our ARFF file. 这会告诉 WEKA为了构建我们想要的模型,可以使用我们在 ARFF文件中提供的那些数据。 ibm This tells WEKA that we want to build a regression model. 这会告诉 WEKA我们想要构建一个回归模型。 ibm To load data into WEKA, we have to put it into a format that will be understood. 为了将数据加载到 WEKA,我们必须将数据放入一个我们能够理解的格式。 ibm When you start WEKA, the GUI chooser pops up and lets you choose four ways to work with WEKA and your data. 在启动 WEKA时,会弹出 GUI选择器,让您选择使用 WEKA和数据的四种方式。 ibm When we click Start this time, WEKA will run this test data set through the model we already created and let us know how the model did. 当我们这次单击 Start时, WEKA将会贯穿我们已经创建的这个模型运行测试数据集并会让我们知道模型的情况。 ibm Yet, the results we get from WEKA indicate that we were wrong. 然而,我们从 WEKA获得的结果表明我们错了。 ibm WEKA is powerful and100-percent free to use. WEKA功能强大且100%免费。 ibm |