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词汇 Weitz
释义 Weitz ˈwiːts Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
According to Weitz, this is why Microsoft decided to brand Bing as a' decision engine' and not just as a search engine.
魏茨表示,这也是微软为什么将 Bing品牌定位为“决策引擎”而非搜索引擎的原因。 yeeyan

Because he believes art's definition is based on a mistaken understanding of the concept, does Weitz therefore conclude that traditional theories should be simply discarded?

In Weitz's approach, droplets are injected with short strands of DNA of a known sequence, and these strands are labeled with an optical bar code.
韦茨的做法是注射已知序列的 DNA短链到水滴中,这些链是用光学条码标签的。 yeeyan

Just last week, we had a chance to talk to Stefan Weitz, Microsoft's Director of Bing, and he immediately acknowledged that this was one of Bing's most pressing problems.
上周,我们有幸和 Bing的主管斯特凡·魏茨 Stefan Weitz交谈,他也承认这是 Bing目前最紧迫的问题。 yeeyan

Nearly 12,000 kilometers away,32-year-old New Yorker Michael Weitz spends his days looking for a new job.
在大约一万两千公里外的地方,三十二岁的纽约人麦可怀兹把他的时间都用在找新工作上。 blogbus

The other, which Mr Weitz rams home in his last pages, is how often democracy is under most threat not from enemies abroad but from those who use its institutions and claim to speak in its name.
第二点是 Weitz在本书最后数页强调的,民主常常处于极端威胁之下,这威胁并非来自国外的敌人,而是那些利用民主制度和主张,假民主以行的人。 ecocn

The answer proposed by Dr Kim and Dr Weitz, in a paper in Angewandte Chemie, is to change the way e- ink is manufactured.
基姆和韦茨博士在《应用化学》上发表的论文中提出的答案,将会改变电子油墨的制造方式。 ecocn

“ It’s a first step in the evolution of how search can become more human, ” said Stefan Weitz, a director of Bing at Microsoft.
微软的 Bing项目主管 Stefan Weitz说,这是为了使搜索变得更人性化迈出的第一步。 yeeyan

“ My daughter who’s5, her typing skills aren’t great, but she can browse images of various dog breeds through visual search, ” Mr. Weitz said.
“我5岁的女儿,她的打字能力不太好,但通过图片搜索,她能够浏览各种各样的狗的图片。”薇茨说。 yeeyan

“ The decision circuit is a race between two pathways and in the case of a single virus, the outcome is biased toward lysis, ” explained Weitz.
这一决定通路就如同裂解和溶原两个通路的赛跑,并且在单独病毒感染时,启动裂解途径。 dxy

“ We've tried to get comfort that the individual businesses are good or at least pretty good, ” says Weitz.
威茨说:“让我们稍微感到欣慰的是,惠普的一些个别业务是好的,至少是比较不错的。” fortunechina

A technique invented by Weitz and his colleagues produces equal- sized droplets of liquid crystal, each about a dozen microns across a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter.
韦茨和他的同事们发明了一种产生相同尺寸液晶微滴的技术,每一滴大约12微米一微米等于千分之一毫米。 biodic

Ansari and Weitz are total strangers, but are connected through the job that Weitz lost and Ansari gained.
安萨莉和怀兹素不相识,但透过怀兹失去而安萨莉获得的那份工作,他们之间有了关联。 blogbus

As Stefan Weitz, Microsoft's Director of Bing, told us last month, for some queries, visual results are simply much easier to scan for users than simple lists of texts.
正如微软公司 Bing的主管 Stefan Weitz所言,对一些搜索串来说,可视化结果比文本结果更容易浏览。 yeeyan

But instead of simply applying Wittgensteinian's general claims about language to the case at hand, Weitz argues that the very nature of art as a practice makes definition impossible.

But whatever happens to this specific idea, Dr Kim’s and Dr Weitz’s invention is likely to have larger ramifications.
但对于这个特定的想法,无论发生什么,基姆和韦茨博士的发明很可能会有更广阔的应用。 ecocn

Director Chris Weitz proves that The Golden Compass was no fluke: He really is a non- master of action。
《新月》的导演克里斯·韦兹证明了《金色罗盘》的败笔并非偶然:他确实搞不定动作片。 iciba

More seriously, Mr Weitz's account badly lacks a context.
更严重的是, Weitz先生的叙述严重缺乏对当时环境的交代。 ecocn

' New Moon' director Chris Weitz has said he hopes the latest film in the ' Twilight' saga “ will produce more tears than any movie before”.
《暮光之城》系列续集《新月》的导演 Chris Weitz在近日采访中表示这一部电影“会是有史以来最催泪电影”。 hjenglish

David Weitz and his team are adapting microfluidics technology that uses tiny droplets, a strategy developed in his lab, to DNA sequencing.
大卫.韦茨 David Weitz和他的团队正在研究微流体技术,利用微小液滴进行 DNA测序,这是他实验室制订的一项战略。 yeeyan

No, Zheng says, though Bing product manager Stefan Weitz did note in a USA Today interview that Zheng's stock at the company rose after the Google Instant introduction.
没有,郑龙说,可是必应产品经理 Stefan Weitz在今日美国报的采访中确实提到,在谷歌即时被推出后,郑龙的声誉在他的公司微软上升了。 yeeyan

Repeat this1,000 times with1,000 different known strands and you can generate the sequence of1,000 letters of DNA, says Weitz.
韦茨称,用1000条不同的已知序列重复1000次,就可以产生1000个 DNA序列。 yeeyan

Speaking to People magazine, Weitz said that he hoped that the romantic scenes would prove emotional for audiences.
在接受《人物》杂志的采访中, Weitz说他希望片中的浪漫桥段能引起观众们感情上的共鸣。 hjenglish

Stefan Weitz Bing spokesman: Competing with Google in classical ranked algorithm search isn’t a thing we spend tons and tons of time thinking about.
Stefan Weitz Bing的代言人:与谷歌在传统的排序搜索算法的竞争,非我们所想,也无需在这方面花费大量的时间。 yeeyan

Stefan Weitz, director of Bing, said that for certain types of tasks, like finding a list of American presidents, people found answers 28 percent faster with a search of images rather than of text.
必应的编辑斯蒂芬.薇茨说,为了能够找到像美国总统名单这样确定的信息,人们用图片搜索会比用文档搜索快28%。 yeeyan

To demonstrate, Dr Kim and Dr Weitz created what they call magnetic ink.
为了证明这一理论,基姆和韦茨博士造出了他们所称的磁性油墨。 ecocn

We agree with Weitz that consumers should probably expect more from search engines than just a simple list of links.
魏茨认为消费者可能对搜索引擎提出更多的期待,而非几个链接的列表,我们十分赞同他的观点。 yeeyan

Weitz presented the findings at the Consumer Genomics Conference in Boston last week.
上周在波士顿召开的消费者基因组学大会上韦茨发表了这一研究结果。 yeeyan

Weitz's team had previously developed a way to create picoliter droplets of water, which act as tiny test tubes.
韦茨的团队曾开发出一种制造皮微升的水滴,充当小试管。 yeeyan




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