

单词 weis
释义 weis ˈwaɪs COCA³²⁶⁶⁵BNC⁷⁵⁸⁹³
Al Weis of Advanced Network and services Armonk New York is heading up the most ambitious Internet2 project to date.
纽约阿曼克高级网络及服务公司的阿伦。韦斯说他们正在进行一项至今为止最具雄心的互联网2的计划。 hotdic

Dick Weis is the director of international programs.
迪克•魏斯是此校国际计划的主任。 hjenglish

In China, we, too, have a particular liking for Wang Weis“having poetry in his painting and painting in his poetry”.
我们中国也特别称道王摩诘的“画中有诗,诗中有画”。 ebigear

Mr. Weis and a few colleagues were able to finance a life of expensive cars, foreign travel, gambling—and, occasionally, philanthropy.
这样魏斯和一些同事才有钱维持奢侈的生活,购置豪华轿车、出国旅游、赌博–偶尔还搞搞慈善。 ecocn

The emergence and development of Wang Jing- weis national defeatism was a historical process.
汪精卫民族失败主义的产生、发展是一个历史过程。 dictall

The words sound square falls, those Weis in the school then and devouringly rounded to come over and started to battle out the Xun in the stone coffin to bury a product.
话音方落,那几个校尉便贪婪地围了过来,争夺起石棺里的殉葬物品来。 www.bb365.org.cn

Wang Guo- weis systematic idea of scholarly research gives deep enlightening to us.
王国维系统的治学理念给后人以深刻的启迪。 dictall

“ Adding this capability to the B-52H will strengthen its position as the most versatile aircraft in the U.S. inventory, ” said Jeff Weis, CCJ program manager for Boeing.
“给 B-52H增加该能力将加强其作为美国最通用的飞机的地位。”波音公司的 CCJ项目经理 Jeff Weis说。 www.etiri.com.cn

“He was able to get a lot of people with very large egos working together on a joint project and accomplished an enormous amount in just a few years,” says Mr Weis.
拉尼尔能够动员很多有雄心壮志的人齐心协力地完成同一项项目,并且仅仅在几年间就取得了巨大的成就。 ecocn

And, Weis adds, “ modern molecular biology and genomics have increased our understanding of how evolution works.”
而且, Weis补充说,“现代分子生物学和基因学加深了我们对进化论的认识。” wesiedu

By his own admission, Mr. Weis, the founder and chief executive, began pilfering client money in the1990s to fill gaps and shortfalls in the daily delivery of cash.
据身为公司元老和执行官的魏斯自己交待,他从1990年开始窃取客户的钱款,以填补每日发送现金的不足部分。 ecocn

Deep and strong tragic sense is the most essential feature of Xu Weis painting imago.
深沉强烈的悲剧意识是徐渭绘画意象的最根本特征。 dictall

Each person Mr Weis recruited said Mr Lanier should be running the project.
所有韦斯招收的人都认为拉尼尔应当主持这项计划。 ecocn

If you must eat runny eggs or use them in recipes, Weis suggests you buy pasteurized eggs, which have been briefly heated to destroy bacteria.
如果你必须吃流状鸡蛋或使用其作为食谱,魏丝研究员建议你购买巴氏杀菌鸡蛋,这些鸡蛋已经简要加热并破坏了细菌。 yeeyan

In addition, the explanation mentions other books and series of books that are certainly worth reading that are not part of the central storyline by Margaret Weis& Tracy Hickman.
另外,分析中会提到其他同样值得阅读的单本和系列书籍,但却并不契合 Margaret Weis和 Tracy Hickman两位作者的中心故事线。 cndkc

In an interview with Defense News, Weis cited the EU's border agency, Frontex, as a potential user of UAVs.
在国防新闻的采访中, Weis指出,欧盟的边境机构, Frontex,作为一个无人机的潜在用户。 www.etiri.com.cn

Karl- Heinz Weis and his three co- defendants ran Heros which, until its bankruptcy a year ago, was the biggest cash-transport firm in Germany, with 50% of the market.
卡尔-海因茨.魏斯基 Karl- Heinz Weis及他的三名共同被告人合伙经营着 Heros公司。 该公司于一年之前宣告破产,此前它曾是德国最大的运钞公司,所占市场份额高达50%。 ecocn

Professor Weis is having six or seven at his house for the holiday.
在这个假日里, Weis教授邀请了六七个学生去他家。 unsv

Professor Weis is having6 or7 at his house for the holiday.
魏斯教授就邀请了6、7个这样的学生到他家去过节。 hjenglish

Research has found this group is more likely to eat raw fish or raw shellfish, Weis tells WebMD.
研究发现,这组群体更可能食用到生鱼片或生贝类。 yeeyan

Researcher Erica Weis, MPH, of California's health services department, suggests that public health campaigns and media coverage of outbreaks may be responsible for the decline.
加州卫生服务部的埃里卡维斯硕士研究员,表示面向公众的健康宣传活动和媒体报道的可能是上述概率下降原因。 yeeyan

Rural people travel light—none of the Weis had brought anything with them, not even Wei Jia, who planned to stay with me in the city to see more of the Games.
农村人出门一身轻---魏家人一点儿东西都没有带,甚至是小魏佳,他打算和我呆在城里继续看多几场比赛。 yeeyan

The NSF provided Mr Weis with a grant of several million dollars to develop his crazy idea, known as tele- immersion.
美国国家科学基金会为韦斯这个疯狂的主意—远程沉浸—投资了几百万美元的资金。 ecocn

The theory has been accepted by scientists for nearly100 years, Weis said, and has been refined, extended and strengthened over the years by findings in paleontology and developmental biology.
这个理论已经被科学家接受了近100年, Weis说,并且由于古生物学的发现和生物学的发展而被完善、拓展、加强。 wesiedu

This article analyses Xu Weis multi-level and profound aesthetic ideal on inherent qualities from aesthetic acceptance, essence of art and aesthetic standards by three aspects.
本文从审美接受、艺术本质、审美标准三个方面来分析徐渭多层次深蕴涵的本色审美理想。 dictall

Wang Weis late landscape poetry is a very suitable specimen for reviewing the aesthetic experiences of the flourishing Tang literati.
王维山水小诗是考察盛唐文人审美经验之历史原态的绝佳标本。 en.zidian8.com

Xu weis value of the ego in character reflected in his poem and prose creation and embodied as the prominence of self expression consciousness and spirit of individual character.
徐渭在人格上对自我的重视折射在他的诗文创作中,则体现为自我表现意识和个性精神的突出。 dictall

Weis family and the cause of Buddhism, goes back to ancient times.
魏氏家族与佛教的因缘关系,源远流长。 dictall




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