

单词 weirs
释义 weirs wiəz COCA⁹¹⁵⁴⁸BNC⁴⁵⁴⁰³
n.堰;鱼梁指拦截游鱼的枝条篱weir的名词复数原型weir的复数 Is flowing rapidly rest Dujiang weirs not to have our happy song joke.
在奔流不息的都江堰有我们的欢歌笑语。 riji.marry5.com

On the basis of the results of study, sloping stable stand structures are designed according to different sloping parts of weirs and moulds and gullies.
依据研究结果,分别提出黄土丘陵沟壑区梁峁坡和沟坡不同部位林分结构设计。 cnki

The flow of rivers is regulated by weirs and dams.
河水的流向可以用堤坝控制。 ecocn

Based on the methods of runoff plot on sloping land and triangle- trapezoid multi- measuring weirs, the runoff, sediment and change of soil physical character were observed.
采用坡面径流场和三角形-梯形复合测流堰方法,观测了芦花冲小流域多功能防护林林地的径流、泥沙及土壤物理性质变化。 cnki

Dams, weirs, ledges, reversals, holes, and hydraulics.
坝,水栅,暗礁,反转,坑,和水利设施。 chinaraft.com

Detention pond is a facility that uses orifice and weirs to detain and release the flow in a short period of time for peak flow reduction.
滞留池利用孔、堰等出流设施对径流进行短时间的滞留及排放,从而达到消减洪峰的作用。 www.irrigate.com.cn

Like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, Australian engineers gaily pockmarked the basin with dams, weirs and locks, with little thought for what that would do downstream.
和世界其它地方的工程师一样,澳大利亚的工程师满心欢喜地把水坝、河堰和水闸散布在墨累-达令流域,而不顾忌它们给下游所可能带来的影响。 topsage

She bid me take the life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs.
她让我从容看待人生,如堰上长青草。 blogbus

She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs; But I was young and foolish, and now im full of tears.
在青草爬上堤岸之时,她要我活得潇洒,但年少无知的我而今只有泪水。 potu

She bid me take life easy, as the grass grow on the weirs.
她让我从容对待生活,就象小草长满河堤。 bbs.0562.cc

Small weirs divert them to one side, where they are washed into traps.
一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中。 dictall

There is evidence that East Coast Indians were using these stone and wood weirs5,000 years ago, and probably earlier.
有遗迹证实东岸的印第安人早在五千年前就开始使用石头和木头搭成的鱼堰捕鱼。 yeeyan

They shot some pretty weirs and rapids.
他们看到了一些美丽的堰坎和湍滩。 jukuu

This thesis mainly studies the adhesive performance between concrete and polymer mortar and the bond performance of steel weirs anchoring in the mortar.
本论文主要研究聚合砂浆与混凝土之间的粘结性能以及钢绞线在聚合砂浆中的粘结锚固性能。 cnki




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