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词汇 Weimar
释义 Wei·mar 英ˈwaɪˌmɑː, ˈvaɪ-美ˈwaɪˌmɑr, ˈvaɪ-AHDwīʹmär', vīʹ- 高Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a German city near Leipzig; scene of the adoption in 1919 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic that lasted until 1933Weimar Republic威玛共和国

The fad of America mass culture deepened the chaoses of weimar society.美国大众文化的风行加深了魏玛文化的混乱。
Often their inspiration can be traced back to theWeimarand Nazi cultures in which Newton grew up.人们通常认为这种灵感可以追溯到影响牛顿成长的魏玛和纳粹文化。 A really badly run government, like those of Weimar Germany or modern-day Zimbabwe, might create so much money that it becomes virtually worthless; in Harare, you can meet homeless trillionaires.
运作糟糕的政府,如德国魏玛或是如今的津巴布韦,可能发行货币过多,而致使其一文不值。在哈拉雷,就能看到无家可归的万亿富翁。 yeeyan

Heralding a new school of art, architecture and design in Weimar, Germany, he declared that this new building“ will one day rise towards heaven as the crystalline symbol of a new and coming faith”.
他扬言,“有朝一日,新建筑会像即将来临的新信仰的水晶象征一样,冉冉升上天堂”,这宣告着德国魏玛艺术、建筑和设计新流派的诞生。 topsage

Ron Asmus, who dealt with these questions as a senior Clinton administration State Department official, told me“ It’s become a Weimar-like legend that we humiliated them.”
罗恩·阿斯姆斯,处理此类问题的克林顿政府国务院高级官员,他告诉我“它已经变成一个曾经被我们羞辱的魏玛共和国式的故事。” yeeyan

Yet this mattered little to the Germans, for whom it was all too easy to attribute every problem to reparations, and by extension to the Weimar government.
赔款对德国来说并不算什么,但德国人很容易把一切问题归咎于赔款,并延伸到魏玛政权。 yeeyan

A series of dramatic events marked the end of the Weimar Republic.
一系列戏剧性的事件标志着魏玛共和国的终结。 ebigear

Bernanke's misinformation campaign is similar to what took place in Weimar Germany in the1920s when they experienced hyperinflation.
伯南克的谎言传播与在19世纪20年代处于超级通货膨胀中的魏玛德国发生的情况类似。 yeeyan

Flooding the market with new work is like debasing the coinage, a strategy used from Nero to the Weimar Republic with disastrous consequences.
让新作大量涌入市场就像使货币贬值一样,这种策略曾被尼禄用于魏玛共和国,导致了灾难性的后果。 ecocn

Goethe was once strolling on a narrow path in a park in Weimar.
一词,歌德正在魏玛一个公园的一条狭窄小道上散步。 ebigear

He is a reliable guide through Weimar's political and economic maze, and a good one on the social revolution that made many women far from all less dependent on husband, hearth and home.
就魏玛的政治经济迷局而言,他是一个可靠的向导,在社会革命方面也是如此。 后者使许多女性远非全部在温暖的家庭生活中更独立于丈夫。 ecocn

Hitler did not attain power because of reparations— the Great Depression and the folly of the German ruling classes did that — but their existence gave him a political cudgel against Weimar.
因为赔款,希特勒没有得到权力,但大萧条和德国统治阶级所作的荒唐事给了希特勒对付魏玛的政治大棒。 yeeyan

I had already done the reading about the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich while I was in my sickbed.
当我躺在病床上时,我已经读过了魏玛共和国和第三帝国的历史。 yeeyan

In Weimar Germany, the misinformed public always focused on rising prices, but never understood that prices were rising because the German mark was losing its purchasing power.
在魏玛德国,被误导的大众总是关注于升高的物价,而永远不理解价格不断升高是因为德国马克正在丧失它的购买力。 yeeyan

It also involved a substantial shift in German domestic politics away from free enterprise, or what remained of it under Weimar, toward collectivist economic planning.
它还包括德国国内从魏玛共和国留下的自由企业向集体主义经济计划的深刻转变。 yeeyan

Lane told friends that it would be immoral of her to take part in a system that would predictably collapse so catastrophically, as the example of Weimar Germany convinced her that it would.
莱茵对朋友说,对她而言,加入一个完全可以预见到会灾难性崩溃的制度是不道德的,魏玛共和国的例子让她深信社保制度注定会崩溃。 yeeyan

Max Weber was a member of the committee set up to draft the constitution of the Weimar Republic in 1918.
马克斯•韦伯是1918年成立的魏玛共和国宪法起草委员会的成员之一。 ecocn

NEARLY a century has passed but the Janus face of the Weimar Republic appals and attracts as much as ever.
近一个世纪之后,魏玛共和国的雅努斯之面仍然一如既往地既令人惊骇,又充满魅惑。 ecocn

Nor is enough sketched about life in other great European cities to explain what made Weimar unique.
也没有足够对于其他欧洲重要城市生活的描述,用来解释魏玛的独特之处。 ecocn

Now, out of farmers' fields, an entire German-style town has sprouted, its brightly hued gingerbread homes modeled on those of Weimar in Germany.
而现在,一座德式城镇却在原先的农地上拔地而起,其华美明艳的住房都以德国的魏玛为蓝本。 ecocn

Out of the Weimar Republic, they elected Hitler.
当魏玛共和国破灭时,他们选择了希特勒。 topsage

Referendums and plebiscites still carry a whiff of Weimar and of Hitler's exploitation of public emotion.
德国的全民公决多少还带有魏玛时期以及希特勒所鼓动的民族情绪的味道。 ecocn

That hardly sounds like the Weimar Republic.
这听上去怎么会是魏玛共和国呢? ecocn

The economic and political atmosphere shares certain parallels with Weimar Germany or Pre- Peronist Argentina.
这种经济政治环境堪比德国魏玛以及阿根廷庇隆党。 yeeyan

The literature on Weimar is immense, but we could well do with a single, authoritative, jargon-free volume that pulls all the strands together.
有关魏玛的文献汗牛充栋,但我们依然可以编一册权威易懂的单行本,汇集所有的线索。 ecocn

When Hitler's matchless ability to tap resentment and hatred is added to this poisonous mix, Weimar's plunge into dictatorship looks to have been inevitable.
最后,这个糟糕无比的混合物又加上了希特勒独一无二的挑起不满和仇恨的本事,魏玛陷入独裁统治看来已是无可挽回。 ecocn

While the Weimar tale is a timeless study of social disintegration, it cannot shed much light on events today.
虽然魏玛帝国的故事是社会分化的永久性案例,它却无法对今天的情况有所启示。 yeeyan




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