

单词 weihai
释义 weihai 英weɪ'haɪ美weɪ'haɪ COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
How is the nightlife in Weihai, Mr. Liu?
刘先生,威海的夜生活怎么样? www.weihai.gov.cn

Liu Kai and Yu Min, from Harbin Institute of Technology's Weihai campus in Shandong Province, are starting to think that a major in biotechnology wasn't the way to go.
哈尔滨工业大学山东威海分校的应届毕业生刘凯音和于敏现在觉得,当初真不应该选择生物技术专业。 hjenglish

China up to the hotel, to travel to Weihai, to do business, waiting for the guests to provide such a cheap and safe, convenient resting places.
华达旅馆,给来威海出差,办业务,等车的客人提供这样一个便宜安全,方便的休息场所。 qite8

How to improve as the World Habitat Weihai city's cultural taste and grade?
如何提高威海做为世界人居城市的文化品位和档次? qite8

How to reflect the city's cultural heritage Weihai open?
如何体现威海开放城市的文化底蕴? qite8

I am a senior student from Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, majoring in Optical Information Science and Technology.
我现在就读于哈尔滨工业大学威海,是光信息科学与技术专业大四的学生。 blog.sina.com.cn

I guess I'll have a Coke. And would you bring me a copy of the latest Weihai Daily?
我想来一杯可乐吧。还有你能不能给我份最新的威海日报? www.weihai.gov.cn

I would like to inform you that the East Asia Investment Forum is scheduled for July2 to3,2005 in the city of Weihai in Shandong Province of China.
在此,我愿告诉大家,2005年7月2-3日,东亚投资论坛将在中国山东省威海市举行。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In Weihai, convenient train guests temporary rest.
方便在威海等火车的客人临时休息。 qite8

It has been evaluated to be high & new technology company in Shandong province, Weihai independent innovation advanced company and high & new technology key enterprise of national torch plan.
先后被评为山东省高新技术企业、威海市自主创新型先进企业、国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业。 dalianexpo

It is the landmark structure of Weihai.
它可以说是威海的标志性建筑。 cctv

Liugong Island Northern Navy admirals Weihai Department is one of the important monuments.
刘公岛上的北洋海军提督署是威海重要的古迹之一。 qite8

Lying in the Rongcheng southern Yellow Sea,100 km from Weihai city, the main peak elevation of539 m the top cool.
横卧于荣成市南部的黄海之滨,距威海市区100公里,主峰清凉顶海拔539米。 qite8

Over 400 students from Qingdao, Weihai and other places were “ inspected” by these“ experts”.
来自青岛、威海等地的400多名应届考生接受了专家们的“检阅”。 vodone

Praefect Department of Beiyang Navy on Liugong Island is important ancient relics of Weihai.
威海的重要古迹是刘公岛上的北洋海军提督署。 blog.sina.com.cn

Presently serves in Weihai Vocational College.
现供职于威海职业学院。 blog.sina.com.cn

The eastern Yantai- Weihai segment is a mid Pleistocene segment on which no late Pleistocene offset has been found.
东段烟台-威海段为中更新世活动段,没有发现晚更新世地层错断现象。 iciba

The fourth day we went to Weihai.
行程的第四天去了威海。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is the first that I have visited Weihai.

We have a very good golf course here in Weihai. Let's go there tomorrow, OK?
我们威海有一个很好的高尔夫球场,咱们明天去打高尔夫怎么样? www.weihai.gov.cn

With this, “ Mianyang Evening News” linkage“ Weihai Evening News” Readers love to pass an endless stream of Mianyang.
本报也与《绵阳晚报》联动,将《威海晚报》读者的爱心源源不断地传递到绵阳。 hicoo

Weihai, Shandong, as a result of the original Video Electronics police over illegal controversy maintenance costs, this re- installation of the digital electronic police.
象山东威海因原装视频电子警察发生多起违章争议且维修费用高,今年重新安装数码电子警察。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn

Weihai climate, very good, is not cold in winter, summer is not hot.
威海气候,非常好,属于冬天不冷、夏天不热。 helicoptersbuyers

Weihai lies about90 kilometers east of Yantai.
威海位于烟台以东90公里处。 k8edu.com

Weihai Restaurant. Good morning. May I help you?
这里是威海饭店。早上好,可以为您服务吗? www.weihai.gov.cn

Weihai town, most people memorable, is clean, fresh and elegant.
威海小城,最让人过目难忘的,是清洁、清新和幽雅。 helicoptersbuyers




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