

单词 weightlessness
释义 weight·less·ness 英'weɪtləsnəs美'weɪtləsnəs 高COCA³⁸⁹³²BNC⁵⁸⁶⁶⁹iWeb³⁵⁸⁷¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the property of being comparatively small in weight;

the lightness of balsa wood

weightless无重量的simulated weightlessness conditions模拟失重条件…simulated weightlessness模拟失重weightlessness effect失重效应
weight-less少-ness名词后缀⇒n.失重近义词 airiness通风buoyancy浮力flimsiness脆弱lightness光亮度fluffinessfluffy的名词形式…

用作名词Astronauts in flight must adjust toweightlessness.宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。
When a sportsman rises high into the air and an astronaut travels around the orbit, they will be inweightlessness.运动员的腾空和宇航员在轨道上的飞行都是处于失重状态。as in.buoyancy/buoyance
同义词 airiness,ethereality,floatability,levity
反义词 blues,depression,heaviness
buoyancesnoun lightness in weight
buoyanciesnoun lightness in weight
animations,bounces,cheerfulness,cheeriness,ebullience,effervescence,exuberance,gaiety,good feelings,good humors,happiness,high spirits,jollity,liveliness,pep,spiritednesses,sunninesses,vim and vigors,zings,zips
buoyancy/buoyancenoun lightness in weight
airiness,ethereality,floatability,levity,weightlessness I now want to return to the idea of complete weightlessness and I want to remind you, a few lectures ago how I was swinging you at the end of a string in the vertical.

Located in Germany, the roller coaster train travels through a course of1.2 kilometres long with seven periods of weightlessness.
德国这架过山车来1.2千米的行程中让你尽享7次失重感觉。 yeeyan

So it goes back into the air so it goes immediately to weightlessness again and then it oscillates back and forth.

The flight was to be fully automatic, but what if weightlessness caused Gagarin to go mad and override the programmed controls?
飞行过程是完全自动化的,但是如果失重令加加林情绪失控随之打乱预定程序控制该怎么办? yeeyan

What the six will not experience, however, is the impact of weightlessness or, indeed, the terror and euphoria that comes with real-life space travel.
不过,这六人不会经历的是失重影响,或者的确地,真实太空航行时的恐惧与狂喜。 yeeyan

You have to pay a price for this half a second of weightlessness.

“ If you are— if it’s your first sensation of weightlessness and that’s what you’re focusing on— you might miss the unbelievable view out the window, ” Wells says.
Wells说:“如果你…,如果兴奋就是你对失重的第一感受并倾注所有的精力,那你可能会错过窗外那不可思议的美景。” yeeyan

“ Of course, we’re in weightlessness, so a shower head with water dripping on top of your head would not work, ” Ms. Payette says.
“当然,我们处在失重状态,所以,你头顶的淋浴头是没有用处的, ”帕耶特女士说。 yeeyan

And now it takes60 seconds because the whole cycle is90 seconds and in these60 seconds they get ready for the next free fall-- for the next weightlessness.

Astronauts normally drink from pouches using straws, to prevent liquids from spilling out in weightlessness, but Pettit wanted to show that they could sip from cups.
为了防止液体在失重的环境下溅出,宇航员通常只能用吸管吮吸装在袋中的饮料,但有了佩提特的这个新发明,宇航员们从此可以用杯子喝水了。 kekenet

At this altitude, the five passengers onboard could experience a few minutes of weightlessness before strapping themselves back in their seats for the return flight to the ground.
在这个高度上,五位搭载乘客可以在飞船返回地面离开座椅的几分钟内体会一下失重的感觉。 yeeyan

But the weightlessness of space means that debris keeps spinning around the Earth for years, if not centuries.
但太空失重意味着那些碎片将环绕地球运行即便不是数百年,也要有数年之久。 ecocn

Even Hollywood has gotten into the act, using these flights to depict weightlessness on the silver screen.
甚至好莱坞也来凑过热闹,用这些飞行模式把失重状态搬上银幕。 yeeyan

Flying during a dream carries an amazing sense of liberty, weightlessness, and power that is hard to replicate in waking life.
在梦中飞翔很神奇,它让人感受到自由,失重以及在清醒中难以取代的力量。 yeeyan

He came closest to visiting alien worlds through his love of deep-sea diving, its weightlessness and strange life forms.
他探访未知世界的体验来自于他所深爱着的深海潜水运动,那是一种无重力的完全陌生的感知状态。 ecocn

In the few minutes of weightlessness, passengers will be encouraged to shed their seat belts and float around.
而在几分钟的失重时间里,我们则鼓励乘客松开安全带自由飘浮。 yeeyan

INSIDE, in weightlessness, the passengers begin to emerge from their hibernacula.
内部,失重状态下,乘客们开始从冬眠舱中出来。 yeeyan

Many observers found fault with the exercise's lack of realism, saying that the mission could not simulate weightlessness, true danger or the pressure and motivation of a real journey to Mars.
许多观察者发现这次模拟试验缺乏现实性,说没有模拟失重,真实的危险或压力以及真正火星之旅应有的动机。 yeeyan

Noah Fulmor and Erin Finnegan will exchange vows on a specially- adapted plane, which performs15 swoops from 11km to7.3km to allow30 seconds of weightlessness.
届时,新郎诺赫和新娘艾琳将乘坐一架经特殊改装的飞机飞到11公里高空,再作15次俯冲到7.3公里高度,从而感受30秒失重状态,并在此间宣读结婚誓言。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Participants undergo near- weightlessness as the plane is flown in parabolic maneuvers that create temporary reduced gravity.
当飞机以抛物线飞行并暂时抵消部分重力时,学员将能体验到近似失重的状态。 yeeyan

Some69 miles above Earth, in a darkening void, customers will experience a few minutes of weightlessness and gaze out the window at the curvature of their planetary home.
直到离地69英里,随着周遭渐渐暗去,飞船进入一片虚空,这时乘客将获得几分钟失重体验并可透过舷窗观赏行星地球的曲线之美。 yeeyan

The study took two sets of rats, both of who were subjected to an environment that simulated weightlessness.
实验设置了两组老鼠,都放置于模拟失重的环境中。 forbeschina

Unlike a real spaceflight, mission participants will not be subjected to the debilitating effects of weightlessness and ionizing radiation.
与真正的宇宙飞行不同的是,参与该任务的队员不会受到失重和电离辐射的致衰弱的作用。 yeeyan

With weightlessness, shuttle commander George Zamka said, it should be much easier and comfortable than the old how- many- can- fit- into- a- phone booth gag.
航天飞机指令长乔治·扎姆卡介绍说,由于是在失重状态下,这样做起来易如反掌,而且与起那种比赛一座电话亭能挤进多少人的游戏要轻松许多。 yeeyan




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