

单词 weightless
释义 weight·less 英ˈweɪtlɪs美ˈwetlɪsAHDwātʹlĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹⁰³⁴BNC³⁵⁹³²iWeb²⁵²²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
having little or no weight or apparent gravitational pull; light;

floating freely in a weightless condition

a baby bat…fluffy and weightless as a moth

jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric

weightless state失重状态weightless flight失重飞行
weigh称…重量…t-,-less少⇒adj.无重量的⁵⁵;无重力的⁴⁵近义词 light光airy通风的aerial空中的ethereal天上的floaty能浮起的feathery生有羽毛的insubstantial脆弱的反义词 weighty重要的

用作形容词Knowledge isweightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.知识是一种无重的、可以轻易携带的珍宝。
Man isweightlessin space.人在太空失重。
We feelweightlesswhen the elevator descends.当电梯下降时,我们会感到失重。adj.light
同义词 ethereal,inconsequential,trivialagile,airy,atmospheric,buoyant,crumbly,dainty,delicate,downy,easy,effervescent,featherweight,feathery,filmy,flimsy,floatable,floating,fluffy,friable,frothy,gossamery,graceful,imponderous,insubstantial,light as a feather,light-footed,lightweight,lithe,little,loose,meager,nimble,petty,porous,portable,sandy,sheer,slender,slight,small,spongy,sprightly,sylphlike,thin,tissuelike,trifling,unheavy,unsubstantial
反义词 important,significant
airyadjective delicate or ethereal
buoyantadjective light in weight
lightadjective not heavy
lightestadjective not heavy
lightweightadjective inconsequential
featherweight,foolish,imponderous,incompetent,insignificant,of no account,paltry,petty,slight,trifling,trivial,unimportant,weightless,worthless John Glenn, America's first man to eat anything in the near- weightless environment of Earth orbit, found the task of eating fairly easy, but found the menu to be limited.
约翰•格伦,在地球轨道接近失重的环境中无所不吃的第一位美国人,发现吃东西这个任务相当容易,但是菜单有限。 yeeyan

So the string has no tension, the string goes limp and the bucket of water and you are weightless.

The antiprotons in this scheme would be gathered into a vast fuel tank, a nearly weightless cloud hundreds of meters long surrounding the craft.
在这一计划中,反质子被收集起来装进一个巨大的燃料箱,该燃料箱实际上就是环绕在飞船周围长达几百米的无重量云团。 yeeyan

The bottle is weightless when we jump; I am weightless and even this bagel is weightless.

You are now weightless, you are free- falling.

Although not weightless, the20- and30-year-olds are spending their time in tight quarters that prevent their bodies from getting their normal doses of exercise.
虽然没有失重,这些20或30岁左右的志愿者绝大多数时间是生活在狭小的空间里的,这样可使他们的身体避免做日常程度的运动。 yeeyan

But the threading itself earns the“ weightless” name.
不过线程本身却赢得了“轻便”的名声。 ibm

Even with its new orange“life jacket” that hooks around the top to keep it afloat see photo, the device feels weightless.
即使加上新式橙色“救生衣”——固定在顶部使其漂浮如图片所示,你也几乎感觉不到重量。 yeeyan

I jump for half a second, weightless hit the floor for about two- tenths of a second maybe close to600 pounds.

I’ve had some scary swaying- on- high- scaffolding dreams but my dreams about flying have all been very good in a weightless, superhero sort of way.
我曾梦到过自己在高高的脚手架上摇摆。不过我自己的有关飞翔的梦是梦到自己失重或是自己是什么超级英雄之类的,不算恐怖的梦。 yeeyan

If I jump off the table I will be weightless for about half a second.

In most respects weightless threads are quite a bit simpler than most variants; most issues about semaphores, locking, and the like disappear.
在很多方面,轻便线程比大多数变体都简单得多;大多数关于信号、锁定及诸如此类的问题都不存在了。 ibm

It also means that if I jump off the table that I'm weightless while I am in mid-air, so to speak.

Living in a weightless environment does curious things to the body; after all, our entire physiology evolved in the presence of gravity.
在失重的环境下生存会让我们的身体产生奇怪的现象;我们的整个生理机能毕竟还是以重力为前提的。 yeeyan

Moving particles through a Higgs field is like pulling a weightless pearl necklace through a jar of honey, except imagine that the honey is everywhere, and the interaction is continuous.
在希格斯场中移动粒子犹如在一罐蜂蜜中移动一串没有重量的珍珠链只是得想象这种蜂蜜无处不在,并且这种作用一直存在。 yeeyan

Obviously, realistic weightless threads should do something, and this will use some greater resources proportionate to the task.
显然,真正的轻便线程应该做一些事情,而这将根据任务使用更多的资源。 ibm

Of course, it does not hurt matters that weightless threads have the potential to be blazingly fast in comparison to more well- known flow mechanisms.
当然,轻便线程与一些大家更熟知的流机制相比速度可能非常快,就这点而言并无大碍。 ibm

Only gravitation would act upon us and we would be weightless.

Sending signals back to base, unmoored and weightless and no longer marking time.
往基地发送信号,起锚了,失重了,也不用计算时间。 yeeyan

Switching between weightless threads is cheap, but it is still not quite free.
在轻便线程之间切换开销很小,但还不是完全没有开销。 ibm

The reason that astronauts appear to be weightless because they are orbiting the earth.
之所以宇航员看起来无重力是由于他们在绕着地球旋转。 yeeyan

They are not weightless, they are climbing up.

They tell you not to worry, because in a single decade hard drives will be ridiculously smaller, lack any moving parts, be practically weightless and can withstand far more brutal environments.
他们告诉你不用担心,因为在一个十年内硬盘将会小的难以置信,没有任何动的部分,十分轻便,并且能在恶劣的环境中存放。 yeeyan

This is about the simplest weightless thread scheduler you could choose.
这大概就是您能够选择的最简单的轻便线程调度程序了。 ibm

To recreate the weightless experience without going into space, the plane executed parabolic flight maneuvers, climbing sharply and descending several times during the one- hour flight.
为了不上太空而体验失重,飞机进行了“过山车”式的俯冲,在一小时的飞行期间,迅速爬升和下降。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Unfortunately, weightless thread users need to pay attention to “ playing nice” with other threads.
不幸的是,轻便线程用户需要注意“好好地处理”其它线程。 ibm

We're all weightless during half a second.

Weightless threads can, and usually should, be larger- scale than a single conceptual operation.
轻便线程可以而且通常应该比单独的概念性操作规模更大。 ibm




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