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词汇 weighed
释义 weigh·ed 英weɪ美weɪ COCA¹⁰⁹⁸⁷BNC¹²⁵⁶⁶Economist⁶⁷⁸⁶
vt. & vi. 称…的重量,估量

measure by means of a scale how heavy sth is

vi. 重达多少

show a certain measure when put on a scale, etc.

vt. 权衡; 考虑

compare the importance, value, etc. of one thing and another

have a certain weightshow consideration for; take into account;

You must consider her age

The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient

determine the weight of;

The butcher weighed the chicken

have weight; have import, carry weight;

It does not matter much

to be oppressive or burdensome;

weigh heavily on the mind

Something pressed on his mind

weigh, consider, contemplate, study

这四个词都可表示“考虑”。contemplate指沉思默想,强调持久的、冷静的、注意力集中的思维,但不包含思维的目的、方法或结果; consider是一般用语,指某人在对具体事情作出决定之前进行更自觉、深度和广度更大、目的性更强的思索; study语气比consider更强些,指某人对某问题进行持久的、有目的的、慎重而细致的研究,根据此项所得的结果作出计划或采取某一行动; weigh指某人在作出决策前把一事物和别的事仔细进行比较,在心中权衡,考虑其利害和全局需要,再选择对其有利的东西。

weigh, depress, oppress


1.weigh在结果或降低的程度上比depress弱,但更侧重困难或负重,常和down, on或upon连用。


The little girl depressed the button.这个小女孩按下按钮。
Bad weather depresses me.坏天气使我感到郁闷。
His defeat in the last cross-country race depressed him.他在上一次越野赛中的失败使他感到沮丧。

3.oppress即像weigh一样强调重负,也像 depress一样强调结果。








用作动词 v.
~+名词weigh eighty pounds重80磅weigh one's words斟酌词句weigh the advantages and disadvantages权衡利弊weigh the baby称婴儿的体重weigh the biscuits称饼干weigh the evidence考虑这个证据weigh the idea考虑这个意见~+副词weigh carefully仔细地称重,仔细地考虑weigh correctly正确地考虑weigh gravely郑重地提出意见weigh heavily负载超重weigh judiciously明智地考虑weigh minutely很小影响weigh seriously严重影响weigh in称重量,拳击手、摔跤手等赛前称体重weigh down with debts〔anxieties〕负债累累weigh out称重量weigh up仔细考虑~+介词weigh against成为对…不利的证据,使…跟…比较以权衡优劣weigh on压在…上,使某人心情沉重
weigh against v.+prep.

成为对某人不利的证据 be recorded as unfavourable to sb

weigh sth against sthWe must weigh one fact against the next to arrive at an answer.我们必须把一事实与另一事实相比较来得出一个答案。
The quality of the product must be weighed against its cost.产品的质量与成本必须均衡考虑。weigh against sbHis testimony will weigh heavily against you.他的证词将会对你极为不利。
His frequent lateness will weigh against him when the new appointments are being decided.他经常迟到,在决定新的任命时,这一点对他很不利。
weigh down v.+adv.

使某人难过 make sb very sadHis years weigh him down.年岁使他衰颓。

weigh in v.+adv.

发表见解 add an opinion, as to help decide an argument

weigh inThey weighed in before the fight.他们在拳击比赛前称了体重。
The boxer weighed in at 150 pounds.这位拳击手在赛前所称的体重为150磅。weigh sb/sth ⇔ inWho is responsible for weighing the two men in?谁负责称那两个人的体重?
Have all the suitcases been weighed in?The plane will take off in half an hour.飞机将在半小时后起飞,所有的旅行箱都称过了吗?weigh in to sthGeorge weighed in to stop the fight.乔治出来制止打架。weigh in with sthAt last she weighed in with an argument against the proposal.最后她成功地提出了一项反对那个提议的理由。
We would have won if you hadn't tried to weigh in with your silly ideas.要是没有你那些愚蠢的主意,也许我们已赢了。
weigh on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

使某人焦虑 cause worry to sb or sb's mind

weigh on〔upon〕 sb/sthI can see that his new responsibilities are weighing heavily on the young father.我看得出这位年轻的父亲正在为肩负新的责任而深感忧虑。
The girl refused to say a word after her meeting with the lawyer.Her silence began to weigh on her parents.这女孩见过律师后一言不发。她父母开始对她的沉默担忧。
Everyone can see that the death of his wife weighs on him heavily.人人都看得出,他妻子的去世使他的心情非常沉重。
Don't bother your father with so many questions.He already has too many weighing on his mind.别提这么多问题打扰你父亲。他脑子里已装了太多的问题了。
The news weighed on her mind.这消息使她心情沉重。
The matter weighed upon his conscience.这件事成为他良心上的负担。
weigh out v.+adv.

称出,量出 measure or portion out on a pair of scales

weigh sth ⇔ outHe weighed out a pound of tomatoes.他称1磅西红柿。
He weighed out five kilos of rice for each one of them, telling them that it should last two weeks.他给每人称了五公斤大米,告诉他们这些米要吃两个星期。
Flour, sugar, milk, bananas and eggs should be carefully weighed out for making a banana cake.做香蕉蛋糕用的面粉、糖、奶、香蕉和鸡蛋都要仔细称量。
weigh up v.+adv.

考虑之后再决定 consider sth before deciding

weigh sth ⇔ upWeigh up the sugar in jin packages.把糖拆开分包称量,每包一斤。
She weighed up flour, sugar, and cream for a cake.她量出做一只蛋糕的面粉、糖和奶油的分量。
Cotton was picked and weighed up.把棉花摘下来,并称重量。weigh sb/sth ⇔ upThey carefully weighed up the consequence of such an action.他们仔细考虑了这样一个行动的后果。
The children all looked up their new teacher silently, weighing him up.孩子们都默默地看着他们的新老师,揣摩他是个什么样的人。weigh up wh-to-vI've been weighing up whether to go to college or to go to work.我一直在考虑是上大学还是去工作。
He was weighing up whether to stay with us or not.他在仔细考虑是否留下来和我们在一起。
A number of countries are still weighing up whether to vote against the motion or to abstain.一些国家仍在考虑是投反对票还是弃权票。weigh up wh-clauseParents may weigh up whether their child should go home or to stay for the summer camp.父母们可以考虑,是让他们的孩子回家还是留下来参加夏令营。
weigh with v.+prep.

对…有说服力,对…有影响 have power to convince; have influence on

weigh with sbHis remarks does not weigh with me at all.他的话对我一点也不重要。
Her opinion always weighs a lot with me because she is a close friend of mine.我一向很重视她的意见,因为她是我的挚友。近义词 countburdenbear downcarry weight
S+~+AWhen did you weigh last?你上次是什么时候称体重的?
S+~+ adj.I weighs heavy.我重多了。
I weigh less than I used to.我的体重比以前轻。S+~+ n -AThe first man-made satellite of our country weighs 173 kilogrammes.我国第一颗人造卫星重173公斤。
This marble ramp weighs 260 tons.这个大理石台阶重260吨。
How much do you weigh?你的体重是多少?
S+~+ n./pron.The doctor weighed the baby every month.医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。
The grocer was weighing the biscuits on his scales.那个杂货商在用磅秤称饼干。
In examining the plan, we must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.在审查计划时,我们必须权衡利弊。
He weighed the ideas in his mind.他心里认真地权衡了这些意见。
We have to weigh the evidence and make a decision.我们得认真考虑这个证据并作出决定。
In such a delicate situation one has to weigh one's words.在这种微妙情况下,词句必须斟酌。
He advised me to weigh my words carefully before making the complaint.他劝我,在提出控告之前,要仔细考虑措辞。
Richard carefully weighed the phrases.理查德仔细斟酌了这个措辞。
The elevator is weighed too heavily.这台电梯负载超重。
The point deserves to be carefullyweighed.这一点值得慎重考虑。





用作动词Heweighedthe ideas in his mind.他在脑中权衡着这些想法。
It's beenweighingon my mind for days whether to tell her or not.我这几天心烦意乱,不知道应该不应告诉她。
The branches of the trees wereweigheddown by snow.树枝被雪压弯了。
Heweighedin at several pounds below the limit.他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。
Some of the stonesweightwenty-six tons!有些石头重达二十六吨!
A full-grown elephant canweighover 6,000 kilograms.一头成年大象能重达六千多公斤。 In her natural state, the phony participant weighed105 lb. and wore a size0.
这位假冒的参与者的真实体重是105磅,并且她穿0号的衣服。 yeeyan

The answer is that yes, I believe that stimulus can have major benefits in our current situation— but these benefits have to be weighed against the costs.
我的答复是,没错,我相信在当前的形势下,刺激可以产生大的效益——但是这种效益必须与付出的成本加以比较与权衡。 yeeyan

The present day interstellar dust is weighed by measuring the intensity and color of emission at longer infrared wavelengths.
至今星际尘埃是通过测量长于红外线的波长的强度和发光颜色来权衡。 yeeyan

A scientist who weighed people immediately before and after death concluded that the human soul weighs21 gms.
一位科学家在人们死亡前后的瞬间为他们称重,他得出结论说,人的灵魂重21克。 yeeyan

But such consequences must be weighed against the benefits of greater financial stability, he argues.
不过他说,必须把这样的影响与更大的金融稳定性放在一起加以权衡。 iciba

CARDIA study scientists weighed and measured the waist circumference and BMI of study participants. The waist circumference was measured to the nearest half centimeter.
从事CARDIA研究的科学家们,对研究参与者进行称重和腰围与 BMI的测量,腰围测量精确到半厘米。 yeeyan

Everyone must present himself to be weighed out.

Given our time constraints, we weighed the pros and cons and decided to not use this tool.
由于我们时间的限制,我们权衡了正方与反方最后决定不使用这个工具。 ibm

He was weaker, and his performance was worse, even though he weighed less.
尽管他体重是更轻了,但同时他的表现也更加糟糕。 yeeyan

However, evidence in primary prevention is limited, with studies suggesting that any benefit of aspirin must be weighed against the risk of bleeding.
然而,这种疗法在一级预防方面的好处有限。研究表明,服用阿司匹林必须权衡利弊,防止出血的危险。 yeeyan

I weighed fame and love against each other and love won.
我权衡名利和爱情孰轻孰重之后,选择了爱情。 putclub

In order to keep the focus on the steps themselves, not every action will be explained, and not every decision will be weighed.
为了始终关注于这些步骤本身,本文并没有对每项操作都进行解释,也没有对每个决策都进行权衡。 ibm

I've never weighed a frail, sickly80 pounds, but because of IT, she did.
我的体重,也永远不会瘦到只有骨瘦如柴的80磅,但是因为“它”,她会。 yeeyan

Participation in political issues involves both individual rights and responsibilities, which need to be weighed in real life.
参与政治问题同时涉及个人权利与责任,这需要在现实生活中进行权衡。 yeeyan

Regardless, clustering, replication, and sharding each have pros and cons that should be weighed heavily before embarking on an individual strategy.
无论如何,集群、复制和分片都具有优缺点,在开始采用一种具体战略时应该认真权衡它们。 ibm

Running one of these collection points, where the milk is tested and weighed, is a position of great honour.
收集点的工作就是对奶农送来的奶进行检验和称重,这是一个很有面子的工作。 ecocn

That is not to say that some rules, like formatting rules, are not important, just that they should be weighed in comparison to other issues, such as null pointers or mishandled exceptions.
这并不是说某些规则如格式设置规则不重要,而是应该将它们与其他问题进行比较权衡,例如空指针或处理不当的异常。 ibm

The researchers found that the men who played video games weighed more and used the Internet more than other men.
研究员们还发现男性电子游戏玩家比其他男性体重要重的多,并且常使用因特网。 yeeyan

The tall wrestler weighed in at200 pounds.

They also need to be weighed against the costs and benefits of alternatives.
同时也应当权衡换成其他代替品时的带来的成本与好处。 yeeyan

This ranking must then be weighed against the next category: resource usage.
还必须针对下一个类别资源使用情况来权衡这个评级。 ibm

To really understand a war and its implications, the human cost should be weighed against the strategic considerations.
要真正理解一场战争及其影响,必须用普通人的生命损失来权衡战略考量。 yeeyan

When was the last time you weighed yourself?
你上一次称体重是什么时候? yeeyan




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