

单词 Weidmann
释义 Weidmann ˈwaɪdmən COCA²⁰⁰⁷⁰³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
It would be counter- productive as well, argued Mr Weidmann.
他认为可能还会适得其反。 ecocn

Mr Weidmann, for instance, could be outvoted at the ECB.
比如,魏德曼虽然可能在欧洲央行的投票中胜出; yeeyan

Mr Weidmann has his supporters among the Finns and the Dutch, too.
芬兰及荷兰也不乏魏德曼的支持者。 yeeyan

Mr Weidmann told the Financial Times that the ECB could not act as a lender of last resort for countries, because in doing so it would transgress EU treaties banning direct financing of states.
魏德曼告诉《金融时报》,欧洲央行不能成为国家的最后贷款人,因为这会违反欧盟关于禁止欧洲央行向各国放贷的条约规定。 ecocn

Over the weekend, the head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann warned that such bond purchases were against the ECB's rules, and he ruled out a lender- of- last-resort role for the central bank.
周末,德国联邦银行总裁 Jens Weidmann警告这样购买债券违反欧洲央行的规定,他否定了央行的最后贷款人制度。 ecocn

The central bank made its latest bond purchases with ill-disguised reluctance and, importantly, they were opposed by Jens Weidmann, the president of the German Bundesbank.
央行最近购买债券颇为勉强,更重要的是,德国联邦银行总裁 Jens Weidmann的反对。 renren

Bundesbank- watchers say Mr Weidmann’s comments were directed at his domestic audience in Germany, which fears that the ECB is losing its bearings.
联邦银行的观察者说, Weidmann的评论针对德国国内听众的,他们害怕欧洲央行失去主心骨。 yeeyan

Even now, the head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, appears to believe that the imposition of fiscal rigour will be enough to restore calm to Europe’s bond markets.
即便到如今,德国央行行长维德曼仍然相信,紧缩的财政措施对于恢复欧洲债券市场已经足够了。 yeeyan

For Mr Weidmann, rules are paramount.
对于 Weidmann,规则是最重要的。 yeeyan

Jens Weidmann, the president of the Bundesbank, rejected the banking- licence idea.
德国联邦银行行长, Jens Weidmann直接拒绝了银行执照这一想法。 ecocn

Mr Draghi comes from a different tradition from Mr Weidmann.
Draghi来自于和 Weidmann不同传统的国家。 yeeyan

Mrs Merkel also stays in touch with the Bundesbank's president, Jens Weidmann, formerly her economic adviser, even though he has denounced some of the bail-outs she has backed.
默克尔同样与联邦银行主席魏德曼,其前经济顾问,保持联系,即使他公开指责她支持的救助计划。 ecocn

Mrs Merkel also stays in touch with the Bundesbank’s president, Jens Weidmann, formerly her economic adviser, even though he has denounced some of the bail-outs she has backed.
默克尔同样与她的前经济顾问,联邦银行主席魏德曼保持联系,即使他曾谴责她支持的救助计划。 ecocn

Yet his worldview is probably closer to Mr Weidmann's than it appears at first.
然而他的世界观可能接近于 Weidmann的而不是先前所述的。 yeeyan




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