weidenfeld 基本例句 n.韦登菲尔德 Businessmen admit in private that they have postponed sackingsin order to avoid boosting the left-wing vote, says Prof Weidenfeld. Prof Weidenfeld说,上任私下里承认他们为了防止左翼派选票的增加,都推迟了奖金的发放。 ecocn TheGerman people are in a“ very unusual” mood, saysWerner Weidenfeld of the University of Munich. 慕尼黑大学的教授 WernerWeidenfeld说,德国民众正处在一种“很不寻常”的情绪之中。 ecocn Weidenfeld& Nicolson;304 pages;& pound;18.99. Weidenfeld& Nicolson;304页;& pound;18.99. ecocn