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词汇 weed out
释义 weed out wi:daut ★★☆☆☆高6短语²¹⁶¹⁶
除去; 剔除; 淘汰

remove unwanted elements;

The company weeded out the incompetent people

The new law weeds out the old inequities

weed out除去
近义词 comb梳子comb out移出
I'llweed outcrabgrass from a lawn.我将除去草坪上的蟋蟀草。
The cowboy culled out the sick cow from the group.牛仔将病牛从牛群中剔除。
Merv got very angry and threw him out.墨夫非常生气,就把他剔除在外。
We have toweed outunqualified applicants.我们必须淘汰不合格的申请人。
Our team was knocked out in the second run.我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰。as in.eradicate
同义词 abolish,annihilate,eliminate,erase,expunge,exterminate,extinguish,stamp out,uproot,wipe outabate,demolish,deracinate,efface,extirpate,liquidate,obliterate,off,purge,raze,scratch,scrub,squash,torpedo,total,trash,wasteblot out,do away with,mow down,root out,rub out,shoot down,take out,unroot,wash out
反义词 bear,build,create,ratify,construct,keep,schedule,set upaid,assist,establish,fix,help,institute,plantas in.extract
同义词 cull,derive,distill,elicit,exact,extort,extricate,glean,obtain,pluck,pry,pull,reap,separate,siphon,squeeze,withdraw,wrest,wringavulse,catheterize,eradicate,evoke,express,extirpate,garner,gather,get,secure,select,take,tear,uproot,yankbring out,eke out,evulse,pick up,press out
反义词 give,disperse,divide,fail,fix,help,lose,misunderstand,plant,refuse,reject,spread,stopadd,edit in,insert,put inas in.phase out
同义词 cancel,eliminate,terminateas in.rarefy
同义词 attenuatecook,cut,decrease,delete,diminish,disperse,doctor,edit,emaciate,expand,extenuate,irrigate,lace,needle,prune,reduce,refine,shave,spike,trim,water,weakencut back,water down
反义词 add,develop,enlarge,extend,grow,increase,praise,raise,strengthenas in.thin
同义词 decrease,diminish,irrigate,prune,refine,trim,weakenattenuate,cook,cut,delete,disperse,doctor,edit,emaciate,expand,extenuate,lace,needle,rarefy,reduce,shave,spike,watercut back,water down
反义词 develop,enlarge,grow,increase,strengthenbeef up,thickenas in.uproot
同义词 annihilate,demolish,displace,eradicate,exterminate,overthrow,overturn,wipe outabate,abolish,deracinate,eliminate,excavate,exile,extirpate,extract,move,remove,weedblot out,dig up,do away with,pull up,root out,tear up
反义词 bear,build,create,fix,help,ratify,remain,stay,welcomeplant,settle,sow
eradicateverb destroy; remove
abate,abolish,annihilate,blot out,demolish,deracinate,do away with,efface,eliminate,erase,expunge,exterminate,extinguish,extirpate,liquidate,mow down,obliterate,off,purge,raze,root out,rub out,scratch,scrub,shoot down,squash,stamp out,take out,torpedo,total,trash,unroot,uproot,wash out,waste,wipe out
eradicatingverb destroy; remove
abating,abolishing,annihilating,blot out,demolishing,deracinating,doing away with,effacing,eliminating,erasing,expunging,exterminating,extinguishing,extirpating,liquidating,mowing down,obliterating,offing,purging,razing,rooting out,rubbing out,scratching,scrubbing,shooting down,squashing,stamping out,taking out,torpedoing,totaling,trashing,unrooting,uprooting,washing out,wasting,weed out,wiping out
extractverb physically remove, draw out
avulse,bring out,catheterize,cull,derive,distill,eke out,elicit,eradicate,evoke,evulse,exact,express,extirpate,extort,extricate,garner,gather,get,glean,obtain,pick up,pluck,press out,pry,pull,reap,secure,select,separate,siphon,squeeze,take,tear,uproot,weed out,withdraw,wrest,wring,yank
extractingverb physically remove, draw out
abridging,abstracting,bringing forth,choosing,citing,condensing,copying,culling,cutting out,deducing,deriving,educing,eliciting,evolving,excerpting,gleaning,quoting,shortening
phase outverb slowly get rid of
cancel,eliminate,terminate,weed out
phased outverb slowly get rid of
canceled,eliminated,terminated,weed out Although open debate is supposed to weed out dubious ideas and allow facts and logic to guide the policy process, it often doesn't work that way.
公开辩论的原本作用是消除不好的想法,让事实和真理引导政策过程,但是结果却往往相反。 yeeyan

It is better to weed out the bad businesses within the group rather than cross- subsidise them to save face.
在公司内进行优胜劣汰,总好过交叉补贴来挽回颜面。 ecocn

The Democratic landslide of2008 and the Republican one of2010 have also helped to weed out many centrists.
民主党2008年压倒多数的选票和共和党的2010年已经帮助剔除许多中立者。 ecocn

Additional understanding and analysis must be applied to weed out extraneous associations.
对于这种情况必须进一步加以理解和分析,以剔除无关的关系。 ibm

But, the campaigners warn, nature has had plenty of time to weed out any mistakes.
然而,活动人士们警告说,自然有足够多的时间来清除任何的错误。 yeeyan

But Ryan said he was comfortable with the robustness of the ticketing computer programmes to weed out potential cyber manipulation to buy concentrated numbers of tickets.
不过 Ryan说他还是对售票电脑的程序的稳定性有信心的,因为这些程序可以除去那些通过网络潜在的非法购票操作。 yeeyan

Data profiling provides insight and inferences into a lot of information quickly, but it still remains for the analyst to weed out the problems and determine what the next steps are.
数据概要分析只是便于快速洞察大量的信息并作出推断,仍然需要由分析师来解决问题并确定下一步做什么。 ibm

Developers should specify filtering rules to weed out data they do not want.
开发人员应该指定筛选规则来清除他们不想要的数据。 ibm

I concluded Part1 by explaining why it is difficult to apply a formal theory to either weed out programming bugs or prove their absence in arbitrary, large, and complex multithreaded applications.
在对第一部分进行总结时,我解释了为什么在任意、大型、复杂的多线程应用程序中,很难应用正式的理论消除编程 bug或证明它们不存在。 ibm

If ever there were a time to relearn commonsensical standards of behavior and weed out the Fabs before the government comes calling, this is it.
如果真的有重新学习行为标准的机会的话,在政府开始呼吁以前踢开Fabrice Tourre——就是这样。 yeeyan

Implement best practicesand weed out poor ones so that ensuring code quality early and often becomes a painless and effective aspect of your development practice.
实现最佳实践清除不好的,使确保代码质量及早并经常地成为开发实践中轻松且有效的方面。 ibm

In contrast, Joseph Schumpeter advocated recession as creative destruction- a cleansing process to weed out the weak and create room for new businesses.
与此相反,主张衰退约瑟夫熊彼特创造性破坏作为一个清洗过程剔除弱者和创造空间新的业务。 enoya

Mr Shi's hospital has now carried out a first screening of candidates to weed out those who fell foul of the100 rules.
施先生所有的医院已经对候选人进行了第一次筛选,剔除与100条规则不符者. yeeyan

Nathan is pre- med at the University of Texas at Austin, where he's currently tackling the weed out courses that give this major its bad reputation.
内森是位于奥斯丁的德州大学的预备医科生。这个专业素以课程繁重与困难而臭名昭著,而这也是内森不得不面对和解决的现实。 yeeyan

Please help me to weed out those yellow flowers that keep growing among the onions.

The authorities in Kenya have for the first time begun a process of screening more than1,600 senior police officers in an effort to weed out corruption.
肯尼亚当局首次对超过1,600名警官进行审查,试图根除腐败现象。 hxen

The first is to weed out unhelpful negative thoughts and the second is to plant more positive, optimistic ones.
首先要做到的是摒弃无用负面的思想,然后建立更加乐观向上的态度。 ilonglong

This is necessary to weed out poor APIs: Too often, the implementers of an API never actually use their own interfaces, with disastrous consequences for usability.
这对于清除设计糟糕的 API是必要的:我们常常看见 API的实现者从来没有真正使用过他们自己的接口,这导致了可用性不高的灾难性结果。




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