

单词 weeded out
释义 weeded out短语⁶⁷⁹⁶¹
It’s a lot more fun to look at photos on a computer once you’ve weeded out the bad ones, and it’s also nicer when you’ve deleted the ones that look identical.
一旦你把那些糟糕的照片删掉之后再看那些留在电脑上的,就会觉得非常有意思;而且,如果你删了那些看着差不多的相片,剩下的那部分就会是比较漂亮。 yeeyan

He has weeded out much of the party’s old guard, shown himself intolerant of corruption and shifted the party away from its instinctive sympathy for the army’s role in politics.
他曾淘汰了党内大部分的老战士,显示出他不容忍腐败的决心,并转移了党对军队在政治中的作用出自本能的赞同。 ecocn

However, he thinks that many of the worst schemes have now been weeded out, and that carbon offsets are necessary in order to tackle climate change.
不过,他认为许多最恶劣的计划已经被淘汰了,为了应对气候变化而实行碳抵消计划是必要的。 yeeyan

It is also unclear how dishonest officers will be weeded out of the new chain of command.
也不清楚不诚实官员会如何剔除出指挥新链条。 yeeyan

Joseph Schumpeter argued that recessions are a process of creative destruction in which inefficient firms are weeded out.
Joseph Schumpeter认为衰退是一个清除低效企业的创造性毁灭过程。 ecocn

Some judges fear that cuts in legal aid could lead to higher court costs because fewer time wasting cases will be weeded out at an early stage.
一些法官担心削减法律援助可能会导致更高的诉讼费,因为能在一开始就剔除的无聊案件数量将会减少。 renren

Some of the smaller players have already started to be weeded out.
一些规模较小的商家已经开始倒闭。 yeeyan

Students who don't perform well on exams are weeded out at age12 and told they won't be attending university.
学生们如果在考试中表现得不好,在12岁的时候他们就会被告知上不了大学。 yeeyan

These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data.
它们并不只是语言最初的主体间性的无关紧要的残留,从而可以通过设计一种用于感觉材料的人为的主观语言即可加以去除。 blog.sina.com.cn

They also do well raising money, he says, because investors assume the IDF has already weeded out the dishonest and irresponsible.
他们很擅长赚钱,他说道,因为投资者们认为 IDF已经剔除了不忠诚与不负责的人。 ecocn

They weeded out useless books from library.

Tom ought to have weeded out the duller articles from his book.
汤姆本该把书中较枯燥的部分删去。 hotdic

Trusting your other healers, even if you have never healed with them before will ensure that you are not stretching yourself too thin, and will also allow any weak links to be weeded out.




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