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词汇 weed
释义 weed 英wiːd美widAHDwēd

C 杂草

an unwanted wild plant, especially one which prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly

vt. & vi. 除杂草

take weeds out of

vi. 挑出; 除去

take away what is useless

any plant that crowds out cultivated plantsa black band worn by a man on the arm or hat as a sign of mourningstreet names for marijuana
clear of weeds;

weed the garden

weed, grass, herb


grass指有益的草,如可供马、牛、羊等牲畜吃的牧草或人们铺设草坪用的草; weed指妨碍其他植物良好生长的杂草。例如:

She spent the whole afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds.她花了整整一个下午拔去花坛中的杂草。


No herb will cure love.相思病无药可治。来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语,本意是“野草、无价值的植物”。从17世纪开始,在口语中被用来表示“烟草”。20世纪20年代开始,在俚语中广泛用来表示“大麻”。如果一个老外说给你一些weed尝尝,你可以不要傻傻地以为那只是普通的“草”。
用作名词 n.
动词+~dig up weeds挖野草kill weeds除掉杂草用作动词 v.~+名词weed corn给谷物除草weed garden除去花园里的杂草weed yard给院子除草~+副词weed out清除,剔除~+介词weed from从…清除weed out of从…清除
weed out v.+adv.

除去,从某一整体中剔除 remove (unwanted plants or parts or people from a crop or whole or group)

weed sb/sth ⇔ outWe'll weed out all the unsuitable candidates and then interview the rest.我们将淘汰所有不合格的申请求职者,然后对其余的人进行面试。
Read over your composition and weed out every sentence that is not about the subject.把你的作文再念一遍,把与主题无关的句子统统删去。
The troublemakers must be weeded out and sent elsewhere.必须清除这些闹事者,并把他们送往别处。
The worthless books should be weeded out from your library.那些没有价值的书应当从你的藏书中去除。故事记忆冠军因赛跑服用兴奋剂被除名,改行种庄稼:心充满 Greed贪婪想出名 Indeed确实地喝药加快 Speed速度差一点 Succeed成功偷一袋 Seed种子却长出 Weed杂草还长出 Reed芦苇拿去当 Feed饲料不是好 Deed行为被捕后心 Bleed流血自由最 Need需要故事记忆地下播下 Seed种子种出却是 Weed杂草只能当作 Feed饲料生存无法 Proceed继续冒险去采 Seaweed海带脚被刺伤 Bleed流血拼命加快 Speed速度回来销售 Succeed成功见财心生 Greed贪婪非常记忆we我们〖熟词〗+ed二弟〖拼音〗⇒我们逼着二弟除杂草联想记忆希望的种子seed在一片杂草weed中顽强生长对比记忆weedvi.除草⇒seed种子 w⇒形似杂草联想记忆种子seed落到地上长成了一片杂草weed联想记忆种子seed在杂草weed中顽强生长近义词 herb
反义词 cultivated plant栽培植物,罪…
用作名词n.My garden is running toweeds.我的院子里长满了杂草。用作动词v.≪用作不及物动词
S+~+AThe old man is weeding in the garden.这个老人在园子里除草。
Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun.农民在炎炎烈日下忙着除草。
S+~+ n./pron.Tomorrow I have to weed the garden.我明天得给花园除草。
In this country the men plant the corn and the women later weed it.在这个国家里,男人种植谷物,然后妇女为谷物除杂草。
I need someone to help me plant potatoes and weed the onions.我需要人帮我种土豆、给洋葱除草。Ppigweedn.苋藜Pragweedn.豚草Pduckweedn.浮萍Plocoweedn.疯草Ppride-weed飞蓬Pweedern.除草者Pchickweedn.繁缕Pcudweedn.鼠曲草Psnakeweedn.拳参Pgulfweedn.马尾藻Pmilkweedn.马利筋Ppondweedn.水池草Pbugleweed美洲地笋Pcatchweedn.猪殃殃Pgreenweedn.染料木Pjewelweedn.凤仙花Pseaweedn.海草海藻Pweediciden.除草剂Pbalsamweed二花凤仙Pjimsonweedn.曼陀罗Pknapweedn.黑矢车菊Ppokeweedn.美洲商陆Psilverweedn.银叶花Ptumbleweedn.风滚草Pweedlessa.无杂草的Pcutweed墨角藻囊褐藻Pbindweedn.旋花属植物Pburweedn.结刺果的植物Pbutterweed飞蓬属植物Phawkweedn.山柳菊属植物Pweedya.瘦弱的尽是杂草的Pcottonweedn.鼠曲草属植物Ppuke-weed北美山梗菜祛痰菜Pdriftweedn.漂浮海草漂浮海藻Pweededa.铲除了野草的野草丛生的Pfireweedn.火烧过的土地上易于生长的草类Pstinkweedn.曼陀罗发出臭味的植物望江南羊豆角




用作名词The garden is choked withweeds.花园杂草丛生。
She knelt down to pull aweedfrom the flower bed.她跪下来拔除花圃上的杂草。
There are so manyweedsin his field!他的田里有那么多野草!用作不及物动词He pulled off his coat and started toweedwith us.他脱去上装,开始和我们一起除草。
Tomorrow I have toweedthe garden.我明天得给花园除草。
We mustweedout the traitors in our midst!我们必须清除我们中间的叛徒!
We have toweedout unqualified applicants.我们必须淘汰不合格的申请人。as in.cigar
同义词 belvedere,bouquet,cheroot,claro,corona,havana,panatela,smoke,stogie,stogy,tobacco,tobyperfecto,tobieas in.marijuana
同义词 bhang,cannabis,dope,hashish,hemp,herb,teaganja,hash,joint,reefer,roachAcapulco gold,doobie,loco weed,maryjane,Maui wowie,Panama red,sinsemillaas in.pot
同义词 cannabisgrass,hashishmaryjaneas in.tobacco
同义词 cigarette,crop,smokingcigar,leaf,plant,shag,snuffas in.plant
同义词 flower,grass,herb,seedling,shrub,tree,vineannual,biennial,bush,creeper,cutting,greenery,perennial,shoot,slip,sproutas in.pull
同义词 drag,haul,pick,pluck,remove,rip,stretch,take out,tear,tow,trail,tug,yankcull,dislocate,evolve,extract,gather,heave,jerk,lug,paddle,rend,row,sprain,strain,truck,twitch,uproot,wrenchschleppas in.rake
同义词 comb,scour,scrapeclear,collect,enfilade,examine,gather,grade,graze,grub,harrow,hunt,ransack,rasp,remove,rummage,scan,scratch,scrutinize,search,smooth,sweepbreak up,clean up,clear up,fine-comb,fine-tooth-combas in.uproot
同义词 annihilate,demolish,displace,eradicate,exterminate,overthrow,overturn,wipe outabate,abolish,deracinate,eliminate,excavate,exile,extirpate,extract,move,removeblot out,dig up,do away with,pull up,root out,tear up,weed out
aliensnoun foreign being
blow ins,floaters,foreigners,greenhorns,guests,immigrants,incomers,interlopers,intruders,invaders,migrants,newcomers,noncitizens,outsiders,refugees,settlers,squatters,strangers,visitors,weeds
cigarnoun roll of tobacco
marijuananoun grass, pot
Acapulco gold,Maui wowie,Panama red,bhang,cannabis,doobie,dope,ganja,hash,hashish,hemp,herb,joint,loco weed,maryjane,reefer,roach,sinsemilla,tea,weed
plantnoun organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
potnoun marijuana
pullverb drawing something with force
cull,dislocate,drag,evolve,extract,gather,haul,heave,jerk,lug,paddle,pick,pluck,remove,rend,rip,row,schlepp,sprain,strain,stretch,take out,tear,tow,trail,truck,tug,twitch,uproot,weed,wrench,yank A weed is any a plant growing where you don't want it.
杂草,就是生长在你不希望看见它们的地方的植物。 yeeyan

But I plan to weed the yard today.

For a while he was a member of a kind of weed fringe group whose members sought out exotic specimens on rubbish tips, then took them home and lovingly nurtured them to see what they turned into.
他一度还是一个类似杂草边缘研究协会的成员。 协会的成员们在垃圾弃置地寻找别致奇异的品种,并把它们带回家,充满爱意的培育它们成长,以期看到它们最后会长成什么样儿。 ecocn

So not only has this great entrepreneur figured out a way to turn a weed into a market- ready fuel, but he does so by turning poor farmers into energy entrepreneurs.
这个伟大的企业家不但提出了将野草转化成市场化燃料的方案,而且通过将穷困农民转化成能源企业家的方式实现了这个方案。 yeeyan

Although the FDA classifies purslane as a broad-leaved weed, it's a popular vegetable and herb in many other countries, including China, Mexico, and Greece.
虽然美国食品及药物管理局把马齿苋归类为阔叶杂草,但它在许多国家却是一种受欢迎的蔬菜和草药,包括中国,墨西哥和希腊。 yeeyan

An agricultural version might navigate around farmland, checking for weed and insect infestations, and feeding itself as it went.
农用是另一个方向,它们会在农田里来回巡视,监视杂草和虫害,边走边“吃”。 ecocn

Baby boomers who smoked pot in their youth do not share previous generations' fear of the demon weed.
婴儿潮一代在青年时代就吸食大麻,而不像上一代人那样对恶魔杂草充满恐惧。 yeeyan

He says a dense, competitive crop that quickly shades the soil from the sun will help reduce weed growth.
他表示,经过密植的竞争性作物会很快遮蔽阳光,这将有助于抑制杂草生长。 ebigear

Hemp is the male plant and it grows like a weed, hence the slang term.
大麻是雄株植物,它像杂草一样迅速蔓延,因此,俚语。 yeeyan

I seem to deem his foreseeing of that the man will seek seeds in the weed.

I still do all of my own yard work, even the dreaded weed-pulling.
我仍然做我自家院子的所有劳动,甚至是令人畏惧的拔草。 yeeyan

I volunteered to weed the hospital garden.
我志愿给医院的花园除草。 yeeyan

In1984, when the invasion was first documented, the weed occupied one square metre of seabed. It could have been eradicated in half an hour.
在首次记录该物种入侵的1984年,这种杂草占领了一平方米的海床,而这种杂草本可以在半小时内就被根除。 yeeyan

Isn't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields?

My favourite, by far, is the pretty wild cornfield weed, Viola tricolor or heartsease, and the more you pick, the more it flowers.
我最喜欢的,是玉米地里诱人的野草,猫脸花或是三色堇,你摘得越多,它花开得越旺。 yeeyan

Nearby, an unidentified weed gains a month's stay. It is a small return for its cluster of tiny yellow paintbrush blossoms.
不远处,一棵不知名的野草赢得了一个月的暂住时间,这是对它一簇簇画笔一样的黄色花朵的小小回报。 yeeyan

No one forced him to indulge the false glamour of the weed.
没有人迫使他沉迷于这种毒草的虚假的魅力。 ecocn

Or they may be algae which colour the sea green, like the carpet of weed in Qingdao that nearly brought the sailing to a halt in last year’s Olympic games.
或者,他们可能是会把海洋漆成绿色的水藻。 就像去年奥运会上,青岛由杂草所形成的地毯一般——那几乎使帆船比赛都无法进行。 ecocn

Pick a few leaves from the common lawn weed plantain, wash them, mash them, and apply as a poultice to the affected skin.
从常见的草坪杂草车前草上摘几片叶子,洗净,捣碎,然后像膏药一样敷在受感染的皮肤上。 kekenet

Though near nightfall, the rank- smelling weed- flowers glowed as if they would not close for intentness, and the waves of colour mixed with the waves of sound.
虽然夜晚快要降临了,但是气味难闻的野草的花朵,却光彩夺目,仿佛听得入了迷面不能闭合了,颜色的波浪和琴音的波浪,相互融合在一起。 hjenglish

You should weed the garden before supper.




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